Chapter 45

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It had been way too long.

It had been way too long since Noah woke up next to Harry, feeling the strong warmth of his body transferring to her own and hearing his steady, gentle breaths that could just about be classified as soft snores.

Harry usually slept on his stomach, so his back was rising up and down with each breath and his head was turned on his pillow facing Noah, allowing her to see his slightly pouted and parted lips and gentle eyelashes resting at the very tops of his cheeks. His hair was fanned out against the pillow, but some of it had flopped across his forehead, grazing his eyebrows.

His arm closest to Noah was thrown over her waist as she was on her back, reminding her of all the previous times they had woken up in similar positions in the past. She found herself feeling overheated, though, because it was a summer morning and the thin curtains did little to block out any of the strong morning sun.

Due to the heat and the pressure on her bladder, Noah decided to slide out from the bed as carefully as possible to not wake Harry up, letting his hand that was on her waist drop to the empty bed with a thud as she stood up. He didn't stir in the slightest, so Noah knew that she was safe.

It did cross her mind that it was strange for Harry to still be this tired at this point in the morning. It wasn't that late or anything, as it was just after 9:30AM, but he was usually wide awake before 8AM. At least he used to be. Nevertheless, he looked so peaceful and relaxed that she didn't want to disturb him, so she just went about her usual morning business in the bathroom before tiptoeing out of the room, relishing in the cool hardwood flooring underneath her bare feet as she made her way into the kitchen.

Noah opened the fridge doors and glanced inside, seeing that his mostly empty fridge did seem to have some fresh food in it. She assumed that he had gone shopping earlier in the day yesterday to stock up for the weekend.

Most of the food included vegetables and fruit, making Noah sigh to herself. It wasn't necessarily surprising, as Harry was a very healthy guy. Despite her desire for a nice greasy breakfast, Noah simply grabbed out Harry's blender and got busy on making some smoothies for them. Her smoothie was more of a fruit smoothie whereas she planned on making Harry's with vegetables, knowing that was what he would prefer.

The sound of the blender was a little louder than Noah had hoped, but the only thing she could hope for was that Harry was in too deep of a sleep to hear it.

Unfortunately for her, that hope proved false as Harry suddenly began stumbling into the open room from the hallway, taking lazy steps and rubbing one eye with his knuckle and rubbing his other hand on his bare stomach. He was still only wearing his boxer briefs, just as Noah was only wearing underwear and one of his shirts.

"What you up to in here, munchkin?" Harry asked as he got closer, still squinting his eyes as they adjusted to the sunlight beaming through his windows. When he finally reached her, he pressed his front up against her back and brought his arms around her waist, coming to rest on her stomach. "Very disappointed I didn't get to wake up in bed with you," his impeccably raspy tone shot straight down to Noah's bones, nearly making her shiver from the depth of it.

Noah's head naturally tipped back against Harry's chest to further their close contact and she hummed happily. "Sorry, bub. I wanted to make breakfast for us."

Harry hummed as well and rested his chin on the top of her head. "My sweet little housewife."

That comment made Noah scoff and jab a playful elbow into his stomach, causing him to flinch back and laugh.

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