Chapter 19

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A day shy of two weeks later, it was Halloween.

During those two weeks, Noah and Harry had gotten even closer. Given the events on Noah's birthday, they found themselves constantly wanting to be around each other and touching in some way. Not necessarily in an explicit, sexual way, but more in an innocent way.

Whenever they were together, they would have some kind of physical contact. That could include hand holding, simple brushes of their hand against the other's skin, an arm thrown around the other's shoulders or waist, or sweet, gentle kisses that were meant to just feel each other.

The couple hung out together as often as they could, one of the most recent times being when they went shopping for their Halloween costumes.

Colette, Nia, and Jasmine always threw a big party on Halloween. Noah's friends, Nia, Jasmine, Deon, and Cora, all lived together in a decent sized house, so the party was always thrown there. It was a pretty standard Halloween party, with usual Halloween decorations around as well as some other Halloween-themed activities.

This year, Noah was very excited because she finally got to go with a date. It was even more special, though, because that date was Harry.

Noah knew that she wanted to do a couple's costume with Harry, but she was struggling to think of one that he would approve of.

When the perfect costume came to mind, she knew that it was going to be their costume no matter what. It wasn't necessarily creative, but it was a costume she had always wanted to do so she was going to pounce at the opportunity now.

That was why they were at the mall, searching for all the necessary parts of their costume. Harry already had a few things that would work, but there were still others that he needed. The same went for Noah.

Harry would have complained about being dragged around the mall, but Noah's hand in his the entire time, as well as the determined pout on her face, made the whole thing worthwhile for him. Also, being out in public with Noah brought him a strong sense of normalcy that he found himself enjoying immensely.

A few days after that, the couple were walking towards the front door of the Halloween party. Though their costumes were somewhat boring and common, Noah was still proud because she thought they looked really good together.

Noah was Mia Wallace from Pulp Fiction, complete with the black, bobbed wig with bangs reaching her eyebrows. She was wearing a pair of simple, fitted black pencil pants and a white long sleeve button up shirt that was only buttoned up with about four buttons in the middle. The bottom couple buttons were undone and the top buttons were undone enough to reveal the top of a black laced bra underneath. On her feet were a pair of simple, short black high heels.

Harry matched Noah, as he was Vincent Vega from Pulp Fiction, with his hair left loosely around his face, still somewhat damp. He was wearing a simple, fitted black suit with a white button up shirt that was paired with a plain black tie. On his feet were a pair of simple black dress up shoes.

Harry didn't mind the costume much, because he didn't have to dress up to an extent that would draw much attention to him. He also thought that Noah looked amazing, so he had no complaints.

When they entered the party, they got a few looks from random partygoers. Harry didn't recognize anyone, but quite a few people quickly greeted Noah excitedly. Noah didn't have time to introduce Harry to them since they left as quickly as they came, but her tight grip on Harry's hand the whole time made it obvious who he was to her.

The couple made their way deeper into the party and eventually stumbled upon Noah's friends. Colette excitedly greeted Noah and Harry, gushing over how good they looked before asking who they were. Noah rolled her eyes and explained their costumes, which she had to repeat to some of her other friends as well.

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