Chapter 56

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Noah's head was cushioned against a feathery pillow as she dropped down onto the bed. Harry quickly climbed over her, placing a hand on either side of her head as his uncontrollable wide smile was beaming down at her. Just for her.

Their wedding had gone perfectly, meaning this was the perfect icing on the cake to the already incredible day.

With a smile as contagious as Harry's, it was inevitable that Noah's expression mirrored his own. She smiled up at him and raised a hand to brush a loose curl off of his forehead, sweeping her fingers behind his ear and coming to rest her hand on the side of his neck. Her fingers then naturally buried themselves in the short curls at the base of his neck, making her instantly miss his longer hair.

Harry's wide smile faded into a gentle one, though pure content was still evident on his face.

"Still kinda hard to believe this is real," he said, with adoration seeping through his tone.

"It's real," Noah replied in a sweet, soft voice, rubbing her thumb against his cheek soothingly.

Without replying, Harry slowly leaned down to lightly press his lips onto hers. The kiss started out sweet and tender at first, but gradually gained heat and passion with each sweep of their lips against each other. Their tongues entered each other's mouths and their breathing picked up, too, with Harry's breath coming out strongly through his nose as he got more and more worked up.

Eventually, Noah pulled away enough to murmur against his lips, "I don't even have my sexy-wedding-night lingerie on," trying to pause his movements.

"Don't care," was Harry's weak reply, not even giving a second thought to anything.

"But I bought it just for this-" she tried to whine before being cut off by Harry.

"Save it for the honeymoon," he rushed out, diving forward to try to kiss her again.

He was successful for a second before she pulled back to counter with, "but I already have a different special lingerie planned for that-"

"Save it for my birthday," he interrupted again, pulling back enough to stare into her eyes and wait until she was done.

Noah blew a raspberry with her lips before defeatedly saying, "okay."

Harry stayed motionless for a second, staring at her suspiciously, then asked, "can I make love to my wife now?"

Making a slightly disgusted sound, Noah spoke up to say, "ugh, the phrase 'make love' has been made to be super cringe-y now."

By that point, Harry was beginning to get innocently impatient. "What would you prefer me to say that sounds less blunt than fuck? Fornicate? Shag? Knocking boots?"

"I kind of like 'burping the worm in the mole hole,'" Noah casually replied.

If Harry were any less horny, he would have bursted into laughter at that obscene phrase.

"What the fuck?" He muttered instead, trying to will himself to not get soft at the humorous turn the conversation had taken.

Noah could sense he was getting quite impatient, so she reined in her giggles and sweetly said, "sorry. I'm done." Then, she turned on her alluring voice as she buried her fingers even deeper into his hair at the back of his neck and slightly tightened her grip on it. "Yes, you can fuck your wife."

Harry didn't even wait another second before surging forward and kissing her again. One of his hands traveled down to the tie of her robe which he swiftly undid, letting the sides of it fall away from her body. His hand then moved to cup her breast, applying the perfect touch that started to get her worked up. Harry was incredibly in tune with her body, so he sensed that she was getting excited and let his lips stray from hers. Instead, his kisses trailed down her cheek, neck, and collarbones until he reached her breasts and tantalizingly took one of her nipples into his mouth.

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