A Very Deserve Christmas - Blurb

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Finally stepping off the plane after a long flight meant Harry wanted to release a sigh of relief, but the journey was far from over.

Traveling with a six-year old, a three-year-old, and a six-month-old was stressful as fuck. Harry kept repeating a simple phrase in his head: Never again. Never again. Never again.

Harry was holding six-month-old Cody in one arm as he dragged his carry-on case behind him with his other hand, all while Noah held three-year-old River's hand in one of hers, while her other rolled her carry-beside her. Six-year-old Leo walked in front of them all, with his child-sized carry-on trailing behind him as he held it with one arm and cradled a stuffed animal penguin in his other.

The flight was exhausting. Cody was crying quite a lot, which was not surprising considering it was her first flight ever, and Leo was quite restless. It was a long flight, after all, so Harry and Noah couldn't exactly fault him, but it was exhausting to deal with. River, on the other hand, was as relaxed as ever, simply sitting in between the window and his baby sister while he watched kid's shows on an iPad.

Because there were five of them, their seats were a little separated in the airplane. The plane had three columns of seats - a column on each side that had three seats per row, and one column down the middle that had four seats per row. Harry, River, and Cody sat on one of the edge columns, where River had the window seat, Cody sat in the middle, and Harry sat in the aisle. Noah and Leo sat across the aisle from them in the middle column, with Leo sitting in the aisle and Noah sitting in the middle.

Given that Cody was a daddy's girl all the way, it only made sense that she was placed with Harry. That was part of why Harry was so exhausted - he was the one caring for her and calming her down the entire time.

The family finally made it to baggage claim after getting through immigration, and Noah tasked herself with grabbing a cart to place all their luggage on. Harry stood with the kids by the luggage carousel, waiting for it to start dispensing their luggage.

When Noah came back with the cart, Harry handed Cody to her and began grabbing all of their luggage off the carousel to place on the cart. Thankfully, Leo and River patiently stood by, but that was mainly because they were beyond exhausted from the journey and didn't have the energy to run around.

Thankfully, the process of getting to the rental car place wasn't too difficult, and they were quickly provided with all the car seats they needed before they packed their car and set off.

It only took a few minutes of driving before all the kids fell asleep, causing Harry to finally speak up about his unpleasant experience.

"We are never traveling ever again," he declared firmly.

Noah rolled her eyes and reached over to soothingly rub Harry's left arm as he rested his hand on the gear shift knob.

"Don't be so grouchy, handsome. It's worth it," she said with slight amusement in her tone.

"Is it?" Harry questioned with immense doubt in his. "We still have to fly back home and go through it all over again."

Pouting and continuing to rub Harry's arm, Noah said, "so what? We're spending Christmas with your family and the kids will love seeing their nan. I know you're getting old, but that's no reason to be a curmudgeon."

Harry's jaw dropped in absolute offense and he glanced over at Noah to glare at her, sending her obvious daggers before looking back at the road.

"Excuse me?!" Was all he said in response, despite wanting to use more expletives but censoring himself in the presence of his sleeping kids.

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