Chapter 10: I can't sleep..

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"" character talking
' character thinking
Hinata pov:
It's so warm I was asleep but then I woke up in the arms of the man I love. His warm sun kiss skin cuddling me I could feel his abs through his shirt there so smooth he's hugging me so tightly & warm I can't help but snuggle
My face in his chest till I hear hina that tickles
He laughs a bit "wait your awake naru?" I feel so embarrassed. Yea I was asleep but I couldn't go back to sleep what about you hina? "I couldn't go back to sleep either" he laughs a little I think mom took pictures of us , he  whispers "mhm why you say that?" I whisper back , because the door is open and I heard a clicking sound , "ohh" hey hina guess what "what?" I love you Hinata Hyūga he whispers I turn tilt my head up I could see he's smiling & he kisses my forehead. "I love you to Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze" I said kissing his lips he slowly holds my hips while we're kissing I feel so safe , his kisses so warm and loving every time we kiss I feel like I'm floating and I never wanna let go. We stopped kissing , he slowly turns me around and puts his head in my chest and puts his arms around me & hugs me I hug him back it's so quiet and peaceful then I feel tears sliding down my chest I hear him hina you saved me thank you , "your welcome love but naru you also saved me from myself" I start crying tears of joy on his blonde soft hair
"goodnight naru" goodnight hina we close are eyes and slowly go to sleep in each other arms.
Kushina let's go we shouldn't spy on them! "But Minato are son's girlfriend is spending the night in the room across from his room" yes I know but I don't think she's like that Kushina , "yes but it's still fun to spy" she winks at him "fine but then we go to sleep right after"
They slowly walk upstairs to check if Hinata went back in room , they start to freak out when's she's not in there so they crawl to naruto room because the last time they check naruto & hinata we're watching a movie and Kushina remember opening the door & talking photos of them while they cuddle & she left the door open for many reasons. They hear talking and Minato is holding Kushina down so they could listen and if they hear any funny business there gonna bust them . They hear very closely listen to what there son says I love you Hinata Hyūga , I love you to Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze ,Then they hear *kissing , & the bed moving* Kushina immediately tries to get up till Minato slightly pushing her down "what are you doing Minato !" She whispers Kushina wait I don't think that there doing that look just listen. They hear there son crying saying hina you saved me thank you , they automatically sigh in relief that there son found someone who truly cares about him , they listen to what hinata says your welcome love but naru you also saved me from myself... Kushina starts to silently cry remembering what the dark blue hair said to her. Minato asks what's wrong till they're both hear the two teenagers talking
goodnight naru, goodnight hina . Both Kushina & Minato get up to see the two sleeping teens holding each other they both smile at them seeing there son sleeping peacefully in his girlfriend's chest while his girlfriend is holding him safely in her arms sleeping peacefully , they walk away at the lovely sight walking downstairs when Minato is wiping his wife's tears away. what's wrong Kushina? He asks smiling "When hinata & I we're making dinner I've told her that I like cooking with her & and talking with her but then she told me", I lost my mother I haven't had any real experience with the motherly bond I always had to take on that role for my sister & cousin, so it feels nice to have that with you , "that's what she told me but then you know I starting crying hehe *rubs the back of her head" but it seemed like , she was in so much pain almost heartless but when she looks at naruto or talks with us she's so different from her father or her clan , she's more like her mother but most of her clan members are heartless you know" he nods "well it's like Naruto Saved her from her past , she's grateful for us , especially naruto ." Yes she would make a great wife for naruto just like how you are with me he smiles and kisses Kushina forehead , "yes she will" .
I do not own the pictures I put in my story & I do not own the naruto characters or naruto thankyou , I'm sorry this chapter is a little short, but I hope you still in joy Tomorrow i will be posting two more chapters <3

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