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It was nearly lunchtime when they were heading back inside. They had barely set foot in the cool entrance hall when a voice rang out, "There you are, Potter - Weasley." Professor McGonagall was walking toward, looking stern. "You will both do your detentions this evening."

"What are we doing, Professor?" Ron says, nervously suppressing a burp.

"You will be polishing the silver in the trophy room with Mr. Filch," Professor McGonagall said. "And no magic, Weasley - elbow grease."

Ron gulped. Argus Filch, the caretaker, was loathed by every student in the school.

"And you, Potter, will be helping Professor Lockhart answer his fan Mail," Professor McGonagall.

"Oh no - Professor, can't I go and do the trophy room, too?" Harry said desperately.

"Certainly not," Professor McGonagall said, raising her eyebrows. "Professor Lockhart requested you particularly. Eight o'clock sharp, both of you."

Once Mcgonagall was gone, Celeste spoke up. "Yikes..."


Lunch passed quick, and before she knew it, Celeste was in the Gryffindor common room with Hermione studying. They had been studying since Harry and Ron left to go to detention. Celeste was now reading her transfiguration book, rereading the same sentence over and over.

"Come... come to me.... let me rip you... let me tear you..,.. let me kill you..."

"What did you say 'Mione?"

"I didn't say anything." Hermione said, looking up at Celeste.

"I just heard — didn't you hear It?"

"There was no voice? We're the only ones in the common room. What did you hear?"

"Uh, something like rip, tear, kill you."

"Hm, maybe you should get some sleep. It's almost midnight! Time flies when you're having fun."

"Yeah.. yeah okay."


October had arrived, spreading a damp chill over the grounds and into the castle. Marcus Flint had the Slytherin team practice almost every other day, even in the harsh weather.

Celeste had just changed and showered when Harry invited her to Nearless Headless Nicks deathday party. It was tonight, and she would miss the Halloween feast, but it sounded fairly interesting, so she agreed.

Since the Slytherin common room was in the dungeons, she had a short walk to the party. Celeste got to the party a few seconds after The Gryffindor's.

"Shall we have a look around?" Harry suggested.

"Careful not to walk through anyone." Ron said nervously, and they set of around the edge of the dance floor. They passed a group of gloomy nuns, a ragged man wearing chains, and the Fat Friar, a cheerful Hufflepuff ghost, who was talking to a knight with an arrow sticking out of his forehead. Harry want surprised to see that the Bloody Baron, a faint, staring Slytherin ghost covered in silver bloodstains, was being given a wide berth by the other ghosts.

"Oh no." Celeste said, stopping abruptly. "Turn back, turn back, I don't want to talk to Moaning Mrytle-"

"Who?" Harry said as they backtracked quickly.

"She haunts one of toilets in the girls-bathroom on the first floor. She's always crying." Celeste said.

"She haunts a toilet?"

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