Chapter 14

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It had been about two months since the last time Harry was in that dingy bar.

The last time he was there, he met up with Noah where they then went on to get food and enjoy their time getting to know each other.

That was nearly two months ago. It had also been nearly two weeks since Harry had last seen Noah. He tried to keep his mind off of her as much as possible, but it was tough. After all, he couldn't fight due to the injuries he had sustained. He was advised to rest and avoid any strenuous physical activity for a while.

Harry was begging Ray every day to let him start training again. Harry felt useless just sitting around in his house all day, especially because his mind would run rampant while he had nothing to do. He tried making a few more resin projects, but it just reminded him of Noah. How fucked up was it that a girl he was seeing for a month and a half had that much of an impact on him?

He missed Noah. He knew he did. What he didn't know, however, was if he had made the right decision. He felt good about the fact that he was keeping her safe from any potential danger associated with his job, but he fucking hated being away from her. Not to mention, he hated the fact that she probably believed that he didn't really have feelings for her.

There was no doubt in Harry's mind that he was endlessly worried about the effects that his words had on Noah. Surely seeing a guy for a month a half who was telling her pretty much everything she wanted to hear, who gave her a necklace with his initial on, and who had fucked her once then basically told her to fuck off wouldn't be the best feeling. Noah must feel like shit after that.

That was the main reason why Harry wanted to apologize. He didn't want her to think that she was just some game to him. He wanted her to realize how much she actually meant to him and how amazing she was. She made him feel so comfortable. She allowed him to feel safe enough to open up more than he had with anyone else other than his family. He supposed that was why he felt so connected to her so quickly, as well as why he was missing her so much. But now, it seemed to her as if he was just fucking with her the whole time and taking advantage of her kindness because of how easily and quickly he told her that he didn't want to be with her.

If only she knew how far from the truth that actually was.

Harry wanted nothing more than to be back with Noah in some way, shape, or form. She made him so happy. She made him smile more than anyone had ever done before. He felt much more like himself when he was with her. How did she do that to him so quickly? He never really noticed just how much of an impact she had on him until she wasn't there anymore. He had no one to blame except himself, though.

That was why Harry had found himself back at that dingy bar from two months ago. He had nothing better to do besides go the bar, have a beer, and people watch. He wasn't supposed to drink with the painkillers he was given, but he stopped taking them a few days ago. The pain was hardly there anymore. His mind and sanity were in more pain, anyway.

His usual seat was occupied by someone else, so Harry was sitting in a different area of the bar. He was drinking the same random beer he would always get, though. He was back to wearing his plain clothes: jeans, a black hoodie, and vans.

As he was sitting there, staring at the bar top, he felt a presence appear next to him. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a woman lean across the bar to shout her order to the bartender. Harry didn't bother to get a good look at her, but her overwhelming perfume was almost burning his nose because of how strong it was.

Soon enough, he felt her gaze attach to the side of his face. "Hey, there," she said in a sultry tone.

Harry didn't reply, simply taking another swig of his beer as he tried to make himself look busy by glancing through the labels of the bottles lining the wall behind the bar.

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