Chapter 8: maybe forever...

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"" character talking
' character thinking
Naruto pov:
"It's been a couple of days since I talked with Hinata father, I was surprised when he agreed to let hina stay over for two days you know! , I'm kinda glad that mom & her are hanging out since mom never really like anyone I brought home. But in all honesty I don't want to lose hinata , she's like my Bestfriend & girlfriend I'm afraid of losing her because I would probably lose my self. Well she's invited all of are friends for my "party" I don't mind I even said she can have her sister along , I'm glad she is I had to spend three years of nothing but training mom & dad were never home because of the business so it was always so lonely on birthdays even with Shion there it was just nothing at least I get to spend this year with her and hopefully the rest of my life...., that jack ass hasn't bothered hinata he stands there smiling watching us I would of beat him to all the way to Jupiter & back but Baa-Chan & hinata stop me they don't want me to get in trouble so they haven't told mom or dad yet but if he lays a another hand on hinata I won't hold back. Honestly when I came back from America I was surprised that hina look so sad even with are friends she still was shy & timid even now she blushes and hides when I kiss her at school which is kinda cute but when I first grab her hand it was so cold but now it's warm and comforting it makes me feel like I never want to let go. But with Shion she was the opposite of hinata she was popular , Rude , spoiled, multiplied, of course I wasn't interested till my family had to go on a business trip with hers because of the "company's" one thing let to a another she was telling me about her mom & I felt sorry for her I wanted to comfort her , but she took it the wrong away & kiss me I pushed her off then that's when it happened we were dating but it was all lies & she was toxic , she said things that would traumatizing & one day mom found out what she was saying so she Cut ties off with there company, I know , that if I would ever have to see her again I would go in panic mode , but hinata is slowly healing my wounds and I'm doing my best to heal hers cause she doesn't need that she deserves so much more just seeing her smile makes me happy I hope one day I could get the courage to ask her to marry me ." *Smiles & blushes*
Hinata pov:
It's been a couple of days since Father said yes to me staying over so of course I decided to tell my best friend Sakura she was so happy for me & I told everyone about Naruto birthday party on Sunday they all agreed to go so tomorrow I will be staying night cause it's already Friday but like always I was so shy when Naruto gives me surprise kisses which I loved but I get really shy around around him but ever since I was little My hands were always so cold just like ice till I've met him , Naruto hands were so big & warm , comforting which led me to be the same way I never felt this way about Kiba , we were distant it was hurting me because I never got that type of warmth or comforting with my family the Hyūga's were always so cold & distance just like Neji was till Naruto knocked some sense in him . We're a private clan so I always felt so lonely even after mom past away I could barely play with Hanabi because of all the training I had to do but then I met Naruto who was a free spirit & didn't care what others thought he's the reason why I met Sakura & are group that kept me from going heartless or I would of been like the rest he started to heal my wounds in my heart a long time ago , I'm glad that he was there & I'm trying to heal his but when we had are first real conversation about his ex he look so broken & traumatize just talking about it , It didn't feel like the naruto that I knew so long ago he hasn't talk about his ex since then but I think I'm helping him little by little which I'm glad because if he hadn't healed my wounds I probably would be heartless he saved me from my self I want to be with him forever....
Friday hina spends the night:
Naruto pov:
'I'm so nervous I never had a girl over since Shion but hina nothing like her so that makes me more nervous because what if I see her and I can't handle all her cuteness plus what make me even more nervous we have to share a bathroom!!! & Mom will show her everything oh nooooo' Naruto! , Naruto , "wait what ? ," I was calling you, what's up with you your so jumpy "sorry shika I was just nervous because hina is spending the night on Friday & Saturday" oh that explains it , what a drag "Mom is gonna show her everything shika ! & we have to share a bathroom!" Oh no , I'm not gonna tell Neji , Just for shake "Thank you Shika!" Don't worry I had to deal with the same thing with Temari & mom . "Did you survive?" Barely "Shika? I'm doomed" uh what a drag your my Bestfriend it shouldn't be that bad naruto "yea but you haven't seen my Mom angry" well there's a slight possibility that she won't get mad at you unless you be a Baka "yea ,yea thanks shika you are my best friend , send me your payers" I laugh a little , I will well get hinata & take care of her "I will & and class is already over, bye see you on Sunday" see ya he Yonns. I start walking to my locker and get my stuff & I walk to hinata's class where I still see her packing up.
