Chapter 12: Happy birthday naruto!🎉

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"" character talking
' character thinking
Naruto pov:
Naruto...Naruto nobody loves you...I love only you...they don't care....No No that's not true, yes it no Naruto! Wake up ! Wake up !*breathing heavily* "No!" Naruto everything is okay shh shh, *breathe heavily*  'why does Her voice always taunt me on my birthday,' naruto are you okay? I feel her wrap her arms around me I finch At her touch "I'm sorry" I say touching my face with dry tears . No naruto it's not your fault , everything is okay. I realize that it's not Shion it's Hina I immediately turn & hug her , she comforting me, "thank you for being here" of course , happy birthday naru she smiles & kisses my head , "thank you hina" let's go downstairs so I could make you breakfast*looks at time*,"but hina it's five in the morning are you sure?" Yes it's fine I'm gonna make you chocolate ship pancakes . "Yayyyy!!" I pick her up & put her over my shoulder trying not to make any noise naruto put me down she laughs it's so cute "hina it's fineee" we walk downstairs to the kitchen I put her down On the counter, she hops down , do you wanna help naru? She whispers " yea you know!" Shhh somebody can hear you "sorryy" *giggles* here naru this is the list "Okay got it !" She grabs the measuring cups while I find the flour & sugar she sets down the measuring cups on the counter , then she grabs the cinnamon & baking powder "hina I will the Grab the bowls hina" she nods & smiles she's so beautiful I thought then we got all the stuff for making pancakes. Okay naru put 1 1⁄4 cups flour in that large bowl over there "okay hina" okay i will put 1 tablespoon sugar , *puts it in the large bowl* Naruto what are y'all doing? "Hey mom Hina is making me pancakes but I'm helping her" *smiles* oh okay, happy birthday naruto she walks over to give me a hug "thanks mom" make sure y'all clean up "hai" , hai we put all the ingredients in the large bowl then we Combine flour, sugar, cinnamon, baking powder and salt in a large bowl , do you wanna mix it naru? "Yupp" okay Mix together wet ingredients and beat into dry mixture until smooth Okay? "Yes mama" she giggles , "it's done hina" okay let me Fold in chocolate chips. Okay naru then Pour or spoon batter into fry pan "okay donee" okay I got it from here you could watch tv she says smiling "okay hina" I go over to the living room to watch tv till *ring* 'it's a text message from the group chat? I thought'
Group chat messages
Sakura:Happy birthday naruto
Ino: happy b-dayy
Shika/bestbro: why are y'all texting this morning what a drag , happy birthday naruto btw
Sasuke/teme: happy birthday dobe
Chouji: happy birthday naruto
Kiba: happy birthday
Shino: happy b-day
Neji: happy birthday , is hinata okay ?
Ten Ten: neji! anyways Happy birthday naruto!
Sai: happy birthday
Me/naruto: thanks you guys and hinata is fine , so no need to worry Neji 
Sakura: so what time is the party?
Me/Naruto: uh I don't know my mom and hina planned it.🤷🏼
Ino: really naruto!🤦🏼‍♀️
Me/Naruto: sorry I can ask hina rn if you want?
Sakura: just tell her to face time me okay!
Me/Naruto: okay
Group chat text messages end
I walk over to the kitchen to see dad & mom eating already , "Goodmoring" good morning son , happy birthday naruto "thanks dad" I see hina walking over to give me breakfast "thanks hina, and Sakura said to call you" *smiles* okay I will be right back she says , hinata cooking is good mom & dad say "I know right but I helped her cook" I said smiling oh good for you son , I nod and start to eat with mom & dad waiting for Hina to get here .
Hinata pov:
'I wonder what Sakura-Chan wants ?' *Rings*
On the phone:
"Hey Sakura what's up ?"
Hina what time is the party?
