Chapter 13: I'm sorry Hinata....

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"" character talking
' character thinking
________________________________It's been a almost a month since me & Naruto got together on the 3rd . We hang out every day after school and Sunday's when we're free i had to do extra training for two weeks but I guess it's fine Toneri Ōtsutsuki keeps bothering me when Naruto is not around but good thing I punch him every time he touches me Then he just walks away but It's so close to Halloween already it's on 31st which is this Friday there's a Halloween dance me & Naruto have been talking about it we're probably going with the gang I still wonder why naruto was spacing out on his birthday I hope he's okay.
Hinata pov:
"Hey naru do you want to costume shopping?" Yea that's a great idea hina , he said while opening the door for me , "Do you think what I'm thinking?" Yea! On One two three "The Nightmare Before Christmas" The Nightmare Before Christmas , we both start to laugh "can I do your makeup?" Of course hina he says smiling, where do you want to go? "To the mall I know a costume store in there" Okay hina , he says while driving out of the school's parking lot , "Are you excited about about the dance?"
Yea what about you ? "Yupp" he smiles while keeping his eyes on the road , he puts his Hand on mine and tightened his grip , it's so warm & soft and comforting but at the same time protecting me , it's quiet but the air is so tense I wanted to break it but he did before I could , We're here hina , he says smiling , "okayy," he got out and walk around & open my door hina after we're done shopping do you wanna get ice cream? "Yes that would be great" he lock the car I grab his hand and we started walking, "hey naru I wanted to ask you something?" What's up? "I was wondering what's wrong you seem very sad?" He stayed quiet it's nothing hina let's just go he said smiling, 'I know that's not his smile' I thought as we walk in the mall holding hands , I noticed his fan girls walking over to us I tightened my hold on his hand . Hey sweet face , hey your cute, let's go somewhere Bebe . He turns me around and kisses me on my lips , Nah I have my cutie right here let's go babe , he grabs my hand and we start to walk we both started to laugh . I wonder when there gonna stop I already have a beautiful girlfriend and your mine, I stop walking , what's wrong hina ? I go on my top toes and kiss him on the lips "I love you naru" I love you to hina , he says kissing me on my forehead "that's the story naru" I point at it he smiles and we run in there we looked for jack & sally costumes & then we looks for the makeup "I found it loook naru" really? he comes with bags in his hand , "look let put eyeliner on you" Mhm okay he puts down the masks and learns down "okay stay still" I put it on him and I just smudge it a lil bit and when I look at him i could feel my face blush so hina how do I look?

 I wonder when there gonna stop I already have a beautiful girlfriend and your mine, I stop walking , what's wrong hina ? I go on my top toes and kiss him on the lips "I love you naru" I love you to hina , he says kissing me on my forehead "that's...

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(How he looks , I tried to do the eyeliner so sorry if it looks bad also not my art So all credits to the Artist)
"You look perfect" really let me see I took a photo of him "here look!!" Wow I look hot he winks at me , I started to blush "l-let's go buy ice cream" I said looking away , while grabbing the makeup we need for the costumes , but then he grabs my chin hina don't look away I love it when you blush he says kissing me "I-I know" *giggles* , hey look at the couple there so cute I heard a couple of people say . See hina everyone says so, he says smiling "Okay naru" we walk up to the counter and I paid for the makeup. We walk out while holding bags , So hina what kind of ice cream you want ? "Um cookies & cream, what about you ?" Uh Rocky road he says in excitement , "Okay let's go then naru" we walk to the ice cream shop, hello can I have a Rocky road & Cookies and cream please naruto says smiling I could tell the worker was blushing which was getting me annoyed, here you go Thank you come again she said , thank you , here you go hina he said while kissing my forehead, we started to walk to a table. Hey Hinata I see Sakura yelling and dragging Sasuke with her "hey Sakura-Chan, hello Sasuke" hn , what are y'all doing here hina Sakura says , yo ! Sakura Chan & Sasuke naruto says "we're shopping for costumes what about you Sakura-Chan" Same thing what are y'all gonna be ? "The Nightmare