Chapter 58

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"I honestly don't have to go, I don't mind staying home," Harry insisted for the tenth time.

Rolling her eyes at his over protectiveness, Noah said, "you're going, handsome. You'll have a great time and learn a whole bunch of new stuff."

"But if it means leaving you alone..."

"What are you so worried about?" Noah laughed. "I'm perfectly capable of being on my own for a few days. Besides, I'll have Teddy with me."

Harry reluctantly sighed and said, "okay, okay. But I'll call you every night to talk before bed."

Noah smiled at that. "I expect nothing less."

Nearly a month had passed since they found out about the pregnancy and Harry had been invited to attend a woodworking convention in an entirely different state for the upcoming week. Kaleb was the one who had invited him, as his grandfather, William, always got invited to conventions like that but never wanted to go due to his age. This year, though, when William mentioned it to Kaleb, Kaleb was excited about the prospect of going and decided to ask Harry if he wanted to tag along with him. That was months ago, so Harry easily said yes then, but now Noah's pregnancy had Harry hesitant about going. He just didn't want to leave her alone.

Eager knocks on their front door paused their conversation, alerting them to someone's presence at the door.

Harry sighed deeply and muttered a reluctant, "here we go," as he walked to the door and unlocked it.

Once the door had swung open, they were immediately greeted by a joyous exclamation of, "who's ready to get their wood on?!"

Kaleb stepped into the apartment and immediately engulfed Harry into a bear hug, patting him somewhat harshly on the back as he asked, "what's going on, my guy?"

There was hardly any time for Harry to react to the hug before Kaleb had released him and moved toward Noah as she stood near the living room, watching the entire interaction with a smile.

"Noah!" Kaleb called out once he got closer to her, holding his arms out.

"Kaleb!" Noah laughed, holding her own arms out to him.

When he reached her, Kaleb bent down to wrap his arms around her back and lifted her up swiftly, giving her a tight hug and somewhat swaying her from side to side. Harry flinched at the movement, instinctively throwing his hand out to stop Kaleb from being so rough with her, but stopped himself before he could say or do anything. They hadn't exactly told anyone about the pregnancy yet, and he wasn't about to break that with Kaleb.

Noah was laughing the whole time, anyway, and was eventually placed back on the floor by Kaleb. He pulled back from the hug and moved his hands to the sides of her shoulders as he looked at her.

"You look as beautiful as ever, shrimp. What kind of moisturizer do you use? You're practically glowing! Or is it a pregnancy glow?"

That comment made Harry's face drop and Noah's lips part as she was about to quickly share her moisturizer brand to save face, but Kaleb quickly laughed and spoke again before she could.

"Kidding! You do look great, though." He spun around and looked back at Harry to say, "alright, you ready to go, best friend? We don't wanna be late!"

Harry had to let out a deep breath, adjusting himself to Kaleb's constantly energetic personality. Even though three years had passed, Kaleb was just as energetic at 23 as he was at 20. Harry wasn't old, but his 30-year-old self just didn't have Kaleb's level of energy and outgoingness.

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