Chapter 18

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Harry was stressed.

The rug in his living room was becoming indented by the pacing he was doing. It was Tuesday night, a few days after his first fight back, and Noah had just let it slip that her birthday was that Friday.

That was entirely new information to Harry. Now, he was stressed because he had to think of a gift to get her, as well as plan something to do for her on that day.

Harry had just gotten off the phone with Noah for their nightly call where Noah mentioned that her birthday was on Friday and she had plans with her family to celebrate in the morning up until the early afternoon, but, after that, she was free until she was supposed to meet with friends for dinner.

Everything was so convenient for Harry, as now it rested on his shoulders to plan something for Noah since she offered to spend time with him after she saw her family. He was supposed to train the majority of the day on Friday, so he would have to find a way to cut that short.

There was also stress lingering because Noah had invited him along to the dinner with her friends and, given the fact that he was her boyfriend, he couldn't say no. He agreed, but he was scared shitless about meeting so many of the important people in Noah's life at once.

Harry had no idea what to do for her birthday, but he suddenly stopped pacing as an idea of what to give her crossed his mind, causing him to immediately get to planning.

But first, he had to call Ray to request ending training early on Friday.


When Noah woke up on Friday morning, she immediately rolled over and checked her phone, squinting from the sunlight that was trickling into her room and splashing across her face.

The first thing she noticed was an onslaught of texts all wishing her happy birthday, but one stood out from the rest.

Harry: Good morning and happiest of birthdays to you, Munchkin. Text me as soon as you wake up, please. Also, I hope you have a great time with your family.

It had been about an hour since he sent that text and it was now around 9:30 in the morning. Noah was inwardly swooning at the sweetness exuding from Harry's text, as well as the anticipation of what he had planned for later.

Noah: i'm up! thank you so much handsome, i'll keep you updated throughout the day about when i'll be home. have a good time training!

With that, Noah got out of bed and got ready as quickly as possible, because she was eager to get started with her day. She was wearing a multi-colored, patchwork mini skirt, the exact one that Colette had told her to buy when they were searching for an outfit for Noah's first date with Harry. The skirt had soft, solid colors of orange, brown, and green faux suede material, perfectly fitting in with fall. She had a simple forest green fitted long sleeve shirt with a mock turtleneck covering her torso. On her feet she had a pair of boots that reached up to her mid thigh with a slight block heel, giving her an extra inch or two.

When she had finished getting dressed, doing her makeup, and overall preparing herself for the day, she made the drive over to her parent's house. As she arrived, she exchanged plenty of hugs with her mom, stepdad Dominic, and brother Holden.

They soon made their way out to their usual breakfast cafe that they would go to on every birthday. Noah had been going there ever since she was young, so it was a major tradition for her. They ate, spent some time together, and enjoyed their food before returning back to Noah's parents' house.

Once back there, Noah opened all of her gifts from her family, including her extended family that had mailed their gifts to her. They spent the rest of their time there together, eating lunch and playing random games or watching movies until the clock read 2PM. Then, Noah decided it was time to head back. She thanked her family for a wonderful time, as well as for the gifts, and gave them all hugs in appreciation. Holden got an extra long special hug, though.

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