Chapter 20 : I'm sorry naruto....

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"" character talking
' character thinking
Hinata pov:
"Naruto please keep your eyes open" I keep sobbing on his chest where the blood is coming out I see he reaching for Something in His pocket he puts it in my hands "I'm sorry..." He closes his eyes I open the box to see a Engagement ring i start to cry even more I grab his scarf & left his Shirt I put pressure on his wounds "Come on Naruto don't give up I will save you like how you did for me So many times please keep open your eyes just one more time" I keep one of my hands on his wound with the scarf I grab my phone in my pocket I call for 911
On the phone with the police:
Hello what do you need help with ?
"My-" cries
Mam are you okay hello ?!!!
"My fiancé Protected me from falling Now he's bleeding to death please help me!!!" Cries over the phone
Mam where are you now please tell us ?
"Where in konoha street Where the Great Naruto Bridge is" keeps crying
Are you on the ice ?
"Yes we're in front of the bridge" still crying
Okay Mam the ambulance is on the way please keep clam
"O-Okay my phone is about to die so-"
Phone dies & hangs up
Hinata pov:
"I'm sorry Naruto..." cries "it's my fault that your hurt" Hina please don't cry "Naru?... Please keep talking" Sobs i could see he stop breathing I start to perform SPR On him "Come on Naruto stay with me please" I start to hear the ambulance Naruto starts coughing off blood but he's breathing i clam down a bit Mam are you alright!?? I nodded they start to run on the ice & pick up Naruto "please let me come with you?" I grab the person arm are you a family member? "No but I'm his fiancé please" Okay hurry sit right here I nodded and sat In the Ambulance they started to patch up Naruto Mam are you the one who did SPR? "Yes I'm a Medical student" If you weren't there he would of died my heart froze you saved his life the guy says cleaning up the cut on my forehead I start to cry "Oh thank goodness" I start to cry more we arrive at the hospital and they immediately take Naruto in surgery I stay in the waiting room crying I had a few cuts on me but they weren't bad I couldn't stop thinking about Naruto But then everyone came crashing in Kushina-sama & Minato came in with tsunade & jiraiya I also see Father & Hanabi I starting balling my eyes out when I saw them with worried faces Hinata what happened?! Kushina said running to me "It's all my fault!" I said sobbing "He save me from falling" what?.."Toneri he pushed me off the bridge...and and He jumped off to catch me then he fell right on his back" I said Sobbing "I should of been the one to be pushed off instead of him !" *Slap!* I felt my cheek burn Hinata ! Don't ever say that ! Naruto he told us that he would risk his life for you She said crying "But he said that he broke the promise he made to y'all" I said sobbing She drops down & hugs me Hinata I can't lose both of y'all you both are so precious to us I start to cry on her shoulder "I'm your daughter in law now" I said she stops Hugging me for a second and looks at me So he propose she says smiling & wiping my tears I nod Hinata he will make it don't worry she says smiling I nodded Then I see Sakura & Ino , Neji , Shikamaru , Chouji , Sai , Ten Ten , Sasuke , coming in What happened?! After a few minutes I explained to them what happened then I had to explain what happened to the police then we all stayed for a couple of more hours I couldn't sleep I kept thinking about Naruto For Naruto Namikaze Uzumaki we all got up yes ? Mrs. Namikaze your Son is doing just fine the Surgery went well I felt a Weight lift off my shoulders But he's in a coma "I-is he going to be okay ?" He turns to me Mrs.Namikaze he's going to be okay just give him time to heal if you like we could let you see him I nodded only two people aloud "Okay" I looked down & grabbed Kushina-Sama hand we both started to walk to his room I saw him with bandages all over I couldn't help but cry I felt Kushina-Sama hand tightened on mine It will be okay Don't cry Hinata she said wiping my tears I nodded We stayed for a while I wanted to stay with Naruto but the visiting hours were over Kushina offered me to stay at there house but I declined I just wanted to be in my room and think for while I couldn't sleep I just kept crying I was lock in my room I didn't want to come out I stayed up for a few hours then I went to sleep.
Naruto dreams:
Everything was still complete black but I felt like I was falling & the same things kept happening every time I felt like crying but seeing Hinata beautiful violet Pale eyes that looked so broken but every time I tried catching her she fall but right before she could fall on the ice it started all over again like déjà vu .
I do not own the pictures I put in my story & I do not own the naruto characters or naruto thank you & I know this chapter is short but , I hope you still in joy<3

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