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    A couple days later, they were up at dawn getting ready to board the train to Hogwarts. Mrs. Weasley dashed about in a bad mood looking for spare socks and quills; people kept colliding in the stairs, half-dressed with boys of today in their hands; and Mr. Weasley nearly broke his neck, tripping over a stray chicken as he crossed the yard carrying Ginnys trunk to the car.

   It was a miracle that 10 people, 8 large trunks, 3 owls, and a rat could fit into one small Ford Anglia.

  When they were all in the car, Mrs. Weasley glanced into the back seat, where Harry, Ron, Fred, George, Cedric, and Percy were all sitting comfortably side by side, and said, "Muggles do know more than we give them credit for, dont they?" She, Ginny, and  Celeste got into the front seat, which had been stretched so that it resembled a park bench. "I mean, you'd never know it was this roomy from the outside, would you?"

   Mr. Weasley started up the engine and they trundled out the yard. As soon as they started they stopped, as George forgot his box of Filibuster fireworks. Five minutes after that, they skidded to a half so that Fred could run in for his broomstick. They had almost reaches the highway when Ginny shrieked that she forgot her diary.

   "Ginny, you can use one of my journals if you want-" Celeste suggested.

   "No! I mean.. That's very nice of you, but I don't want to leave my diary at home." By the time she had clambered back into the car, they were running very late, and tempers were running high.

   "Molly, dear-"

    "No, Arthur-"

    "No one would see- this little button here is an Invisibility Booster I installed - that'd get us up in the air - then we fly above the clouds. We'd be there in ten minutes and no one would be any wiser-"

  "I said no, Arthur, not in broad daylight-"

   They reached Kings Cross at a quarter to eleven. Me. Weasley dashed across the road to get trolley for their trunks and they all hurried into the station.

  "Percy first." Mrs. Weasley said, looking nervously at the clock overhead, which showed they had only five minutes to disappear casually through the barrier.

   Percy strode briskly forward and vanished. Mr. Weasley went next; Fred and George followed.

    "Cedric, Celeste, go. Then I'll take Ginny and you two come right after us." Mrs Weasley told Harry and Ron. Celeste grabbed Cedrics hand with one hand, and the other grabbing onto her trolley.

   As soon as they got into the platform, they went straight on the train. Celeste waited for Ginny, then grabbed her hand and started looking for compartments. "We can sit with Hermione— where's Harry and Ron?"

  "Uh, I don't know. They were supposed to come behind us."

  "They're probably about to board. I think I see Hermione." Celeste opened a compartment to see Hermione, Neville, and two new first years.

  "Hey." Celeste greeted, sitting down next to Neville by the window, while Ginny sat down by Hermione.

  "Hello Celeste! How was your summer?" Neville Longbottom said, turning to face her.

  "Well, at home, terrible. Father was a great pain in the—" Hermione coughed, interrupting her. "Neck. But once I got to Ron's house, it was okay. We celebrated my mum's birthday, so that was nice. How about you?"

  "Same old, same old." Neville said, faintly smiling. "Is this Ron's sister?"

  Ginny looked up, and smiled. "Yes, Ginny Weasley."

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