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December arrived, bringing with it more snow and a positive avalanche of homework for the fifth years. Ron and Hermione's prefect duties also became more and more onerous as Christmas approached. They were called upon to supervise the decoration of the castle ("You try putting up tinsel when Peeves has got the other end and is trying to strangle you with it," said Ron), to watch over first and second years spending their break times inside because of the bitter cold ("And they're cheeky little snotrags, you know, we definitely weren't that rude when we were in first year," said Ron), and to patrol the corridors in shifts with Argus Filch, who suspected that the holiday spirit might show itself in an outbreak of wizard duels ("He's got dung for brains, that one," said Ron furiously). They were so busy that Hermione had stopped knitting elf hats and was fretting that she was down to her last three.

"All those poor elves I haven't set free yet, having to stay over during Christmas because there aren't enough hats!"

Celeste was spending the Holidays with the Weasleys since her father was still on his business trip. The upcoming Holidays made her in a bad mood the more days passed. It would be the first Holiday she would spend without Cedric (except for third year, though they still sent letters throughout it) and everyone could see it.

She had snapped at Harry, Ron, and Hermione more than she had ever; she had been locking herself in her dorm straight after lessons, and when her dormmates had to come in, she went to the room of requirement; she had been avoiding Julian and Cho every time they had tried to talk to her and even lit the flowers that Melody, Daphne, Blaise, and Theo had got her on fire at the breakfast table. 

"We should try and talk to her," Daphne said sadly after Celeste had locked her in her dorm once more. She and Melody were in the Gryffindor tower, having left straight after Celeste tried to hex them.

"She seems like she doesn't want to talk to us," Ginny said, petting her cat.

"Well obviously, but we can't let her wallow in her sadness," Hermione said. "you saw her over the summer. She's not her."

"We could throw her a surprise party," George suggested.

Hermione waved her hand dismissively. "A party will make her feel worse after what happened last time."

"Maybe it'll get better over time," Harry said. "she wasn't acting like this when his birthday came along."

"That's because she left on the day of his birthday," Ron said. "and the days before that we were too busy with all of our stupid stuff to ask her about it." 

They sat in silence for a few moments, wondering what to do.

"It's almost time for the D.A meeting, should we get her?" Harry asked, breaking the silence.

"I think she can miss one meeting," Hermione said quietly, standing up.

                                   * * *

Celeste was having a terrible dream that night. She was back at home with her whole family. Her brothers' dead brother sat in the chair beside the fireplace. Her Mums' body was sitting on the couch beside her. Her father, the worst of all, was standing in front of her, his blank eyes staring into hers.

Then the dream changed.

Her body felt smooth, powerful, and flexible. She was gliding between shining metal bars, across the dark, cold stone. ... She was flat against the floor, sliding along on her belly. ... It was dark, yet she could see objects around her shimmering in strange, vibrant colors. ... She was turning her head. ... At first glance, the corridor was empty ... but no ... a man was sitting on the floor ahead, his chin drooping onto his chest, his outline gleaming in the dark. ...

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