Chapter 9: The full truth

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"" character talking
' character thinking
I know I cried when I saw this picture:(
Hinata pov:
Me & Kushina or mom were cooking and talking , hey hina I like doing these things with you it's like your my own daughter she said smiling, "Me too ever since I lost my mother I haven't had any real experience with the motherly bond I always had to take on that role for my sister & cousin, so it feels nice to have that with you" , I smile & as look up I see Kushina crying "A-are you okay??" She just nods and hugs me I'm so glad I can take on that role hinata she says "me too" I say tearing up we both let go and as we were putting the food on the table talking I suddenly needed to ask "m-mom can you tell me what had happened to naruto with his ex girlfriend?" She signed & nodded so did he tell you? She ask "yes but he seem so scared & he look so broken and traumatize , he didn't say much about it but he just sounded so broken all he said was "she just wanted wanted my family's company then we broke up and to get over it , I dated random but I never did anything with them but Because I wouldn't be any different from Shion" . I said as me and mom set the table , I'm glad he finally told someone about it but I will tell you the full story she said with a smile I nodded "thank you , I want to help naruto heal the wounds in his heart" I said she smiled I'm glad he's has someone like you in his life I will tell Minato & naruto to buy ice cream then we can talk she said , I nodded and smiled I heard Naruto & Minato walk in setting down in the chairs waiting patiently for mom & me to sit down , I sit down next to naru , we eat & talked and Naruto parents were telling me about funny stories when naruto was a kid I was happy I got to hear theses stories about him he's so flustered & embarrassed it's so cute when's he's like that then mom asks Naruto would you & Minato go and buy ice cream from the ice cream shop they nod , hey smile & nod then they'll left we started to clean up & we star down on the couch . So it started when we moved three years ago naruto was sad and me & Minato were busy at the time especially now that Naruto Was in training so we miss birthdays but he seem like happier at the time but it was all just a front I blame my self for not noticing... when Kushina said that I broke he Was all alone just like me... but one day me & Minato went on a business trip with Shion family they were asking us to have a marriage For Naruto & Shion so me & Minato said No at first till we saw Naruto & shion kissing so I ask naruto if they were dating he just nodded putting up a another front one thing came another they were dating for a year we didn't see anything wrong we decided to do the contract till one day I came home early and I heard Shion telling Naruto that nobody loves him & nobody will I broke will she said that I started to crying & she did as well , Shion was traumatizing Naruto for two straight years and we didn't noticed so we took a break on the business for a year to help him coop with the trauma but I don't think he will able handle to see her again she said . I wipe my tears away and I hugged her "Don't worry I will help him , I don't care how long it takes" Thank you hinata , Thank you so much she's so sweet I start to smile & I'm home I hear Minato say and he starts telling jokes *smiles* then I see naru he givese the ice cream and I start to smile "thank you naru" no problem hina you know! 'He's so cute' when he says that I thought We eat are ice cream & mom told me I could take a shower upstairs & explaining how how I'm  gonna be using Naruto's , I nod and Than naruto shows me to the guest room & Than I grab my gym bag and take it to the restroom, I set it down on the sink & I grab my pajamas & My Bra , underwear I put my hair up then I turn on the warm shower I step in *takes shower & washes hair & body*
Two hours later:
I put on my pajamas which are a tank top & shorts I walk out to see a Naruto looking for a movie "I'm out , you can take a shower" I smile he turns his head & starts to blush hina could you come here ? , I walk to his bed "what's wrong?"He grabs a blanket and puts it around my body & head , he's so overprotective too I kinda like that I giggle well hinata i will be right out Kay ? "Kay" I smile and grab my phone and wait till he gets out.
One hour later Naruto pov:
I step out in only a towel and one on top of my head , forgetting my clothes in my closet I walk out to my room and I go straight to my closet to get clothes till I hear Naruto! Put some clothes on what if I girl sees you , I turn around to a blushing hina I smile & walk to her , i sit on the bed next to her giving her a side hug "hina nobody's gonna see me so don't be jealous" I giggle it's not funny naru she says pouting a little. I kiss her forehead and walk back to the restroom to change in some orange joggers with a plane back shirt , I walk out and I sit next to hina I grab the remote and play turbo, I put my arm around her she snuggles close , while watching the movie I start to get sleepy and I close my eyes , and I get in a comfortable position , then I feel hina hands Wrap around me and I start to feel so safe In her arms I bring her closer & I kiss her head then I start to go back asleep.
I do not own the pictures I put in my story & I do not own the naruto characters or naruto thankyou , I'm sorry this chapter is a little short, but I hope you still in joy Tomorrow i will be posting two more chapters <3

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