Chapter 11: The shopping date

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"" character talking
' character thinking
Hinata pov:
I woke up smiling , but then I look down to see Naruto smiling because his face is in my chest, "oh naruto what are you doing" he gets up so fast that he accidentally puts his hands on my breast sorry ! hina I didn't want to wake you up you just look so peaceful he answered truthfully "oh really ?" Yup he smiles , "Can you get your hands off my breast" He looks down at where his hands are , Sorry Hinaaaa I didn't mean to "it's fine naru" *smiles* hina you have nice boobies , So please put on clothes "NARUTO!" I get up and push him out the door . Hina I'm sorry , I didn't mean to get you mad he says . "Well I'm gonna take a shower! , think about your how you've put your words !" I say kinda mad , I'm glad that he doesn't want anyone to see me . But boobies really Naruto' I thought getting the brand new clothes & Body wash , conditioner from gym bad that i left on Naruto's chair , I stepped in the restroom & place my clothes on the sink while I placed the body wash & conditioner in the shower I started walked to the shower & open the warm water and stepped in. *two hours later*
Naruto pov:
I really hope I didn't upset her I gave her a complement , Baka naruto you said boobies , I thought calling my self an idiot as I walk downstairs into the kitchen "Goodmoring mom & dad". Goodmoring naruto, Goodmoring son
Kushina & Minato say , "dad can I borrow one of your suits?" Mhm why son? "Because I kinda got hina mad & I don't want to mess with her right now" I say rubbing my head , Naruto is that why she was yelling at you, mom asks "yea..., but don't worry I'm gonna say sorry before me & dad leave" mhm good naruto you can use are shower & and there are clean boxers on our bed. Mom says "thanks mom" naruto my suits are in the second closet "okay thanks dad" I said going in my parents room on the first floor. I go to the restroom & turn on the hot shower, *one hour later* I put one towel around my waist & one on my head & walk to my parents bed and grab the folded boxes and get the black suit from the second closet I put the clothes on and I walk in the kitchen to see hina eating & talking with mom I see dad reading the newspaper like every morning, "excuse me mom , may I have a word with hina?" She nodded and I put my hand ouAnd help her out of her seat and i lead her to the back yard . We stepped out side " I'm sorry hinata I shouldn't have said boobies, I'm kinda dumb" yea I know I forgive you naruto , thank you for worrying about my well being "Of course I would worry , your my girlfriend" I kiss her forehead, she looks at me , your tie is mess up she says while fixing it "oh thank you I'm never good at those things" I said rubbing my head , done she gives me a kiss on the lips , "well me and dad have to go, because of the training it's such a drag" we both laughed well what's your favorite cake flavor naru "um orange" oh okay well we should get going naru you have a your training today so work hard. I know that's your dream so stick with it she says smiling as she turns around to go back inside I hugged her from the back "thank you hina , have a good day with mom Kay?" She nods I give hey a kiss on the forehead we walk back inside I see dad grabbing his keys , before he could say anything I grab my phone "I'm coming dad bye mom bye hina" bye naru , bye naruto they said waving I close the door and walk with dad dragging my feet not wanting to go but rather spend the day with my girlfriend.
