Chapter 47

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"Are you sure you have everything?"

That question had been asked too many times over the past hour.

Saturday passed by pretty easily, with Harry spending his last day before the farmer's market making as many products as he could. While Harry was in his garage working, Noah caught up on any emails she had, all while watching reruns of her favorite show.

Harry had to take a trip to the local hardware store to get some supplies that he ran out of on Saturday, too. Wood stain and epoxy resin were among the necessary supplies. On top of that, they bought a fold-up table and a collapsible canopy tent to use at his booth. Finally, they stopped by the lumber yard that Harry got his wood from, since he was very particular about the wood used for his creations. Noah happily tagged along for the trip, as she didn't have much else to do.

Noah had way more fun than she thought she would in the hardware store. That was most likely due to the fact that the trip felt incredibly domestic. Going shopping with your partner always felt somewhat intimate and domestic, as it had married-couple vibes written all over it.

The couple also spent some time on Saturday working out the pricing for Harry's products. He wasn't exactly sure how much to charge for them, so, Noah, with her previous knowledge of working at the market, helped out. They both did some research of similar products and their retail prices, then worked out a price for each product that would cover the cost of materials as well as factor in labor time to make each one. The price would give him a decent profit, too. Harry suggested a price that was more on the lower end, so Noah vouched for it to be a bit more expensive, as she knew they were worth it due to the beautiful craftsmanship of them.

By the time Sunday rolled around, one would have thought that Noah was the one selling her own products at the market with how giddy and somewhat anxious she was. Harry was nervous, of course, but he wasn't outwardly showing it. Noah, however, couldn't shut up.

Words kept flying out of her mouth, clearly letting her excitement show with every random thought, comment, and question that came to mind. She was almost making Harry more nervous due to her high energy that was spilling onto him.

"Yeah, this is the last thing," Harry answered as he placed the last container of coasters in the back of his car.

"You sure? That's everything?"

Harry huffed and closed the back door of his car. He loved Noah, he really did, but she was being a little too pedantic for him at that moment. He was nervous enough as is, and she was honestly making it worse.

"Yes, I'm sure. You're kind of freaking me out even more, to be honest."

Noah pouted to herself and immediately began to feel guilty. She didn't want to freak him out, but she was freaking out herself, so she let out a sigh and forced herself to calm down before saying, "I'm sorry, I'm just really excited for you and I wanna make sure everything is perfect."

"I know you do, and I love you for that. Let's just get going, okay? I'm ready to go if you are."

Just how understanding Harry was really struck Noah in that moment, as she knew she must have been annoying all morning but Harry quietly put up with it the whole time. She pouted even more, this time out of emotion because of how sweet Harry was.

"Yeah, I'm ready."

Though the drive wasn't too short, it seemed to fly by as Noah practically bounced in her seat from excitement. She also insisted on playing any and all Dionne Warwick songs, because she firmly stated that nothing was more calming than Dionne Warwick.

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