Before Christmas, Jack & Sally what about you?" That explains the eyeliner dobe , yea where doing Corpse Bride "really we're doing both Tim Burton" that's so coool "I know righttt" Sakura & Sasuke both sit down in front of me and Naruto "So are you doing Sasuke makeup?" Yupp what about you "yup that's why he's wearing eyeliner" we both started to giggle I could tell naruto got embarrassed it looks so cute , we started to talk about the Halloween party. We should all go together I nodded , yea that's good what ya think teme ? Hn so that's a yes , we could do it at my house my mom won't mind everyone nodded "okay then it's settled" well bye hina We're going to my house she gives me a hug "okay Sakura-Chan bye" they started to walk off while Naruto & I waved them off hina are you ready? I nodded "so is your mom really okay with it ?" Yea I texted her she's okay with it as long as she can take photos "oh that's good" he nods and kisses me on my forehead while we're walking out to his car. He unlocks the doors & opens my door I walk in and sit down with putting the bags in the back seat, hina did you like the ice cream ? "Yes it was good how was yours" it was good he said smiling while turning on the car . He puts his hand on mine while driving "naruto if there's anything wrong please tell me okay?" I will Hinata , please talk to neji he says while parking the car in front of my house "I will but why?" He walks out & opens my door and grabs the bags . Hina just trust me it's not my place so please forgive me he says while kissing my forehead & getting in his car and driving off 'what is he talking about?, I hope we don't break up' I thought while walking to the door & opening it "I'm home".
Naruto pov:
I walkout & opens hina door and grab the bags . "Hina just trust me it's not my place so please forgive me" I say while kissing her forehead & getting back in the car & driving off. I felt tears rolling down and the eyeliner rolling down my face don't worry Hinata I'm gonna break this Dam contract I said while speeding to my house . I lock my car & slam my door I run to the house "Mom Dad please?!" I hear them running in I could feel the tears flowing down my face "Dad let's make the contract Hyūga's" Son I still have to contact mrs.Hyūga about it "Dad I was planning on marrying Hinata after high school!" I already have the paperwork Me and your mom have a meeting with them "Really??," they both nodded, I fell down to my knees "oh thank god , thank you mom thank you dad" I said while wiping my tears they both got down & hugged me , "dad would you mind going engagement ring shopping with me mom you could come to" of course son , Mom nodded
Go get some sleep honey make sure to take a shower & brush your teeth make sure to clean up your face with soap she says giggling "oh I will sorry hina was putting eyeliner on me, but thank you guys" I said while walking up the stairs to do my route , 'I hope hina is okay I thought'.
Hinata pov:
I hope we don't break up' I thought while walking to the door & opening it "I'm home" lady hinata , lord Hiashi  is calling you he said while looking down "neji please talk to me Naruto said you would tell me !" Please lady Hinata we're tell you let's go upstairs to lord Hiashi office I nodded while walking up the stairs with Neji we went to my room first to drop the bags we went to fathers office 'I'm worried' I thought while knocking on the door "father I'm home" lord Hiashi I brought lady hinata , okay Come in we opened the door and I see Toneri Ōtsutsuki!? "What's going on here?" Well the Hyūga company has been losing money "father you didn't tell me I'm the clans Heiress I should be informed about theses things!" Hinata ! "Sorry father" anyways we needed to get back up on are feet so the Ōtsutsuki's offer to help us so they make marriage contracts between there kids.... "So that means...." it means your my fiancé Toneri says, well it isn't official yet not till next year in March. I started to feel the tears falling down my face I couldn't feel anything but pain & It was a relief that he said it wasn't official till next year but all I could think about was naruto & how much pain he has been that's why he couldn't tell me I felt more tears falling I walk out father's office and grab my keys than ran to my car crying I couldn't think about anything I went straight to Sakura house and called her *rings*
On the phone:
What's up hina ?
"Please come outside"
Wait what's wrong? I'm coming
Hangs up:
I see Sakura running to my car and opening it what's wrong Hinata Did naruto do something?! I will go beat him up for you "it's not him" then what's wrong you're crying?!
