Chapter 16: A date with the Sapphire eyes & violet eyes 💙🤍

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"" character talking
' character thinking
It's been a couple of days since Naruto had the meeting with father he said it was nothing to worry about so I stopped thinking about it I'm kinda nervous because Toneri has even got more  touchy then before I Had to call Neji so Naruto wouldn't get in trouble with the school . I hope everything is alright with the company... I still have the hatred just thinking About the contract makes me sad but Naruto is always there to cheer me up , him & Sakura we go to mom's grave almost every day after school which makes me happy knowing naruto loves to go with me....
Hinata pov:
I did my normal routine & I put on a pink shirt with a gray long sleeve under with a long white stripe skirt with plane red sandals I heard the door bell ring I run downstairs "I'm leaving" I say grabbing my phone & running out to see a smiling naruto "Good moring" good morning hina he says holding my hand *starts to blush* we started walking to the car he opens my door I walk in & sit he closes it & walks to his side & gets in hey hina what do you wanna do today? "Um doesn't matter to me" *smiles* he starts to drive "we could eat at Ichiraku's" Really?? I nodded & he smiles okay hina 'I'm still making the gift for him maybe I will give it to him on Christmas Eve' he parks & walks out and opens my door "Thank You" he smiles and locks the car I grab his hand *starts to smile* he smiles & puts his arm around me we start to walk in hey old man & Ayame "hello" Hey naruto is this your girlfriend she wiggles her eyebrows we both blush Yea he says kissing my head well what are y'all going to be ordering she says smiling I will have the miso ramen what about you hina? "I will have the same" we both get seated your older will be here shortly I nodded he smiled, Hina are you ready for thank giving ? "Yes I'm making the pies & Mom said she will help me cook" he smiles & nods I'm glad that y'all get along so much "me to I think of her as my own mom sometimes" I said smiling I see him blushing I'm glad hina he says putting his hand on mine. Ayame brings our orders "Thank you for the food" we both say & started to giggle we had a great time talking & eating 'I'm glad that I could spend the time with him' Man I could go for a another bowl he says holding his stomach "me to" hina can I take you to the bridge? I started to blush at all the moments I had over there with him I nodded he takes my hand & we start to walk out the restaurant I will come by again byee, we know naruto ! They say laughing he takes me to his car & opens the door I hop in , he gets in and places his hand on mine while he starts the car.
Naruto pov:
'I'm glad that I could spend the time with her' "Man I could go for a another bowl" I say holding my stomach me to "hina can I take you to the bridge?" I couldn't help but fall for her red blush that complements her pale face so well she nods I take her hand & start to walk out excited that we could make more memories there we start to walk out "I will come by again byee" we know naruto ! They say laughing I take her to my car & open the door she walks in , I close the door & walked around to my side I open my door & get in and place my hand on her's while I start to drive.
But little did they know Someone was watching them whole time....
Hinata pov :
We get to the Same bridge that we always go to he opens my door & walks me out and locks the car we start to walk over to the steps you could see the river right beneath us it's so pretty it's a sparkly dark blue mix with a light blue it's much more beautiful at night I couldn't help but look at Naruto he was watching the river with a light smile his eyes just like the river but the more you look into them you can see the happiness he has in them but a little of dullness is also there...
naruto pov:
We get to the bridge where all the memories are from I open her door and lock the car we took a few steps up the bridge I started to watch the river flow it was beautiful you could see the koi fish I couldn't stop staring at the purple one it was unique unlike the other ones it reminded me of hina it was pale with Dark blue spots mix with purple I smiled at the koi fish I turn my head around to meet with a pair of violet eyes that were pale I couldn't help but gaze more there was that little darkness in her eyes i didn't want to see that so I kiss her eye "There you go" *giggles* she turns bright red Naru ! "Sorry I couldn't help my self" I say laughing she tugs on my shirt "what?" I lean down & she kisses me on the cheek your welcome "thank you" I was blushing just as much as she was "Your beautiful hina" I say picking her up bridal style she leans her head on my chest Thank you naru "of course hina" I say walking down the steps to my car I unlock it , & I open the door with my free hand & put her inside 'she was asleep so adorable' I close the door softly & walked around towards mine I open mine & started to drive to hina house it was quiet but I still missed talking to her we arrived at the Hyūga mansion "come on hina wake up , we're here" she slowly wakes up can you carry me naru? I started to blush I nodded & open my door and walked around to her's i open the door she has her hands up like a little kid who wants to be pick up I smiled & pick her up she has her head on my chest i walk over to the Hyūga mansion *Rings* the door opens I put hina down & kiss her forehead "bye hina stay safe , bye Neji" bye she says smiling I could see neji with a vein popping out he closes the door I chuckled & walk over to my car & started driving.
I do not own the pictures I put in my story & I do not own the naruto characters or naruto thankyou , I hope you still in joy<3 sorry if it's short

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