Chapter 6: I took him ...

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' character is thinking
"" characters is talking
It's been a month already since me and Naruto's first date , we're been going on dates after that getting closer and spying on are friends dates Naruto makes everyone laugh & have a good time , Neji gives Naruto a hard time but he's just being overprotective. Naruto brushes off his fan girls for me every time he sees me , which I'm glad I wish
I could confess to him but it's hard he wears my sweater around his neck & I wear his it's so warm I know he will understand I'm gonna take him to her, to mothers grave, but something is bothering me I haven't seen that annoying guy named Toneri he's usually bothering me about a date but since he's not here I have a feeling something's up but I'm not going to get into it.
Hinata pov:
'My feelings grow stronger everyday for him I trust him enough to visit you mom i haven't gone to visit you I'm sorry mom I'm gonna text him I thought'
Naru❤️: hey naru
Hina❤️: yo ! Hina
Naru❤️: are you busy tomorrow?, if not can I take you somewhere?....
Hina❤️: no I'm free since it's Sunday and of course hina :)❤️
Naru❤️: okay good I will pick you up tomorrow I will be there at 2:30 ❤️
Hina❤️: okay goodnight hina ❤️
Naru❤️: goodnight naru ❤️
Hinata pov:
He's so cute during texts I could just imagine him blushing, it's weird because we still blush when we see each other.
Naruto pov:
I wonder if something happened? Or maybe she just wants to hangout, well I should pick my clothes for tomorrow.
Hinata pov:
I do my usual routine then I put on black skinny jeans with a purple shirt with Naruto Jacket on me I zip it up , then I start to walk downstairs & I eat breakfast and say bye to everyone , I get in & and drive to a flower shop to buy some lilies for mom , than I got some coffee & hot chocolate for naruto cause it's already the fall and it's almost naruto birthday is pretty close by already I drive up to his house & I walk out to and I start to knock on his door to his mansion.
Naruto pov:
I get up and I do my usual routine & and I put black rip jeans on with a white shirt with hina sweater on it's kinda baggy now because I stretch it out a lil because she so tiny and I walk down the stairs to eat breakfast and "Goodmoring mom,Goodmoring dad" Goodmoring son are you going somewhere "yea I'm going with hina" Can i meet this hinata ? "Uhhhhh" *doorbell rings* "I will go get it" I run to the door " hello ? Hey hina" are you ready naru she smiles "yea , bye mom & dad I'm going" I close the door "thanks for the hot chocolate hina" yea of course naru she says and smiles "you look beautiful" I see her blushing T-Thankyou Naru *starts to blush*
Hinata pov:
I start to dive and I feel Naruto warm hand on my thigh , It makes me feel super comfortable and warm inside i place my hand on his while still driving "hey naru I'm taking you to one of the places that are special to me so please come with me every time I visit ." *starts to smile*
Hinata I will be honored and I will come with you every time *he smiles and blushes* "thank you naruto" *smiles* "we're here" Naru gets out before me and opens my door "thank you naru"  I opened the back door and grabbed the lilies. Than Naru grabs my hand & I lead the way to are my clans Hyūga grave yard.
Naruto pov:
I noticed that we're in a gave yard , I also  noticed her mood turns sad I couldn't help but grab her hand and Reassure her that everything will be okay , then she leads the way , towards the back where there are white cherry blossoms trees while , she smiles and stops & says hello mom I brought him , I did hear that she lost her mother in elementary school , I smile as she puts the white lilies around her grave , "hello Mrs.Hyūga , I'm Naruto Uzumaki" hinata looks up and smiles I wipe her tears away and I also smile Thank you Naruto for coming & being respectful "of course hina why wouldn't I she's your mother I will respect her" *starts to smile* "come here hina", what's wrong naruto? She gets up and lifts her head "nothing everything's perfect" I kiss her forehead "Thank you for showing me this place, I'm glad that your trusting me with this" No problem naru , I'm sure mom would be happy to meet you "I hope she would hehehe" We talk awhile & tell her mom funny stories we both enjoyed it just talking for hours.