Hinata pov:
I see off naruto and kinda feeling sad that he has to go to training but at least I get to spend the day with Kushina-sama or mom. Hey hina do you wanna go grab the stuff for the cake ? "By Yes m-mom , I will go put on my shoes" okay hinaa , I put on my black flats and grabbed my phone . "Hey M-mom I'm ready" Than she grabs my hand , let's go to the super market than the mall ooo we could go shopping ! She says I smile "okay Kushina-sama" she smiles and locks the house as we race to her car she unlocks the doors I walk to the passenger side and get in , then mom gets in she's starts to drive it's quiet till Kushina breaks it . Hey hina why did you fall in love with my son I sit there quiet knowing the answer, "ever since I was little My hands were always so cold just like ice till I've met him , Naruto hands were so big & warm , comforting which led me to be the same way I never felt this way about Kiba , we were distant it was hurting me because I never got that type of warmth or comforting with my family the Hyūga's were always so cold & distance just like Neji was till Naruto knocked some sense in him . We're a private clan so I always felt so lonely even after mom past away I could barely play with my little sister because of all the training I had to do but then I met Naruto who was a free spirit & didn't care what others thought he's the reason why I met Sakura & are group that kept me from going heartless or I would of been like the rest of the clan he started to heal my wounds in my heart a long time ago , I'm glad that he was there , that's why I fell in love with him now". You know hinata , when naruto was little he was always talking about a little girl with Violet eyes & dark purple hair , I always wanted to talk with her because the way he would talk about her his eyes where always so glowing, they were like that till we moved. Till he met Shion his eyes turn dull like they lost all there color they were like that till he met you again I understand why my son fell In love with you I'm glad that you saved him I didn't realize that little girl was you. She smiles "T-thank you , I'm so glad that I did" we stopped at the grocery store. We both get out the car and starts walking in side the store, "we should make a double layer cake" yes gnat would be great hina , great thinking you know! *giggles*
We get all the stuff to make the cake for Naruto's birthday & drop it off at the house , so we could go shopping, it was fun talking with someone who's so open & loving , hina you should come every weekend, "I wish but I'm the heiress to the company so father is always training me" aww to bad they should give you a break hina she says with a pout walking in the mall "it's not too bad once you get used to it , and I like being a doctor so I could help people " Well I'm glad to hear that she smiles "yea me too". We walked around a bit & brought clothes for Naruto & we had a good time till I saw him Toneri Ōtsutsuki walking with his friends walking up to us. Hey sweet cheeks, where's your boyfriend now, he laughs and smirks at me . "Get lost Toneri" I grab Kushina-sama hand and started to walk away trying not to cause a scene. But he grabs me where are you going little lady he says , I twisted his hand and pushed him to the ground trying to hold back Kushina-sama from beating the lights out of him , "it's fine Kushina-sama , we should go now please" she looks at me and nods we start walking to the car & and put the bags in there . "I'm sorry Kushina-sama , it's my fault" no no it's fine hinata how long as he been messing with you? "A while but Naruto is always there for me so he barely comes around" so that's why tsunade called & warned me about Toneri Ōtsutsuki "Wait?! So you know he got in a fight?!" Yes duh I saw his hands she giggles , let me see your wrist "okay" hina there it's all swollen come on let's go so we could put some ice on "okay .. thank you for not getting mad at him" I said in whispers , hina he was protecting you it's fine, I didn't tell minato because i didn't want him getting mad at naruto for doing something that's right she smiles "Thank you" she nods and turns the car on and starts to drive I started to feel tried so I dozed off a bit In the car.
Kushina pov:
'She's so quiet and shy the opposite of me I'm loud and not shy but we do have something in common we're both honest which is good we need someone like her in the family' I thought as I saw her asleep 'I wonder how long has she had to deal with creeps like that , I should let her get some sleep' I thought talking the back roads to the house.
Toneri Pov:
"That's it I'm gonna have her as my wife and then she won't refuse me!" I said diving to the Hyūga Mansion. I get off the car and bang on the door hello Toneri Ōtsutsuki what can we do for you ? "I want to talk to Mrs.Hyūga ! So bring me to his office" yes sir she says bringing me up stairs to his office. Mrs.Hyūga , Mr.  Toneri Ōtsutsuki wants to talk to you , okay send him in "Mrs.Hyūga Do you agree with our deal?! Cause if not Your company will lose all its money!" Yes Mr. Ōtsutsuki I have no choice... the wedding will be next year "great".
Hinata pov:
Hina wake up we're here, she sounds just like mom "okay mom" I said groggy rubbing my eyes to see a smiling Kushina-sama, I start to smile , hina let's get the bags inside "okay" we both grabbed the bags and walk in side , hina I can get those go put some ice on your wrist "no it's okay Kushina-sama , oh and please don't tell naruto I don't want him getting in trouble" okay but only this once , she says "Okayy, let's go bake the cakeee!" I said excited yes let's do it
One hour later:
They finish baking the orange cake , and put it in the fridge for tomorrow so Hinata & Kushina they both decided to watch a movie and order take out they had a great time & they waited for naruto & minato to get there once they heard the door open they both run "welcome home" I said Kushina sama hugs both of them we all go in the kitchen to have the takeout, then naru goes to take a shower , I put my stuff that I bought naruto into a gift bag & hides it in the guest room I'm staying in. Your turn hina "okay ," after Hinata is done showing she sits by naruto and they both crash out sleeping peacefully together In each other arms.
I do not own the pictures I put in my story & I do not own the naruto characters or naruto thankyou , I hope you still in joy Tomorrow i will be posting two more chapters <3

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