"The company is losing money and the Ōtsutsuki's offer to help us but they make marriage contracts between there kids....So that means...." it means Toneri is your fiancé "yes but Father says it's not official yet till next year in March" mhm... "but it hurts so bad Naruto knew he couldn't tell me & he was hurting so much that's why he kept spacing out I could see his tears before he drop me off but he didn't show me" hina..I think naruto didn't want you to find out by him because he probably knows that you wouldn't believe him , I bet before he drop you off you where thinking the worst like breaking up or anything like that but I could see clear as day that he cares & loves you everyone could see it sometimes when I ask him about you sometimes he doesn't ever stop he really does love you I bet he's trying his best right now to find any ways to get you out of this stupid contract, hina he really loves you okay she says while hugging me. "Thank you , Sakura-Chan!" I said sobbing do you want to spend the night? I nodded okay mom can wash your clothes by the time it's tomorrow morning they will be ready & you can borrow some of my clothes okay hina "okay Sakura-Chan , I will call father right now" okay hina I will be inside she said while walking out the car & walks to her house. I wipe my face and open my phone to see 5 phone calls from dad and 20 from neji and two missed calls from a random number & two messages from neji.
On the phone:
Hinata where are you?!
"I'm sorry father, I'm at Sakura-Chan's house" oh okay you worried me hinata I know I don't say it often but I do care and I know you care for that Namikaze boy but- "No father I loved him & care for him did you ever think that I didn't?"
No hinata , please call me tomorrow okay? "I will bye father" bye hinata
Hangs up:
I get out the car locking it and grab my keys and phone walking in Sakura-Chan house I walk up to her room &*knocked* "Sakura-Chan it's me" come in hina , I walk in , hina your clothes are in the rest room and your toothbrush is already there "oh okay thanks Sakura-Chan" I did my normal routine , "Thanks Sakura Chan" it's fine hina sometimes everyone needs a break she says smiling I nodded, let's go to sleep okay hina ? "Okay"
Goodnight hina , "goodnight Sakura-Chan"
The next morning:
Hina wake up it's time for school Morning hina your school clothes are done washing there in the restroom "Oh okay Thank you" I went in the restroom and did my normal routine I put my school uniform on with the tights "hey Sakura-Chan do you want a ride to school today?" No but thanks hina Sasuke is picking me up today "oh okay well bye Sakura-Chan" bye hina she gives me a hug I put on my shoes & grab my phone , keys and walk out the door. *buzzing*
Text messages
Naru❤️: hey hina I'm not going to be at school today so stay safe I already called neji to take care of you when I'm not there
Hina/me❤️: Oh okay but what are you doing?
Naru❤️: I'm going Shopping with dad & mom but the stuff we need is in the next town
Hina/me❤️: okay will be safe
Naru❤️: I will love you
Hina/me❤️: I love you too
Text messages end:
'I wonder where he's going so important' I thought walking to my car , I start to drive to school, 'I hope naruto is okay' i thought parking In the parking lot I lock my car & grab my school bag & phone I started to walk to my locker, & I saw Toneri Ōtsutsuki waiting there hey sweet cheeks, i just open my locker and got my books & ran to my first period where I saw Neji waiting for me "hello Neji" hello lady hinata are you okay ? Your out of breath "I...was...running...from...Toneri.." why ? "I didn't want to talk to him Neji!" Oh I see... I just walk in the class sitting next to Ten Ten. 'I really hope Naruto comes back soon'.
Naruto pov:
I woke up took a shower, brush my teeth, and went downstairs 'I should text hina & tell her that I'm going shopping with mom & dad for the engagement ring for her' and I should text Neji to keep her safe *texts*
Text messages with Neji:
Naruto/me: Hey neji I'm not going to school today or Tomorrow so make sure hinata is safe
Neji:I will
Text messages with Hina
Naruto/me❤️: hey hina I'm not going to be at school today so stay safe I already called neji to take care of you when I'm not there
Hina❤️: Oh okay but what are you doing?
