Chapter 52

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Valentine's Day was about a week after Noah and Harry returned home from England and Noah was beyond excited.

After all, her Valentine's plans for last year had been completely ruined when Harry had to flee. She was slightly disappointed this year, too, though, because they couldn't exactly go anywhere to celebrate the day together, such as the romantic hotel that Noah had booked for last year, as they had just gotten back from England and were tired. Of course, technically they could still go to a hotel for the night, but they had decided that they would rather just go out for a nice dinner then spend the night in their own apartment.

Naturally, Noah woke up to a beautiful vase of fresh flowers on her nightstand that Valentine's Day morning. Harry was an early riser, much earlier than her, so he had already woken up before her and went to the florist to pick up the bouquet he had specially picked out. Thankfully, Noah was still asleep when he got back, so he managed to arrange the bouquet in a vase (a job which took him nearly 15 minutes alone because he was stressed about arranging them perfectly) and quietly placed them on her nightstand as she slept soundly.

Harry received a bunch of kisses and hugs from Noah when she got out of bed that morning, finding him sitting on a stool at the kitchen island as he scrolled through his laptop looking at some emails from potential customers.

It was already decided that Noah would make them breakfast, so she soon busied herself with that and they enjoyed a delicious start to their Valentine's Day together.

Later that evening, their dinner was really romantic, with them both dressed up formally and looking their best as they went to an upscale restaurant that Harry had booked reservations at months before. After all, he knew that Valentine's Day was the toughest day to get reservations for, so he prepared well in advance.

When they returned home, Noah excused herself to the bathroom to take off her makeup and turn down for the evening. She had something else planned, though, as she started to fill the bathtub with water to which she added some bubbles, essential oils, and rose petals that she had gotten specifically for this occasion. When it was all set up and she had removed her makeup and her dress, she put her classic silk robe on.

Just as she was finishing up, she heard a couple of gentle knocks on the bathroom door.

"You almost done, munchkin?" Harry's soft voice carried through the wood.

Rather than verbally replying, Noah simply opened the door, revealing herself to Harry as he leaned on the doorframe outside. He had taken off his suit jacket and unbuttoned his white button down shirt, which was open to reveal his bare chest and stomach underneath. It was also untucked from his slacks and only black socks covered his feet.

"Yeah, I'm done," she smiled at him, reaching a hand forward to trail her fingers down his chest and stomach. "Wanna join me for a bath?"

As she moved to the side a bit, showing the bathtub behind her, Harry found himself struggling to fight a laugh from bubbling up his throat.

He shook his head, too, making Noah furrow her eyebrows and ask, "what?"

Similar to her, Harry moved to the side, revealing the rest of the room behind him where the bed had been done up all nicely with rose petals scattered all over the comforter.

"No fucking way," Noah laughed, amazed at how similar their brains are.

The idea of using rose petals in the bathtub or on a bed was entirely cheesy and cliche, but Noah couldn't help it, and Harry figured that it was something she would love. It seemed that he was right on the money, as it wasn't something they had discussed before but had both coincidentally done.

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