Chapter 2 : Is it really him?

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' character is thinking
"" character is saying something pic not mine ^
Hinata pov
"It's been 3 years since then I kept my promise I gain more confidence and no one really bothers me anymore. I'm still quiet, My father is always on my back at least I still have my Bestfriend Sakura & my other friends since middle school all of us still hang out & we all go to Konoha they were kinda sad that Naruto left with out a word but nobody talk about it but I miss him even when I thought I had lost the feelings I had & started dating kiba but I had lost those feelings we broke up a year ago". 'I wonder if he's coming back to Japan or staying in America'
Naruto pov:
"Japan here I come I thought" Naruto come here and help me with the kitchen!
"Okay mom"
Kushina pov:
Naru thankyou for helping me
Naruto pov:
"Of course mom" , 'i smiled at her'
Kushina Pov:
So I went to the school that's Close by you will be going there it's called konoha high "okay mom" AND DON'T BE BRINGING HOME DIFFERENT GIRLS EVERY WEEK OKAY !
Naruto pov:
Y-yes m-mom it's just you know ever since ' I felt my heart kinda hurt and I stop thinking about it because she wasn't worth it anyways I thought'
Kushina pov:
'I saw his smile went away' "honey if she really like you she wouldn't of have broken your heart I know honey but Shion she didn't even treat you right I never like her ya know" !
Naruto pov:
Hahahaha'I started to giggle my mom always brought a smile on my face' "Mom your right thankyou maybe this can be a fresh new start" 'then only one thought cross my mind hina I wonder if she goes to konoha high.' "Oh crap I forgot about the gang there going to kill me"
Kushina pov:
'There's my son I thought he's all so grown up and very handsome like his father' "by the way naruto I didn't tell the teachers about the name is that alright?".
Naruto pov:
"It's fine mom I kinda don't really care everyone already knows in Japan" but I'm gonna go head to Ichiraku's for some ramen ya know see ya mom i will be home by 8:00
Meanwhile Hinata pov
"We were all at Ichiraku's place with the whole gang eating & talking".
Kushina pov :
Okay hun I will call Minato and tell him and please be careful on your way out Kay ?
Naruto pov:
"Okay mom" , I grab my car keys and went straight to Ichiraku's, I put on some music as I went over there 'I started to think about hina I hope she's okay'. I parked and I went inside I noticed how it got huge I like it this way I thought. "Hey old man how are you ?" Is that you Naruto ? "Yea the one & only" 'I smiled then he gave me a hug' it's good to see you naruto look at you u look so grown up' "thankyou I miss eating here ya know also it's good to see you Ayame" yea you to naruto she smiled did u just get out of work ? She ask in concern". "Well before the flight I had a business meeting with my dad but I'm not working yet so don't be too worried Ayame I smiled at her" okay Naruto what u gonna eat Today ? " I will have miso ramen to go I smiled at her" got it she said I called my mom and told her I was coming home with the ramen so we could hang out she was so excited & happy when I told her that".
Hinata pov:
Hey you guys did you hear naruto? Sakura ask I shook my head I didn't here anything Ino said me either rock lee said The rest of the group said no , in till we all heard "Miso ramen Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze" we all look surprised and got up & heard screams and squeals From girls inside the restaurant.
Naruto pov:
"Thankyou Ayame bye old man" then I heard the screams & squeals I look and saw girls coming at me I started to run to my car and I made it just In time to leave.
Hinata pov:
"Did u just see him or am I going crazy"
No I saw him Ino said with her mouth open
"Yea me to" everybody said . 'I can believe he's actually here I thought and he look so handsome with that suit on I thought'.
What do y'all think of the story I hope ya in joy I hope y'all are liking the story so far , comment some ships u want me to do next I will do them thankyou hope You in joy the story <3 btw all credits to the Artist who did the pics

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