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   Celeste woke early on Saturday morning and jumped straight out of bed to wake up Melody. Celeste was excited for her first game against Gryffindor, and was feeling good about it. They quickly got ready and went down to breakfast, where the Slytherin and Gryffindor teams were already at the table. They sat down at the Slytherin table and ate breakfast.

     As eleven o'clock came along, the whole school started to make its way done to the Quidditch stadium. It was a muddy sort of day with a hint of thunder on the air. Cedric came hurrying over to wish Celeste good luck, and winked at Julian.

   "So much for keeping their snogging on the down low." Celeste muttered to Melody as they entered the Slytherin locker rooms. Since they were the only girls on the team, they had to change into their Quidditch robes behind a curtain in the corner.

   "Well, I don't care much about a motivational speech before the game," Flint started once everyone was changed. "Play dirty. Blood. Sweat. Tears. And preferably with the Gryffindors.  Forget what ever you have with the Gryffindors, and beat their asses."

  As they walked out onto the pitch, they could only hear Slytherin cheering for them, though a couple of Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs were cheering too, (probably because of Celeste being Cedrics sister, and them praising Cedric like a god.)  Madam Hooch, the Quidditch teacher, asked Flint and Wood to shake hands, which they did, giving each other threatening stares and gripping rather harder than was necessary.

   "On my whistle." Madam Hooch said. "Three... two.. one.."

  Witch a roar from the crowd to speed them upward, the fourteen players rose toward the leaden sky. As soon as the Qauffle was released Julian grabbed it and started to raise toward the Gryffindor rings with Melody and Celeste behind him. Flying out of the path of Harry, and the Blunger following Harry, Julian passed to to Celeste who threw it towards the left hoop, and scored.

"A nice score from Celeste Diggory! That family has a knack for Quidditch! First score of the game, Slytherin ten, Gryffindor zero." Lee Jordan commentated.

The game went on great, with Melody scoring two points and Julian scoring three.

"Slytherin lead, sixty points to zero."

Madam Hooch's whistle rang out and everyone flew to the ground. The Slytherins were cheering loudly. "Keep doing what you're doing. At this rate we'll beat them without them getting any points, if you do your job Malfoy." Flint said smirking.

On Madam Hooch's whistle, they all kicked hard into the air.

Julian took the Quaffle from Angelina Johnson and headed towards Wood.

Celeste looked over to Draco and Harry, who were picking at each other. The snitch was right beside Dracos ear, though he wasn't paying attention. "Draco! The snitch! It's beside you-"

Draco couldn't hear her, but Harry could clearly see it. Celeste saw the Blunder turn and head to Harry, smashing into his elbow.

The blunder came back a second time, Harry quickly moved out the way and towards Draco, grabbing the snitch and heading straight to the ground.

With a splattering thud he hit the mud and rolled off his broom. He held up the snitch, then fainted.

TheThe Slytherins flew to the ground, grumbling in defeat. No one other than Celeste was worried about Harry. Celeste ran over to Harry, who was now surrounded by his team, Professors, Hermione, and Ron.

"Great game Gryffindor!" She said, squeezing the water out of her hair.

"Great game? We didn't score any points other than the Snitch, plus, your team lost. Why are you so happy." Oliver Wood said, waiting for Harry to wake up.

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