Chapter 4: these feelings ....

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' character thinking
" character talking
Hinata pov:
'Should I text text him after school? Or right now ? , no focus in class *thinks about the wink the blonde gave her* *starts to blush* .'
Meanwhile later on
Naruto found all of his classes it was soon lunch time .
Naruto pov:
'My heart it still beats very fast when she talks, I don't know this feeling I didn't have this feeling with my ex or the other girls I've been with it's different I like it , I thought , *Ring* it broke my train of thoughts . "Oh It's Lunch , I gotta go before they come after me" , I put my my hood on and went to lunch not bothering to look for my friends I went outside with my lunch to the purple cherry blossom tree and sat down next to it .
Hinata pov:
'I saw naruto with his hood on , I wonder why he didn't sit with us ?'
Hey have y'all seen Naruto kun random girl's say while saying hi to sasuke , there will always be banshees I thought and giggle a bit without anyone noticing. I grab my things and went to my favorite tree to study with peace & quiet, but one I got over there I saw the blonde and ran a bit and blush went on my cheeks as soon as I heard hai hina , "hai Naruto can I join you"
Naruto pov:
"Of course hina how are you" *smiles*
I'm doing good how about you ?, " Same here hina", so how are you doing with the business she asked concern , " Don't worry everything is fine just a little tiring you know" she giggles it's so cute , yes I feel the same , since father is always training me for the company she said. 'I got sad thinking about it' "hina don't work so hard Kay? everyone needs a lil break once in a while" . Naru you should be taking your own advice, 'did she just call me naru ? *heart beats faster & a slight blush comes on my cheeks* "hina Your right, let's do something tomorrow since it's Saturday we can go alone or we could invite everyone if your free and if you want to hehe"
Hinata pov:
*DID Naruto just ask me out ?!! Starts to freak out* uh mhm Y-yes I - would love to *starts to smile*, Yeaa okay hina where'd you want to go ? , anywhere is fine with me , oh okay then it's a surprise then he winks at me I can feel the heat to my cheeks and I turn red as a tomato , I turn way so he doesn't see "O-ok W-what  t-time a-are y-you g-gonna p-pick m-me u-p ?" Just text me when you're ready he smiles . 'It fits him so well when he smiles I thought' o-oh okay naru *Ring* oh it's the last class of the day I said and I grab my things , then I felt a warm hand on mine . Hey hina let me walk you , naruto said I look down and nodded my head he smiled without letting go of my hand , i felt so at ease and warm in side as we walk alone when nobody was around to see .
Naruto pov:
Her hand is so comfortable & warm , soft I could never get rid of the feeling that Was in my heart every time I thought about her & talk to her , i kept blushing as I was holding on to her hand not caring if anyone saw, I walked her to her home room I let go of her hand "hina please tell me if anyone tries to mess with you okay" she smiled and said naru I kept my promise I've been in self defense classes , she said I smiled and gave her a hug before she left she walk into the classroom waving , I smiled and walk to my home room and thought ' Dam I'm falling hard , I will protect her as I thought that I smiled and walked into my home room' .
One person was watching them it was Toneri "she will be mine u better watch out Uzumaki Namikaze" as he took his phone & dial * favorite cousin* hello the person said "hey look who I found" *who* "naruto Uzumaki Namikaze & I just saw him hug my future wife" * well well this is interesting , I will transfer from Suna high to konoha high see you in two days Tonri she laughs* See you Shion.
After school:
Hey hinata wanna hang out in my place right now ? Sakura asks "yea I gotta tell you something *starts to blush*" Sakura saw her and smiled dragging her in her pink car . Hinataaaaa spell I haven't seen u like this since u and Kiba we're together , "Naruto ask me out" she gasp
" and he's talking me out tomorrow" she squeals "also It's a surprise" she then screams my ship is gonna work out I know it ! That's great hinata I'm so happy for for you oo what are u gonna where ?! Are u gonna wear makeup!?
"Sakura?! , Bestfriend Sakura!" She then stop what hina ? "Your going a little over bored *giggles*" How could I not Hina your my best friend and I haven't seen you really happy about a date & with a Naruto of all people & now if you and naruto start dating we can go on a double date with me and sasuke yayyy it's going to be fun she yelled, " I'm happy y'all got together last year Sakura * I smile*" yea me too she said anyway let's look for outfit for tomorrow she squeals "I nod & smile" .
Hinata pov :
'Should I text him ?! Or should I wait till tomorrow ?! You know what I'm gonna it do it Alr I'm gonna do it' *sends texts* "Sakura I sent him a text !!!" What he say!!?? she ran to me " .
Text messages
Naru❤️: hey naru it's me hinata
Hina❤️: Oh hey hina send me your address so I know where to pick u up tomorrow 😂
Naru❤️: it's *****
Hina❤️: thanks Hina see you tomorrow ❤️
Naru: see you later naru❤️
Sakura pov:
Omg there so cute I squeal a little bit while helping hinata get her clothes ready tomorrow I see her face red as a tomato she's so happy I thought *starts to smile* "Hina you should go get some sleep for your date tomorrow *winks* I drop you off "okay Sakura".
Hinata pov:
'On the car ride some I could feel these feelings get stronger, Sakura was right , she's so happy which makes me happy too , I can't get him out of my mind either, " see you Sakura" see u Hina tell me all the details *winks & giggles*
"Okay" . Welcome home lady hinata , welcome big sister, "hello Neji & Hanabi , tomorrow I'm going out.... *both gasp* With who!? They both said , "uh ah mhm hm I said it really quick I'm going with now NarutoUzumakiNamikaze !
Huh? Sister? Can you repeat that lady hinata We couldn't hear you ? " I'm going out on a date with Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze !" The guy you been crushing on since forever? *nods head* good for you lady hinata and you have nothing on your schedule tomorrow so it's perfect , yea Eder sister they both smile , " Thanks you guys , I guess i will go tell father that I'm not going to be here tomorrow goodnight you guys , 'I take the bag with clothes I have upstairs and place them so they be ready for tomorrow then went to asleep'.
Group meeting to spy on hinata date texts.
Sakura 🌸: Guys Hinata is going on a date with NARUTO!!!
Ino 💐: O M G frs ?
Shika: what a drag I already know what your thinking 🤦🏻‍♂️
Neji : yea me too
Sasuke : hn say it Alr 🤦🏻‍♂️
Sakura 🌸: Let's spy on there date !
Ino 💐: I'm down
Neji : me too she's my cousin after all
Shika : it's such a drag but I'm down
Sasuke : me to can't let dobe be a idiot
Sakura 🌸: Okay then it's settled everybody meet at my house at 11:30
Everyone: got it
I hope y'all are liking the story so far , comment some ships u want me to do next I will do them thankyou hope You in joy the story <3

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