Chapter 14: The Halloween dance

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"" character talking
' character thinking
Naruto pov:
'I was exhausted from being in the Truck from driving to Suna I took over when dad started to get to get tried which led me & mom to talk it was nice she was so happy about Hinata & me I had to make her promise to me that to tell her I have the rings I'm planning on proposing on Christmas Eve.. which is in two more months I'm kinda nervous but excited too I'm gonna plan on telling Shikamaru and Sasuke, Neji. I'm hoping that I can Attend the meeting with my parents with Mrs. Hyūga I can't wait till to see Hinata we got here at 12:30 it was pretty late. Now it's Friday I'm going to surprise Hinata by picking her up & today is the Halloween dance' i thought while Getting dress for school l grab my keys & bag then started to walk downstairs "Mom Dad! I'm leaving I will probably pick up something to eat bye love y'all" I walked out the house closing the down & unlocking my car 'I hope Hina is okay' i thought while driving to her house.
30 minutes later:
I parked outside and got out of the car and I see hinata coming out with the shopping bags we bought the other day I ran to her & hugged her so tight "Hey hina I missed you I whispered" I miss you to naru I hear the cries in voice , I let go a little bit I see her eyes there so dim you could tell she was crying it almost seem that her eyes have darkened"what's wrong? , Did someone hurt you?" I said In a serious concern tone she looked up and wipe her tears I'm fine naru I just miss you "I miss you too hina" I said kissing her forehead We should go naru she says grabbing my hand and walking to the car I opened the door for her She walks in & sits I close the door and walk to my side still worried about her but as soon as she saw me her eyes led up with happiness & a sigh of relief. "Hey hina please tell me what's wrong?" She looks downs and grabs my hand l've told father that I love you...And he didn't seem to care...I looked at her worryingly eyes I smiled "Hinata I know it's hard for Somebody to not except something that you truly care about , But it's okay I love you for you your father can stop me all he wants but it's not gonna happen I will break this dam contract & help the Hyūga company believe it" I said kissing her She smiles "I can't wait to dance with you tonight" I said winking she blushes & giggles me to naru I start to drive with my hand on hers
Hinata pov:
I stayed up almost all night crying because of what happened yesterday with father I could see that my bags & puffy eyes with tints of darkness in them, I wash my face & put lotion on my face I started to get ready I put on the same orange jacket with Naruto sense still lingers on it , I put on my black tights & my shoes I grabbed the Shopping bags that have the makeup & costumes for me & Naruto... 'Just thinking about him make me sad that I'm force in a relationship with the person i dis like the most' i thought grabbing my keys & walking out the front door to be hugged by the man i was just thinking about I felt his hands wrapped around me & he hugged me so tight. Hey hina I missed you He whispered I feel so warm & safe I could feel myself silently crying "I miss you to naru" I hear the cries in voice my voice he pulled away & he let go a little bit what's wrong? , Did someone hurt you?, He said In a serious concern tone I looked up and wipe my away tears "I'm fine naru I just miss you" It was the truth I felt relief that I saw him & that I was happy to see him again I miss you too hina he said kissing my forehead "We should go naru" I said grabbing his hand and walking to the car he opens the door for me , I walk in & sit down in his car holding the bags & passing them to the back spot he walked around & sat it , Hey hina please tell me what's wrong? I  look down and grabs his hand l've told father that "I love you...And he didn't seem to care..." he looked at me and I smiled Hinata I know it's hard for Somebody to not except something that you truly care about , But it's okay I love you for you your father can stop me all he wants but it's not gonna happen I will break this dam contract & help the Hyūga company believe it . I felt so happy in the moment then kiss me & I smile I can't wait to dance with you tonight He said at me winking I started blushes & giggles "me to naru" he started to drive with his hand on mine I smiled as he reassuring me that everything Is okay & started driving to the school I felt safe , Loved , Warm 'I couldn't tell a lie but Naruto he was different from everyone else's I truly do love him' I thought as he parked and walked out to my side & open my door I grab my keys & phone then put them in my bag I got out and I heard the doors locked he grabs my hand & smiles as we walked to school . He walks me to my locker Hey hina we're gonna we're gonna drive them right? "Yes I'm pretty sure once we get back from the dance Sakura Chan is gonna spend the night at my house" Oh okay well I guess Sasuke can spend the night too I don't mind he said smiling *Starts to smile* I nodded while closing my locker to get my books hina can we share today "of course naru" I said kissing his cheek I could tell he was blushing it was cute he grab my hand & we started to walk to class "good morning Kurenai sensei" Goodmoring hinata & Naruto she says Yo ! Kurenai sensei she's smiling y'all sit down over there I nodded Naruto looked down at me and smiled as we walked in class. The day went by fast it was fun & with Naru by my side he talked to neji and neji seem to happy whatever naruto told him I was happy neji was getting along with Naruto there were huge crowds around the hallways & at lunch but me and Naruto just ignored it with the rest of the gang I heard Ino say it's a new girl but it didn't really matter to me at the moment all I could think about was The Dance we talked to Sakura-Chan & Sasuke about the rearrangements Sakura Chan is gonna drive to Naruto house So is Sasuke. Me and naruto started to head home huh I just called Naruto family home my home I thought & smiled as I held Naruto's hand he parked and got out I grab the Shopping the bags while Naruto opens my door I get my things together & walked out he grabs the bags in my hand & holds my hand we started to walk inside Mom we're home i heard Somebody running Hello hina she runs & hugs me "hello Kushina-sama" I smiled as hugs me we both let go So Naruto are  your friends coming over? Yes but only Sakura-Chan & Sasuke she nods & smiles then looks at me Hina what are you & naruto dressings up as? She says smiling "We're dressing up as-" Naruto puts his finger on lips Mom it's a surprise he says winking I blush and he took my hand & walked up the stairs to his room and drop the bags on his desk Hey hina do you wanna get changed already? I nodded he grabs the bag  with my costume & hands it over to me here hina you could change in the bathroom he said blushing & looking away "Okay naru" I said walking in the bathroom I get change 'Wow I look different' I walked out to see naruto dress too "What do you think?" He looks at me & it's quiet Hina...You look even more beautiful I started to blush he lift my chin & kisses me Naruto! We're here Sakura-Chan & Sasuke walked in on us "S-Sakura-Chan!" I cover my face in Naruto chest. Dobe really? Hehe sorry I let go of naruto "I see y'all are already dress" yea so hurry hinaa instead of making out Sakura says with a smirk I started to blush "W-Well I gotta do Naru makeup & mine so see you downstairs" I said pushes them both out the door. Okay hina I get out the makeup "Naru come sit so I could do your makeup" I said pointing to the bed he nods & smiles .
1 hours later:
We look cool Hinaa your a great makeup Artist I started to blush "It's nothing naru , You look very handsome" he started blush Thanks hina he grabs my hand I grab my purse we started to walk downstairs I see Mom taking pictures of Sakura-Chan & Sasuke Mom what do you think? I see Kushina-sama tears falling down her face "N-no need to cry Kushina-sama" I said while she wiping her tears Naruto Hinata y'all look so cute we both started to blush Mom! Sorry honey she says while taking pictures of us then with Sakura-Chan & Sasuke . We said our goodbyes & we all walked to Naruto's Car he opens my door & I sit in while he walks around & gets in Everybody seat belts on he asks I nod yea dobe, Sakura nods Okay he starts to drive we started talking about the times when we were all in middle school.

