Chapter 61

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-Two years later-

After pulling into the parking lot of Harry's store, Noah took a deep breath and glanced outside the windows at the rain that was pouring all over the car, creating a melodic sound barrier.

Noah's gaze focused on the store itself, appreciating how much it had grown in the past couple years. It was really Harry's perfect own space by that point, as business had increased substantially since it opened. As a result, there were many more employees working there, including sales people and people who were in charge of actually building the furniture and items. Harry obviously taught the builders all his techniques for building the items up to his standards, and they were all very quick learners.

As such, Harry had taken on a more executive role at his store. He wasn't doing nearly as many builds himself as he used to, as he was needed more for the admin and overall keeping-the-business-up-and-running aspect of the store. Most of his time was spent in his office at the store, dealing with all the behind the scenes stuff.

With the boom in business, Harry was also making a lot more money than he ever thought he would see in his life. It turned out that people were willing to pay top dollar for his creations, and it helped that there were none others like them nearby.

In fact, he had been contacted by multiple business people about opening more stores across the state. While those opportunities sounded amazing, it was definitely something he would give more thought to in the future. He didn't want to get ahead of himself too soon.

As for Noah, she had been doing a lot more freelancing recently. She loved the freedom it provided, as she was able to stay at home and spend as much time with Leo as possible, yet still make money doing something she loved. It was especially helpful that her job was on her own time and was able to be done from home, as Harry practically worked the normal nine-to-five days Monday through Friday, so at least Noah was there to watch over Leo.

Harry always went home from work for lunch, though, and spent it with Noah and Leo every day. That was the best part of having his store so close to their home. There was nothing better than having Leo run up to greet him at the front door, joyfully screaming, "daddy!" every time he came home for lunch.

That rainy Friday, however, things were a little different. Harry had been wanting to bring Leo into work with him one day to show him all around the store, since he was getting older and was very inquisitive about the world around him. After all, he was three years old by that point. He had a curious mind and Harry wanted to take advantage of that while he was still young. Noah was a little nervous about Leo going at first, because she was worried about all the power tools and potential dangers there, but Harry reassured her that he would take care of him.

With that being said, Noah was there that early afternoon to meet her two boys after they had spent the morning together at the store. They had planned on going out to lunch, so Noah was meeting them there after she had spent the morning taking some much-needed time to herself.

The umbrella was brought out and quickly opened once Noah climbed out of the car. She walked as fast as possible toward the entrance of the store, which thankfully had an awning over the front door where she stopped to close and shake out her umbrella.

After she closed her umbrella up, Noah headed inside the store and instantly smiled as she glanced around at the impressive furniture pieces, many of which were similar to ones scattered around their home.

Having missed her boys too much and not wanting to waste any time, she walked over toward the checkout counter, where a seemingly college-aged girl was sitting on a stool behind the register.

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