Chapter 12

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Harry woke up the next morning on his back with Noah tucked up against his side, still asleep. Her head was resting on his chest and one of her legs was brought up across his hips. His arm was also wrapped behind her with his hand resting on her hip. Harry didn't do much besides turn his head and nestle his nose into her hair.

He couldn't accurately describe how at peace he felt to be waking up alongside Noah. It felt so right. He was utterly overwhelmed and frankly worried, because everything was going too smoothly. Something had to go wrong.

When Noah woke up, she let out a cute little squeal as she stretched her legs slightly. She nuzzled farther into Harry's chest and murmured, "good morning."

Harry inadvertently smiled and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Good morning, sweet girl. Sleep okay?"

Noah hummed and pressed a kiss onto Harry's chest. "Yeah. Best night's sleep I've gotten in a long time. You're a great snuggler. How'd you sleep, handsome?"

"Mm, excellent with you beside me."

After spending about thirty more minutes in bed, Harry figured it would be best to get up and ready for the day. Noah had the opposite idea, though, which was why she gripped onto him tightly as he tried to leave the bed.

"Please, just a few more minutes. You're so warm and comforting. I love your hugs," Noah practically begged.

Harry felt his heart clench at how needy Noah was being. He was simply shocked at the fact that there was someone in this world, let alone someone as all-around beautiful as Noah, who was so desperate for his affection that they didn't want him to leave the bed in the morning.

"I'm gonna make you breakfast, munchkin. Okay? And I'll bring it straight to you here in bed."

That brought a smile to Noah's face as she whispered a soft, "okay," before puckering her lips for a kiss. Harry smiled at her cuteness but leaned down and gave her a single peck nonetheless before he climbed out of bed and made his way to the kitchen.

Harry quickly made them both a simple breakfast of eggs and toast. When it was finished, he brought it up to Noah in bed who smiled widely at not only the tray of food, but also the handsome, dreamy shirtless man carrying it. Noah was endlessly appreciative of his sweet gesture and Harry received tons of kisses in response. He was extra blushy in the morning.

Harry finished his breakfast before Noah, so he took a quick shower and got dressed in some of his normal gym attire before leaving the bathroom: joggers, plain shirt, and a hoodie over the top. He always had his gym bag with him to change into other clothes at the gym depending on how hot or cold it was. He finished up his normal morning routine before exiting.

When he came out of the bathroom fully dressed, Noah pouted to herself. She didn't admit it, but she was slightly hoping that she would get to see a nearly naked Harry step out of the bathroom with shower steam billowing behind him, only a towel and water droplets covering his skin.

Nevertheless, she gave him a kiss before taking a shower of her own. She also got dressed in the bathroom, throwing on a pair of leggings and an oversized hoodie dropped to her mid thigh which she may or may not have stolen from Harry's closet while he showered. It was giant on her, but she liked it anyway because it was his.

Harry raised an eyebrow and smirked slightly once Noah stepped out of the bathroom and he saw his hoodie on her torso. He didn't say or do much besides mumbling, "looks good on you, munchkin," as he kissed her lips.

Because he had to go to training for his fight hours in advance, Noah was about to drive home a little before noon. Harry carried her bags to her car and they exchanged about ten kisses before finally parting ways. Noah had wished him good luck for his fight that evening, making him smile and thank her with a blown kiss as he backed away toward his apartment complex. As she was closing the door to her car, he was still watching her while walking backwards so she smiled and waved a final time before closing the door entirely.

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