Chapter 26

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Harry didn't think that he was a very clingy person.

There was no doubt that he wanted to be around Noah a lot and he found great comfort from her, but he didn't think he was necessarily clingy.

Noah had told Harry that she would call him when she got home. Harry knew that she was staying a little late at work, but it was nearing 10PM and he knew that she should have been home by that time, but she hadn't called him.

A few texts had already been sent to Noah from Harry, just checking in and asking if she was home yet. She hadn't replied to any of them and Harry felt like he would officially be clingy if he called her since it had only been a few hours, so he didn't.

Harry hadn't moved from his couch, staring at his TV and anxiously wringing his hands together as he tried to calm his nerves. Why wasn't Noah replying? She was normally really quick about getting back to him.

The shrill tone of his phone's ringtone cut through the air. Harry immediately picked it up off of the couch cushion next to him and saw Noah's nickname on the screen, causing his nerves to somewhat settle. Though he wasn't sure whether she was finally home or calling for a different, possibly scary, reason.

"Munchkin?" Harry said as soon as he accepted the call and brought the phone to his ear.

There was a lot of background noise from her line, causing Harry's eyebrows to furrow as he wondered where she was.

Nevertheless, a sigh was heard before Noah's voice came through the speaker, saying, "hi, handsome."

Harry let out a sigh of his own, filled with relief at finally hearing her voice. He could tell there was some tension in her tone, though. "Fuck, are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay..." she trailed off, hardly easing Harry's nerves. "There's something I need to tell you, though."

Never mind, Harry's nerves were back in full force. "Okay... what's up, baby?"

"You can't freak out."

Not the best thing to say when Harry was already, in fact, somewhat freaking out. Though Harry felt his heart thumping so loud that he wouldn't be surprised if Noah could hear it through the phone from his temple, he just said, "Noah, what happened?"

Noah took a deep breath before saying, "I'm kind of at the police station right now."

Harry's blood turned to ice in his body at her words and he could feel a headache already forming. "Kind of or you actually are?"

"I actually am."

A hand was brought up to pinch the bridge of Harry's nose as he tried to even his breathing. "Can you tell me what the fuck happened before I lose my shit? Are you actually okay?"

"Okay, okay, take a deep breath, bub. I'm okay. I'm fine. I was just... someone tried to rob me as I left work tonight."

The distressed breath that left Harry's lips was obvious to Noah as he stood up off of the couch and immediately made his way over to his shoe shelf by the front door. He grabbed a random pair of shoes, bending down to put his finger in the back of the heel to lift it up and easily slide his foot inside one of the shoes.

As he did the same to the other shoe, he said, "what police station are you at?"


"Noah, what police station are you at?" He asked again with a deeper tone, indicating his seriousness. "I need you to tell me so I can head there right now and along the way, I need you to tell me exactly what the fuck happened."

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