"It's starts at 5:30 and ends around 8:00" Oh okay , do you want me to pick you up ? So we could go birthday shopping for naruto? "I already went through?" Well let's just go I haven't seen my Bestfriend! We could invite Ten Ten, & ino "Okayy I will go tell naruto bye Sakura-Chan" bye hina
Call ends:
'Man I really wanted to spend time with naruto today before the party starts , but I guess it's okay' I thought walking downstairs to the kitchen. Hey hina , so what happened? "Nothing really she just wanted to know when the party starts & if I could go shopping with her & the girls" oh okay , you can go I don't mind hina he smiles "are you sure ? Naru" yes it's fine hina don't worry "mhm okay" I said sitting down , "thank you for the food" . After that we finished eating, hina the food was delicious, Kushina & Minato said "thank you but it was nothing, well I better go get ready" okay hina , he stands up and leans down to kiss my forehead. I blush a little and rush up to the stairs I go & take a shower brush my teeth and put on a fishnet shirt that's not see through , with my white & purple jacket with dark blue jeans with sandals, I grab my phone & wallet. *calls Sakura*
On the phone:
Hey are you ready? & what's the address
"Yes & the address is ********" oh ok be there in 5 minutes I was close by "okay, bye Sakura Chan" bye hinata . I walked down stairs to say bye to naruto, when I see all the boys here , "hello everyone" lady hinata , how are you ? "Neji I'm fine , Is Hanabi Coming later?" No she's at a friends house "oh okay,naru I'm going now" Oh okay hina , he gives me a kiss on the forehead bye hina *starts to blush* "b-bye naru" I opened the door to see a pink car honking "I'm coming Sakura Chan" well hurry we gotta pick up Ino & Ten Ten "okay I'm coming" , Soooo hina how was it at the Namikaze house hold she wiggles her eye browns at me while driving, "I had a great time over there & with his family" that's good hina I'm glad that he's treating you right hina she says smiling "yes he's is" I known you for a long time your always had your eyes on him , it was clear as day that you loved him but he was always focusing on that stupid rivalry with Sasuke , but I could see the way he looked at you when nobody was looking , She says giggles "I didn't make it that obvious right?" *giggles* yea ya did! "Oh hey Ino" Heyy Sakura & Heyy Hinata , Let's go Ino pig I don't have all day ok okay I'm coming build bor brown anyways let's go pick up ten ten she said I nodded so how are you & naruto? "We're good" you really do love him right hinata "y-yes!" Good for you hinata Ten Ten gets in the car "thanks Ten Ten" Sakura turns the key & starts to drive to the mall, 'I hope naruto is doing okay from this morning' I thought looking at the window.
Naruto pov:
"So what's going on ? I haven't sent you my address yet" well Sakura sent me your address Dobe , We wanted to hangout before the girls get here Neji says"ohhh okay" y'all wanna play Mario kart ? "Yea" they said while walking up the stairs to my room dobe I bet you suck "is that a challenge teme?!" Sasuke smirks yea what are you going to do! Come on guys it's drag so stop picking on him "nah it's okay he's just mad that I'm gonna kick his ass" alright dobe let's go , we both grab a control , we start playing how's is your relationship going with my cousin? "It's going good I really love her" I said while playing till Sasuke drops his remote and everyone is quiet "what's wrong?" You actually said it ? I thought lady hinata was one sided because of the marriage proposal "Wait what!" Neji ! You weren't so supposed to tell ! Sasuke says "what the hell are you talking about?" Uh what a drag Neji hurry up and tell him . Well the Hyūga's company has been on low budget & other companies know about it I'm surprised that you don't "Of course I don't ! I've been Training with Dad alone!" Well the Ōtsutsuki made an offer to help us.....
flashback "you know the Ōtsutsuki company how come they want to do business with everyone" well of course they want power so most of time they make marriage contracts between there kids with other company's
Flashback ends:
"No... is that why that Toneri Ōtsutsuki keeps bothering Hinata!" yes... "Does she even know about this contract?!" No we haven't gotten the time to tell her "What the fuck Neji ?! Didn't you think that my family could of done business with yours if you just ask!" He stayed quiet then I thought about Shion Miroku Ōtsutsuki , "Why didn't y'all ever tell me ?!" We thought you knew since your father knows , 'dad knows ?! Why the hell didn't he tell me!' I thought , I get off my bed and start to walk out till sasuke grabs my wrist Dobe they already made a deal you can't break it "I will break it so let Go!" I said walking downstairs to tell Mom if she knew but I see hinata walk in with Sakura, Ino , Ten Ten , 'I can't do this right now I will ask mom later' I walk up to hinata and hug her , I'm back she whispers "I knowww" I said trying to hold back my cries
Are you okay naru? "I'm fine hina I just missed you so much" I said breaking the hug with a close eye smile "so how was shopping Girls"