We got to the school we could see the Halloween decorations and the teens walking in the school i hear Naruto get off & walked around to my side and opened my door my door I got out holding his hand i hear the doors lock Come on hinaa let's go meet up with the other girls Sakura said grabbing my hand "O-Okay" I look at naruto he smiles & nods It's fine hina he says I nod and Sakura leads me to the school doors & with that I couldn't see Naruto anymore.
Naruto pov:
We got to the school we could see the Halloween decorations I get off & walked around to Hina side and opened her door She got out holding my hand i locked the doors Come on hinaa let's go meet up with the other girls Sakura said grabbing my hand O-Okay She looks at me i smiled & nod "It's fine hina" she nodded & walked to the front doors of the school "Sasuke" hm? "I'm gonna propose to her" hn I knew that was coming so when dobe? "Teme on Christmas Eve" hn , we should go before the fan girls spot us "yup" we walked inside we greeted our friends & a bunch of my fan girls were on me asking if I wanted to dance I see hina through that crowd and I push my way towards her & a slow song came on I grab her hand "hina you wanna dance ?" She nods & we walk over to the dance floor I put my hands on her waist she puts her arms around my neck and lays her head on my chest I hold her close & Start to dance with her it felt like we we're the only ones in the room then the song stop We look At each other I smile & she kisses me then I hear clapping from all around us I smile so does hina but she's blushing then I see a girl with a yellow dress & black mask with platinum blonde hair walking up to us and she leans close to my ear Naruto... my heart drop when I heard her voice Naruto...I thought... I was...the...only.... one... who..loved you...Nobody else's.... I couldn't move I was scared to I couldn't breathe my eyes widened she try's to grab my hand then...hina pushes her & slaps me out of my trance she grabs my hand & we start to walk out of the school she brings me to the tables and we sit breathe naruto breathe I could feel the tears rolling down "I'm...sorry..." I said crying what are you sorry about Naruto? Is that Shion ? I nodded with tears still in my eyes  she nods & hugs me shh Everything is okay I'm here okay & I love you so does your family & are friends I nodded while my face is in her chest I get up and wipe my tears "Thank you hina I love you" I love you to she says fixing my makeup "it's really messy huh" I started to laugh yea but you still look good she giggles we hear voices coming outside towards us What the hell just happened in there ? Kiba said I see neji running up to us yelling Uzumaki!!!I see hina getting up and slapping him okay Now I'm really confused tell us what's going on Sakura says I see hina coming with Neji she sits down next to me we both explained what happened in my past
30 minutes later
Oh I'm sorry Naruto I didn't know "it's fine neji" Naruto why didn't you tell us before "I felt weak" Naruto that is completely fine what she did to you was unforgivable "thanks Sakura Chan" what a drag we have to stop the girls from beating her up "yea I know" we got the girls "guys it's fine y'all wanna get ice cream it's on me ?" Everyone nodded we went to the ice cream shop every one is In there cars , while I'm still driving with hina , Sakura, Sasuke , I drive home Sasuke gets his keys & kisses Sakura on the cheek and drives off. I go get hinata things from my car and handle them to her "Bye hina I'm glad that you were there" I said kisses her I will always be here naru "call me when you get home okey ?" She nods "bye Sakura Chan" bye naruto take care she says driving off & the night goes on I started to walk in my house "Mom I'm going to bed I said walking upstairs to the restroom to do my normal routine.
I do not own the pictures I put in my story & I do not own the naruto characters or naruto thankyou , I hope you still in joy I have posted a new story it's a naruto genderbend I hope you enjoy that story as well as this one thankyou <3 & I'm working on a Sai x Ino story right now

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