Chapter 11

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A few days later Harry found himself pulling up to Noah's apartment building yet again. Noah had texted Harry as soon as he pulled into the lot saying that she would be down in a minute, but Harry decided to get out and lean against the side of his car as he waited. Soon enough, she came bounding into the parking lot, wearing a pair of black leggings and an oversized hoodie.

It had only been three days since they last saw each other but she found herself missing him more than ever. Maybe that was due to the step forward they had taken with their physical intimacy the few days prior. All Noah knew was that she felt much more connected to him and she wanted to be around him always.

It was a Wednesday evening and Noah had suggested the pair meet up for dinner after work. Harry agreed easily and offered to pick her up, also suggesting they get takeout so they could drive somewhere to eat their food. Noah easily agreed to that, too.

Harry held his arms open to her as she skipped toward him. When Noah reached him, she practically jumped into his arms. She threw her arms around his neck and his wrapped tightly around her waist to catch her, with her feet coming off of the ground. She pulled her head back from alongside his to look into his eyes.

Noah puckered her lips at Harry cutely as a silent request for a kiss. Harry let out a laugh and leaned in to press his lips to hers, fulfilling her request.

"Hi, pretty girl," he said through the side of his mouth before he pulled back an inch, separating their lips.

"Hi, bub."

There was no stopping Harry from leaning forward to plant a few extra kisses on her mouth. He could never settle for just one, after all.

"Ready to go, munchkin?"

Noah hummed in approval and Harry opened the passenger door for her, closing it once she had gotten inside. He jogged to the driver's side and climbed in himself. Once he was in, Noah held her hand palm up in the air between them. After Harry reversed out of the parking spot and shifted the car into drive, he placed his hand in hers and interlaced their fingers together. Noah's gentle smile made an appearance as she rested their hands in her lap.

Though they had made plans to meet up for dinner, they didn't discuss where they were going. As a result, Noah was surprised when Harry pulled into the parking lot of the burger place they ate at about a month ago.

She looked at him with soft eyes and a heartfelt expression as he parked the car. Harry really was such a romantic, sentimental guy and he didn't even seem to realize it. Noah's heart was literally fluttering in her chest.

"I placed an order to go for the same thing you got last time, if that's okay?" He asked.

"Of course, that's perfect. Thank you, baby."

Harry's cheeks warmed at the nickname that she had only used once before when her hand was wrapped around his dick.

"'Kay, I'll run in and grab it. It should be ready by now. Wait here."

Noah patiently waited in the car as Harry was inside the restaurant picking up the food. She checked her phone and replied to any notifications she had from her friends. The truth was, she did feel some guilt because of how much time she was spending with Harry instead of her friends. Noah still hung out with them, of course, but she wasn't hanging out with them as much because of Harry. None of her friends were upset about that, though, as they fully understood that a relationship was blossoming between Noah and Harry and she had every right to hang out with him as she pleased, as long as she spent time with her friends, too.

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