Hinata pov:
'It's already Friday I'm excited I can't stop thinking about it but I'm nervous because what if I want to cuddle with naruto , I'm kinda glad because I'm spending time with Kushina again she's like mom but just a little more open' I thought while putting my stuff away hey hina someone is waiting for you at the door Sakura says and giggles I look up to see Naruto ignoring girls that are talking to him I started to smile I start to walk to him , hey hina he says & blushes "hey naru" *blushes* are you ready? I nod he grabs my hand & we start walking out I see Toneri Ōtsutsuki smirks and says hey hinata wanna have a good time i tightened my hand grip on naruto's hand I feel Naruto getting done mad so I turn him around and I get him on my Tip toes and kiss him "Naruto everything is okay I love you & only you" he smiles and nods I love you to hina & only you and we just started to walk to his car ignoring Toneri & I could tell he was not getting the satisfaction of pissing off Naruto then he got mad & walk to his car and had a tantrum. As well Naru ignored it and opened my door and he walks to his side and i started to giggle he started laughing as well , hina thank you he smiles "No problem naru he's a waste of time"
Yea I guess that's true he says rubbing that back of neck , I put my hand on his and I smile at him , he kisses my cheek & starts the car and starts to drive to my home hina are you nervous ? "Yes very" he lets a sigh of relief me tooo hina mom is gonna embarrassed me she cries "don't worry I wanna hear more stories from your mom & dad" *giggles* hina noo and well there's something else's... "what ? What's wrong?" W-we kinda *gulps* gottasharethebathroominmyroom he says fast
"What say that again naru?, I couldn't here you" he parks the car , We have to share the bath room in my room! He says "oh okay I thought it was bad" I said laughing , wait so your not un easy or uncomfortable?!, "No not really I'm already comfortable with you and I trust you if I'm being honest I'm kinda nervous because what if I want to cuddle in the middle of the night?!!" He just laughs I love you hinata and we can cuddle all you want he says "yayy let's go , so we can go cuddle!" He laughs and starts driving to my house, while talking about how school was we get there and he opens my door and we walk to the front door of my house
"Hello I'm home" Welcome home elder sister & Naruto come play with me "Hanabi!" It's fine naru smiles "are you sure naru?" Yea plus I'm pretty sure Neji would kill me if I come with you to your room *sees Neji* "ah okay well I will be right back down" okay hina he smiles , what do you want to play Hanabi? He says while I race up the stairs to find my clothes
I go through my closet and I find clothes for naru party then for sleeping wear and Then for Saturday then I get underwear's & bras , Then I change out of my school clothes and put regular clothes on , I put black flats on & I bring my white slip on vans in my purple gym bag. I walk to fathers door and *Knocked* "May i come in father?" Yes you may , I walk in to fathers office "hello father" hello Hinata , are you leaving already? "Yes sir" you understand that next week you will do extra training right "yes sir" good "oh and father Neji & Hanabi are welcome to Naruto birthday party" is that so ? "Yes sir" I will allow Neji & Hanabi to go unless they don't want to "yes father" you may go now , I bowl and I leave with my gym bag in hand & started to walk down the stairs when I hear , You better take care of lady hinata ! Neji says , yea Naruto ! Hanabi says "guys!" I walk down with a red aura around my body "what are y'all doing to my sweet naruto!?" Neji & Hanabi get scared and hug each other u-uh w-w-e w-we're t-t-telling h-h-him t-t-to t-t-take c-c-care o-o-of y-y-you they both said scared still holding to each other shivering. "Oh really" Y-y-yes they both said "Neji you already know how many times Naruto protected me! , And I'm guessing you haven't told father right!" Y-Y-Yes t-t-that's r-r-right , "well good it stays that right!" Y-Y-yes l-l-lady h-h-hinata , the red aura around me disappear I smiled & turned to a scared naruto "ready naru?" I close my eyes & smiled yes hina he says opening the door for me "I'm leaving" I still see Neji & Hanabi still holding each other shivering I give the a icy stare and I leave with naruto closing the door "sorry Naruto they really overprotective & sorry you had to see that" It's fine, he says kissing my forehead I smile as he opens the door.