It was good here don't open till later Ino says giving me the bags "Thanks Ino , Sakura, Ten Ten" No problem! "The guys are upstairs on the right to the left there are two rooms across mine is the white door" oh okay your not coming naruto? "Nah I wanna talk with my hina Sakura Chan" Oh okay well y'all two love birds don't take to long , Kay Sakura-Chan hina says while Sakura walks upstairs . What's wrong naruto? , I take her to the living room while holding her hand we sit down on the couch , I hug her and snuggle my head against her neck "hina don't leave..." I said crying , she pats my head I won't naru , i never will "me too hina" we should invite everyone downstairs to watch a movie right? I nodded wiping my tears away . We walked upstairs to my room "hey guys we should watch a movie downstairs" I said with a close eyed smile. Alright they all got up from my bed & walk downstairs i started to walk with hina till neji tap on my shoulder hey naruto can we talk ? "Yea hina I will be downstairs , go show everyone where the living room is" are you sure? "Yes I'm fine" I kissed her forehead, okay naru she said walking downstairs with everyone, did you tell her ? "No I didn't I don't want to ruin the mood , But you better tell her Neji!" We will Probably when we both go home okay , I was against the whole thing in the first place "yea but you didn't stop it" I said walking downstairs to the living room "I'm back with Neji!" Okay pick a movie Naruto , "okay Sakura Chan" I grab the remote and put on Netflix . I put on the show Stranger Things , while watching the show I couldn't stop thinking of how to stop the deal Hyūga's made with the Ōtsutsuki's I remember something of how to break a marriage contract but I forgot what dad said, Naruto? Naruto! "Sorry I space out what's up?" Nothing your mom was calling you , "thanks shika , I'm coming" 'we were watching stranger things for 3 hours I must of got lost of time' i thought "what's up mom?" Here , she gives me a tiny small wrap gift , this was passed down to me now I'm giving it to you now okay naruto she says smiling , I open the box & I see a necklace that is my mom's clan crest. I started to tear up "Thanks mom I will cherish it" I said wiping my tears I went in to hug her , now when you your older and have kids you will pass it on to them okay naru she said while hugging me "of course mom, Thank you" now naruto tell everybody it's time for cake & ramen she says smiling "Okay mom" I said putting on my necklace that she gave me while walking to the living room.

(How the necklace looks)"Hey guys , mom is cutting the cake & we're having ramen from Ichiraku's so hurry if you want some , & teme there's a tomato for you on the table" Yayy! Cake come on Sasuke kun , hn , what a drag hurry up guys Shika says, K...

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(How the necklace looks)
"Hey guys , mom is cutting the cake & we're having ramen from Ichiraku's so hurry if you want some , & teme there's a tomato for you on the table" Yayy! Cake come on Sasuke kun , hn , what a drag hurry up guys Shika says, Kiba & Shino get up with sai & ino , neji and hina get up we all walked to the kitchen "mom where here-" I see dad walking up to give me a hug, I close my eyes and smiled at him. I see mom & hina coming in with the cake Singing happy birthday to you , I blow out the candles "thanks guys" I said while mom gives me a kiss on the cheek. Everyone gives me a gift , I hear the door slam open , Hey kid I brought Sake your seven teen years old already "old man I'm still under age" jiraiya ! Hey brat "hey baa Chan" everyone gasped Principal tsunade she turns around hey kids just all me lady tsunade "I told y'all she's my grandma" yea I guess you were to right shika said every one else's just nodded. 'I should talk to dad after the party' I thought while eating cake
An hour later:
Everyone had a good time at the party & even my parents had fun messing with everyone especially Sasuke because mom & dad is friends with his parents everyone help clean up then started to leave "Bye everyone see y'all tomorrow" bye naruto , bye, hn, byee, take care of hinata for me Sakura said while holding sasuke's arm "I will bye hinata stay safe on your way home" I will naru she hugs me "see you neji" bye Naruto he said while walking with hinata out the door , I close it by them .
"Dad we need to talk" I said in a serious tone what's wrong naruto, "why didn't you tell me ?!" He looked down I didn't think he would except the offer "You didn't think Dad what the hell is wrong with you?!" I hear my mom & tsunade walk in with jiraiya what's going on here ? "Why don't you tell her dad!" He looks up to mom the Hyūga's are signing a contract with the Ōtsutsuki's , wait what ? So that means.... "yea Hinata getting married to some guy she doesn't even know she's marrying!" I'm sorry son , "dad we could of help them..." I grab my phone & put my shoes on and walk out the door before Mom or tsunade could say anything. I started to cry on my way to the park where me & hinata hang out.
Hinata pov:
I will bye hinata stay safe on your way home "I will Naruto" I hug naruto , see you neji bye Naruto he said while walking me out the door , I hear the door close behind us , 'I wonder what's wrong with Naruto he seems down some how even when he kept laughing & smiling the whole time' I thought while I open Door to Neji's car , He starts to drive I couldn't stop thinking Naruto , lady hinata What's wrong? "Nothing just thinking why Naruto space out a lot today" it's probably nothing don't worry about it he says parking at the mansion we walk in I grab my purple gym and walk in side with Neji "I'm home" I go up the stairs to my room, I And did my normal routine then went to sleep thinking about naruto.
I do not own the pictures I put in my story & I do not own the naruto characters or naruto thankyou , I hope you still in joy hopefully today I will be posting 4 chapters I haven't posted because of school and writers block but I will post today thankyou <3

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