Chapter 49

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Harry flopped onto the bed with his arms straight out beside him like a starfish. A deep sigh pushed past his lips as he stared at the ceiling, while Noah glanced over at him with an amused expression on her face.

As she walked around the room, putting stuff away and tidying up, Harry mumbled, "who knew babies were so much work?"

Noah playfully rolled her eyes. "Everyone?"

"Yeah, well, this is much more tiring than I thought it would be."

That time, Noah's only response was a simple laugh and a shake of her head. With her back turned to him, Harry sat up and scooted himself backward so he could sit against the headboard.

As he watched her silently for a moment, a single question came to mind. It was an important, yet possibly deal-breaker question. Serious relationships call for those sorts of questions, though, because you need to know what each other's goals and expectations are for the future. He found himself hardly hesitating to ask it, as he was entirely comfortable in her presence and he had a strong feeling that her answer was the same as his.

"Do you want kids someday?"

Noah had figured that that question was coming some time soon. After all, they had been babysitting Ray's daughter since earlier that afternoon.

Scarlet was only seven weeks old, born in the beginning of December, the day after Harry had asked Noah to move in with him. Ray had an internal freakout about becoming a father during the labor, but the seven weeks since the birth had been blissful for him, as he loved fatherhood more than anything.

This was Noah and Harry's first time babysitting Scarlet, and Harry was beyond nervous beforehand. He insisted that Noah had to show him how to do everything, since he had no idea how to care for a baby, especially one as young as Scarlet. Luckily for him, Noah was a natural, thanks to having a brother much younger than her, so Harry caught on quickly.

It had been just over a month since Noah had moved in with him, and that month of living together was everything they ever imagined and more. Or less, sometimes. Every couple has their moments of frustrations with each other, but thankfully nothing too drastic had occurred between Noah and Harry. Just typical, little arguments here and there that were common arguments for couples to have.

Their apartment had become a beautiful amalgamation of the two of them together. Of course, all of Harry's stuff was already there, but Noah got to bring in her own personal touch, which definitely livened up the place. She liked a lot of what Harry already had set up, so there weren't any drastic changes or anything. She just got to bring in her bright personality to lighten up Harry's apartment, just as she had brightened up his life when she entered it.

They had thoroughly enjoyed their first month of living together, as it was filled with them being entirely cheesy and loved up. They shared nightly cuddles and morning kisses, nearly every shower was a joint effort, and they loved being able to spend breakfast and dinner together practically every day. They became that annoying couple that brushes their teeth right next to each other at the sink, but they didn't care how cheesy it was.

Christmas was especially fun for them. It was their first Christmas they spent together, as Harry hadn't flown to England for the holiday. He planned on going back for his birthday instead, so Christmas was spent with Noah and her family.

Her family was more than happy to have Harry join them for their family celebration, making Harry feel even more included and welcomed into the family.

The couple spent Christmas Eve together in their own apartment, which had been entirely decked out in the appropriate decorations. They had a Christmas tree which they decorated together, an activity which Noah was incredibly excited about. Harry less so, but he loved seeing Noah happy, so he found it enjoyable, too.

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