Chapter 5 : The Surprise date

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' character is thinking
"" characters is talking
Hinata pov:
I wake up , take a shower & brush my teeth then I start to get ready for the date I have I'm wearing a purple stripe shirt with a dark purple skirt with a sweater tie around my neck with out any makeup on just lip gloss with white slip on vans . I walk up to fathers office in the mansion *knocks on door* come in her father said "hello dad I'm going out today" you look beautiful hinata but who are u going out with ? "Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze" oh okay , he says remember hinata to study when u come back "yes father" I gets out my phone to text to text him.
Text Messages:
Naru❤️:Hey naru I'm ready :)
Hina❤️: Okay be there in ten minutes
Pov naruto:
I get up & take a shower then  brush teeth then I start to get ready for my date I put on ripped blue jeans with a black shirt with a orange Nike sweater on. *Ring* ^^ texts I grab my keys and said bye to mom & Dad before they could say anything and put in her address so I can get to her house, while driving over there I start thinking how beautiful she is and wonders what she's gonna where ' I bet she will look beautiful I thought' I get to her house and get out of my car , starts to walk to the mansion*knocks on door* to be open by the most beautiful woman I've ever seen besides my mom *starts to smile* "are you ready?"
I asked Yes naru she says I smile and stuck my arm out she then puts her arm around me and holds me close, 'I wish this feeling doesn't go away I thought' I open the door for her she gets in I smile then went around and got in my car.
Hinata pov:
Are u ready hina ? "Yea naru" I wrapped my arm around him leaning on his shoulder blushing like crazy ' I wish the feeling doesn't ever go away I thought'
I get in his car , and noticed that he takes very good of it which makes me smile , " So where are we going"  I asked he just looks at me and smiles *starts to blush like crazy* hey hina you know when your cheeks turn all red like that it's really cute so don't hide it from me 'I turn and felt his words melt in my heart because nobody has ever said that to me they just laugh, when he says it's cute I thought' O-oh okay, he smiles then starts to drive with music on it's so calming in till I break the silence " You look very handsome naru" I see him blush 'it's cute I thought'
Naruto pov:
You look very handsome naru
She says 'I heard tons of girls call me sexy & handsome & hot & cute , but the way she says it , it's different I feel my cheeks turn red'. "T-Thank you , you look very beautiful as well hina" . I  said and I stop at the first place it's a coffee shop with a library in it , I picked the coffee shop because when we were little I was always seeing hina reading romantic books and I thought it would be a great place for are first date. "Here we are hina"  I said and walked out and open her door and locking it before we go inside I grab her hand and we start to walk inside. "Hina I picked this place because when we were in middle school I always saw you with a romantic book and i thought this place would be perfect for our first date of the day you know  I smile" really I can't believe you remember yea of course I remember , *smiles & blush's* .
Hina pov :
'I can't believe he remembers I thought I'm falling hard for him now' , "Thankyou Naru your so sweet" , *Starts blushing* "I-I should order" of course Hina " Can I get a cake pop with icing and a ice coffee villa please" anything else's, I would like to get a hot chocolate with extra marshmallows , Naruto says as he takes out his card and pays , "Thank you but I could of paid Naru". No Hina he giggles , it's my treat today okay "oh okay *starts to giggle & blush* let's sit of there naru" oh okay Hina it's a perfect spot . Hinata & Naruto your order is done someone said , Hina u should go look for your book I've got it he smiled , "Oh okay" I grab after & I grab a manga for Naruto because I know he's likes them well if he still does I thought'  I sat down and saw him coming with are stuff . "Hey Naru look what I got for you I said excited" WoW ! Hina u remember your the best I love this manga  he said . "I glad you do , thank you for grabbing are drinks & my cake pop" No problem ya know Hina ! , Eveything was quiet when we started to read i took a bite of my cake pop it was heaven melting in my mouth & in my heart but I didn't noticed I had something on my cheeks till he started giggling.
Naruto pov:
'I can't believe she remembers I like manga I thought' then I saw icing on Hina cheek it was too cute I started to giggle "hey hina u got something on your cheek" I grab a napkin and wipe it off "there you go" *I smile* she look embarrassed and her cheeks were red  I decided to be bold and I lean & * kissed her cheek* "Hina don't look so embarrassed it's fine , sorry I didn't kiss you without your permission" I said and bowed my head .
Hinata pov:
'NARUTO KISSED ME !!!!!!!!' "I-It's O-okay y-your f-fine , y-you d-don't h-have t-to b-bow"
I can feel my cheeks turning red , hey hina are you ready for the next surprise date ? " yes I'm very excited. I calmed down at his worlds he knew that so that's why he ask that I think I'm starting to fall in love with him I blush at the thought' "I'm ready to go Naru if that's fine with you I smiled" yea of course, may I have your hand Hina , I nodded &  he smiled looking at me. His warm hand always seems to clam me down , my hands were always so cold to the touch but until he started holding mine they were warm and I hate the feeling when his hand leaves mine i kinda get sad when his hand is not with mine . "Thank you Naru"
Naruto pov:
No problem Hina but our date is barely getting started here let me open the door for you as she walked in I close the door and opened mine I noticed her outfit was kinda short I don't want other guys looking at her legs as I thought I unzipped my orange Nike sweater as I got in the car , "hey hina can you lift your arms up & close your eyes?" I asked she said okay as I put my orange Nike sweater on her thighs i felt at ease " okay u can open them now hina" , she look surprised, " hey hina I'm sorry I just don't want any perverts looking at you, even tho u look so beautiful okey" she smiled and said okay Naru your the best then she gave me her sweater, "Thankyou Hinata you can keep mine"
Oh okay thankyou Naru , then I took off driving to the movies, Then she put her hand on mine as I was driving. I loved that feeling.
Hinata pov:
He cares about me so much I could tell and I care about him I wanted his touch his warm hands with mine , I placed my hand on his as he as driving I smiled at the moment wishing for it to never end, Mother are looking I wish I could tell you about him but he makes me so happy I hope your proud of me .
Meanwhile the Spy's
Cherry: did you see that !?
Flower: yea I took a picture both (squeals)
Raven: hn woman
Smarts: yea
Leaf : yup , I'm gonna kill him for kissing my cousin
Cherry : dood chill out he kissed her on the cheek and said sorry without her permission
Flower: yea , and did u see the way he took off his sweater and put it around her waist
Cherry: Yes they are soo cute !!
Smarts: what a drag , at least he's being a gentleman.
Raven : yea
Leaf: hey I think they Already left
Cherry: oh crap we lost them
Meanwhile later:

We meet again...(Naruto x Hinata) (Naruhina)Where stories live. Discover now