Naruto pov:
You better take care of lady hinata ! Neji says , yea Naruto ! Hanabi says guys! I hear as I see hinata walk down with a red aura around her body what are y'all doing to my sweet naruto!?she says Neji & Hanabi get scared and hug each other, 'well I'm not going to get her mad she's scarier than mom' I thought , I see her getting mad at them I kinda giggle in my mind, then she snaps me out of my mind ready naru? "Yes hina" I opened the door for her then she says I'm leaving , I still see Neji & Hanabi still holding each other shivering She give them a icy stare and we both leave while I'm closing the door then she says sorry Naruto they are  really overprotective & sorry you had to see that "it's fine" I say kissing her forehead as I opened the door for her then she gets in and closing it , I walk around and get in my side "ready hina?" She nods & smiles I start to dive with my hand on her thigh & her holding mine "so hina are you gonna cook with mom" yes I'm excited she says smiling & blushing "that's good I'm happy that you are" yes & after we're done eating , and all cleaned up um do you think we could uh watch a movie & cuddle?
"Yess hina , I was gonna ask that already" I say laughing and she giggles & smiles "also hina dad is gonna joined us today , sometimes he comes home late so he can't always come have dinner with us but today he is" I say kinda in disappointment, it's fine naru Father is the same way most of the time I have cooked if one of the maids are done with the duty's so I understand she says & smiles I keep my eyes on the road but I park and kiss her cheeks "Thank you hina" ,'I really love her I thought'
She smiles & I start to drive back to the house and I park in the parking garage , i get out & and I opened her door and I help her out of the car "do you want me to help you carry that?" I asked looking at her purple gym bag , no it's okay naru I'm not so helpless she laughs I laugh with her , I walk with her and I locked the car , we walked towards the door of the house and I opened the door letting hina in "I'm home mom with hina" hello m-mom she says I smile at her as I see mom walk in hello honeys she says , then I hear hina speak m-mom may I help you cook dinner? , of course sweetheart she smiles dragging hina in the kitchen. I see she drop her gym bag I should bring it to her room upstairs I start to walk up stairs , hey naruto dad says "hey dad hina is cooking with mom today" he smiles & I smile back he walks with me to the room hina is going to be staying in "dad do you think hinata father likes me ?" I asked while putting hinata bag on the bed while fixing it he just looks at me and smiles naruto he respects you naruto "mhm okay dad well do you like hina?" Yes I think she is the perfect match for you he smiles at me , "yea I love her dad I really do, but I seen her really mad dad she's scarier than mom" he laughs , see son if you seen her mad and you say she's scarier than mom & still stay with her then that's how I know your telling truth he says rubbing my head , "of course I'm dad" I say while smiling we walk out the guess room and walk downstairs to mom & hina setting the table while putting the food on there dad & I sit down as mom and hina sit down too we all say "Thank you for the food" , we were all eating when dad & mom decided to tell hina embarrassing stories about me when I was little. And how I used to talk about her uh so embarrassing 'but she looks like she's in joying herself which I'm happy for she's smiles & giggles so naturally it's beautiful I thought'
Naruto would you & Minato go and buy ice cream from the ice cream shop ?Mom asks me & dad both nod , oh don't worry me & hinata got the cleaning done so just go buy the ice cream I see hina smile & nod , me and dad both get up he grabs his keys and we walk to the truck and he drives. We both drive in silence till I break the it "hey dad I've been wanting to ask you something?" What's up naruto he says "you know the Ōtsutsuki company how come they want to do business with everyone" well of course they want power so most of time they make marriage contracts between there kids with other company's but the founders of the company were never like that I heard they respected each other. "Oh did we ever do business with them?" I ask well you know well we were "wait what? , When!" You know your ex Shion Miroku he says I stay quiet & nod well her full name is Shion Miroku Ōtsutsuki , me & your mother found out when y'all were dating so we thought since y'all were dating for two years that a marriage contract to seal are companies but then we found out about her true intentions I'm sorry son we didn't find out sooner he said sadly while parking at the ice cream shop "dad it's okay I should of told you that she was toxic, but i felt weak if I did that but now thinking about it I should of told y'all".
I said turning to him & I smile "dad she truly makes happy" I know son he said smiling we both get off the truck & order the ice cream I got cookies & cream for me and plane villa for hina & dad gets his and moms , he paid and we both get in the truck while I hold the ice creams we get home I lock the truck and go inside to see mom & hina talking with dad and smiling I give her the ice cream and she smiles thank you naru "no problem hina you know!" We eat are ice cream & mom told hina she can take a shower upstairs & explaining how she's gonna be using mine , she just nods and I show her to her room & she grabs her gym bag and takes it in the shower I put on a movie so we can watch after she's taking a shower then I will take one after her .
I do not own the pictures I put in my story & I do not own the naruto characters or naruto thankyou , I will be posting two parts that's why I ended this chapter like this thankyou hope y'all in joy <3

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