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          "... Yeah, better you than Pretty-Boy Diggory," Seamus Finnigan said from the Gryffindor table.

     "Piss off, Finnigan," Celeste said, sitting next to Hermione.

      "When did you get here?" Harry said, looking up.

       "I just got here. I was trying to tell Cedric not to put his name in but he wasn't listening." Celeste huffed.

    "Oh, I haven't seen you in forever it seems!" Hermione said. "We were just talking about going to Hagrid's, want to come? I haven't asked him to join S.P.E.W yet! I see you already have a badge."

     "Yeah, Melody told the dorm about it, Daphne and I bought one." From across the table, Ron muttered something to Harry at the mention of Daphne. "Yes, Ron?"

    "Nothing," Ron muttered.

     "Tell Hagrid I said hi, I have something to do," Celeste said, standing up.

    "I'm guessing that 'something' is Greengrass right? You spend all your time with her." Ron said. "Never have time for your friends."

   "'No time for friends?' I visit Hagrid almost every other day, I hang out with my Slytherin friends every night, and go to Hermione's dorm every day! Just because you avoid me and bring Harry along with you every time because lord forbids he's friends with people other than you doesn't mean I don't hang with my friends. And yes, I spend time with Daphne because I'm dating her!"

    "There's a reason why I avoid you," Ron said, standing up. "It's annoying seeing you with Greengrass because its clear she's using you for emotional support. I mean, you got together with her the day she broke up with Nott! "

    "Merlin you're so stupid! Maybe once you get a girlfriend you'll understand, or maybe once you even kiss a girl you won't be such a jealous git!"

    "Jealous? Jealous of what!"

     Harry pulled Ron down."Hey, why don't you two do this in private? You guys are kinda making a scene --"

    "You're jealous of Daphne because she finally got the chance that you were too scared to take. You had three years to say you're interested in me or something but you were too scared so now you're avoiding me because I'm with someone who I care about. Next time grow a pair!"

     "Celeste!" Hermione gasped. "How about we go to the Black Lake and calm you down --"

   "I'm fine 'Mione. I'm going back to my dorm." 


     Finally getting back to the Slytherin common room she walked over to her friends sitting on the couch.

    "That was something," Blaise spoke up first.

     "What was something?" Celeste said, sitting next to Daphne.

      "Your screaming match with Weaslebee." Draco said.

      Celeste sighed. "How did you guys hear it?"         

       "News travel fast when two friends fight so pubicly." Blaise said. "'Maybe once you kiss a girl you won't be such a jealous git' was my favorite insult."

    "Weasley was pretty rude." Daphne said. "You know I'm not using you, right?"

   "Of course, Daph." 

    "This is why i hate Gryffindors." Draco huffed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    TRIWIZARD CHAMPIONS

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