Chapter 44

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"I need you to tell me exactly who the fuck this Harry guy really is."

That demand rattled around Noah's brain for days until Friday came along.

Needless to say, when her dad heard the news, Noah received a very frenzied and angry phone call from him. He wanted to know exactly how she got into that mess, but, with the help of the news articles, he figured that it had to do with Harry. She could easily sense that he was angry at and very distrusting of Harry now, but she didn't want to explain things to him over the phone, or without consulting Harry first. As such, she insisted that they would meet in person to discuss everything, much like how they did after she was almost robbed all those months ago.

Vincent wasn't happy that his daughter was putting the conversation off, but he also didn't want to upset her by pushing her to talk about it if she wasn't ready, so he reluctantly agreed and they ended their phone call with a promise to meet up that weekend.

Now, Noah had two big conversations to worry about. She was thankful that her mom was very caring and understanding, as she only expressed her worry and relief that both Noah and Harry were okay.

Those thoughts momentarily shifted, like a cloud that was covering the sun finally moving to allow the warmth and light to shine down as Noah stared at her phone on Friday morning while at work.

Harry: Your noble man has honorably returned, m'lady.

Noah found herself smiling in confusion, as she thought he was an adorable dork but had no idea why he even thought to say it like that.

Noah: has he?? what great joy this brings me. i do wonder how he fared during his journey.

Harry: That was dumb of me, but you're adorable for playing along. In all seriousness, the drive was fine. I'm safe and sound in my apartment now. Let me know when you're home from work and ready and then I'll pick you up for our date, okay?

Noah: okay :) i love you handsome can't wait!!

Harry: I love you, sweet girl. See you later.

A few seconds passed before another text came in.

Harry: By the way, the dress code is formal tonight.

The wide smile on Noah's face instantly made her cheeks sore with the strength behind it. She had so much hope for their conversation later that night, as there was clearly so much love between them that she believed they could work anything out. They were in a much better place now than they were just a few days ago.

Her thoughts were interrupted as she got another notification on her phone, this time another text from someone else. When she read the message, she smiled impossibly wider, having received excellent news that she couldn't wait to share with Harry later that night as well.

Similar to Noah, Harry had to deal with frantic family members checking up on him and making sure he was okay. It turns out, his dad had heard the news and passed it onto Harry's mom, who then told his sister. As such, his mom and sister were very worried about him and made sure to talk to him on the phone to find out exactly what happened.

To tell the truth, Harry had never told his family exactly what his job was. He didn't necessarily want them knowing that he was an illegal fighter, so he lied to them about his job for years. They weren't exactly pleased to hear that they had been lied to, let alone that Harry's job for the past few years had been something as intense as an underground boxer. His dad wasn't happy to hear that news, either. He was extremely disappointed in the way Harry had been living his life, but the only thing he could do was be grateful that Harry was at least out of it now.

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