Hinata pov:
'I check my phone while naruto is talking to mom it's already 6:50 it's gonna get dark soon I thought'. "Hey naru do you wanna get going before it gets dark" he nods & smiles "okay , bye mom I will come visit again" bye Mrs.Hyūga it was nice talking to you he bowls & grabs my hand we start walking to the front where my car is , I unlock my car & he opens my door for me "Thank you naru" your welcome hina he smiles I start to blush he closes the door I start the Engine as he gets in the car I put my hand on his while I start to drive back to his house. Um hina can I ask you something? "Yea what's up" um uh hm would you mind having dinner with my family "huh?! Would they mind !? I don't want to be a bother!  are you sure?!" Hina calm down I'm asking you personally & my mom wants to meet you Already she keeps asking to meet you
"Really??" Yes hina please have dinner with me and my family "I would love to it looks like we're here" i turn off the car I try to get out but he stops me, wait hina I'm coming he opens the door and walks to my side and opens my door
"Naru thank you" he grabs my hand and smiles as we walk towards the door I was shaking he noticed and said hina don't be nervous it will be fine "Okay I will try" he smiles and opens the door and I hear naruto mom is that you honey.
Naruto pov:
I hear mom say naruto is that you honey "Yes mom I'm home I want you to meet somebody"
Hinata pov:
I see a beautiful woman with long red hair that's slightly taller than me, then she looks at me and Smiles and runs to me & hugs me. Mommmmm let her go, oh sorry sweetie "O-oh I-it's o-okay" mom this is Hinata "h-hello" So this is the girl your always talking about , Mom! I could tell he's embarrassed , hello hinata I'm Kushina but you could call me mom she winks "uh mhm O-okay" Kushina your embarrassing Naruto I saw a man that's a complete twin of naruto but with a pink Apron hello Hinata I'm minato , "h-hello" naruto grabs my hands and says guys y'all are making her nervous, Oh we're sorry "N-No it's o-okay" mom , dad would it be okay if hina joins us for dinner ? Naruto asks , Yes of course! they both said at the same time "Thank you" I bowl .
Naruto pov:
'They're really embarrassing me I thought while a vein pops on my head because mom is telling hinata all my secrets while hinata is slightly giggling I look at her beauty and her smile' I could feel my dad staring at me he whispers when are you gonna tell her "W-what ?" When are you gonna tell her that you love her?! I turn bright red "D-Dad !" Naruto is there something wrong? mom asks "N-no everything is fine" oh okay so hina she keeps talking to hina "I don't know dad should I confess tonight?" Yes naruto you should do it "thanks dad" the night goes on everyone is laughing & having a good time till mom & hina pick up the plates starts Washing the dishes while dad & I clean the table, "hey hina do you wanna walk to the park that's close by ?" O-oh okay naru , bye Kushina & Minato she smiles and bowls, it's so cute when she smiles I grab her hand and start walking out the door & we start walking towards the park "Hey hina...ever since I made the promise to protect you... my feelings have grown for you and I'm now realizing that I love you hinata".
Hinata pov:
Hey hina...ever since I made the promise to protect you... my feelings have grown for you and I'm now realizing that I love you hinata. "Y-you what say that again?" I said I love you hinata he smiles my eyes start to widen "Naruto...I Love you to" he starts to walk up to me and grabs my chin and leans down then we start to kiss I feel my self melting in his arms. We look up at each other he picks me up and walks me back to my car "Thank you naruto"
No problem hina , he puts me down hey hina will you be my girlfriend? "Yes! Of course" I jumped & kiss him , I'm so glad hina that we met "me to naru" . I got in my car and start driving back with music with a smile on my face mom you see i found someone I'm truly in love with. *phone rings* "uh hello" , hey hina how is my Bestfriend "hey Sakura,I'm doing good how are you?" I'm good hina so how did your date go ? "it went good" hina I could tell your blushing so what happened!!! Spelllll!!!
"Well...." explains to Sakura she screams & squeals "Sakura stop screaming I'm driving" *giggling* well y'all are finally together I'm so happy for you "Thank you Sakura" well goodnight hina "goodnight Sakura" I hang up while locking up the car and go inside I could feel the calm & quiet in the house while I walk up the stairs to my room thinking about what happened, I'm really lucky to have him as my mine now.
I hope y'all like this chapter I do not own the photos or Naruto, I will be posting a new chapter everyday. Thank you comment some ships you want me to do I already have an idea of the second book it's a Naruto gender bend. Shh 🤫 comment what other anime's I should do thank you <3

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