Naruto/me❤️: I'm going Shopping with dad & mom but the stuff we need is in Suna so I won't be back till Thursday night so please stay by Neji
Hina❤️: okay I will be safe
Naruto/me❤️: I will love you
Hina❤️: I love you too
Text messages end:
I started to walk downstairs, I hope hina is gonna be okay. "Good morning Mom , Good moring Dad" Good moring Son , Good morning Naruto are you ready "yes mom" Okay let's get going to Suna "dad it takes two days to get Over there right?" Yes he said grabbing his keys and the suitcases for the trip "Okay" we locked the house and went to dad's truck. Minato Where are we shopping for the engagement ring!! She says in excitement "Mom we're going to Cherry Blossom rings" Ohhh that place is good who gave you that idea? "Dad , that's where he bought yours" mom started to blush so did dad "let's get going" r-right dad says driving . I looked out the window thinking about Hinata.
Hinata pov:
It's been couple of hours since This morning , I don't have his warmth but his jacket is still there so it makes me feel better. I've been walking with our group all day so I could get away from Toneri he's been more pushy ever since that night.. that father told me about the contract I couldn't stop thinking about it & how bad it hurts when I think about it I haven't noticed that the time has passed & I hear the bell Ring , it broke my thoughts I grabbed my things & went to my locker I simply open it & put my books up then it close it I hear Toneri slam his hand on my locker I didn't flinch I didn't move all I did was be on my Guard. Hey sweet cheeks you been ignoring me all day I just wanna talk come on "I can't I have training to do" your lying Hinata ! I know you are ! I see Neji rushing over to my locker "No I'm not , Ask Neji" he turns around to neji there the same hight Hey Hyūga Is it true , He nods yes lady hinata also has a meeting with her father so we shall take are leave. He says grabbing my wrist we start to walk out to my car . How long as he been doing this ? I looked down "since i first started high school" I'm sorry lady hinata i failed to protect you once again "it's fine neji it's my fault I didn't tell anyone. Naruto has always been there protecting me" he stays quiet "Neji your like my big bother and you always protected me" he smiles & hugs me thank you lady hinata , I will see you at home he says walking off to his car. I went inside mine and started to drive back to the Hyūga mansion.
Naruto pov:
"Theses are perfect! Mom , Dad Lookkk!" , Wow Son these are perfect, Kushina look Naruto pick them out Already I see mom running over to where we are those are gorgeous Naruto You should get them "I'm" I take out my wallet and pay for the two rings "Thank you" we left the store "hey Dad are Done today with the kazekage's" yes we should be going home today "Oh rightttt I get to see my hinaaaa" Son your a little loud your fan girls are gonna chase us. "Oh right hehe...."
We start to walk out the gates then we saw the kazekage's "Heyy Gaara Temari Kankuro" hello naruto going so soon "yea I'm gonna propose to my girlfriend" Whattttt!!! The Kazekage's said Naruto! "Sorry mom, Gaara already knew" I said sticking my tongue The most unpredictable Kankuro said laughing . Wow I'm surprised out of all of us that your gonna tie the nod first Temari said "yea I guess but don't say anything please" they all nodded "we'll see y'all" I wave bye , while mom & dad said bye to the Kazekage's . 'I really can't wait to see hina'.
Hinata pov:
I started to walk inside my house I also see Neji's car already in the driveway so he's probably already here . I open the door & walk in side "I'm home" welcome home elder sister "hello Hanabi how was school?" It was good hinata"that's good-"Lady Hinata lord Hiashi is requesting you "okay Neji I'm coming, sorry Hanabi let's talk later Kay?" Okay elder sister 'she looks so sad when I have to go' i thought walking up the stairs to fathers office *knocks*
"Father I'm here" come in hinata I started to walk in the office "yes father?" Hinata sit I did as I was told and did so "yes father?" Why do you love Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze my heart drop when he said his name even though I wanted to cream out the words I stayed clam
"I admired his commitment to training no matter how many mistakes he made he always continued on in his training to be the ceo of his father & mother companies I looked to find a way to stand up for myself the same way Naruto did, and he truly cares for me he's always standing up for me against the person your forcing me to "merry" and I will say it again and again I love Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze!" I see He said looking down you may leave . "Yes father" I got up and left to my room & lock the door 'I hope I see naruto tomorrow' i thought while silently crying .
I do not own the pictures I put in my story & I do not own the naruto characters or naruto thankyou , I hope you still in joy hopefully today I will post later & I have posted a new story it's a naruto genderbend I hope you enjoy that story as well as this one thankyou <3

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