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   Christmas break was well for Celeste. Getting clothes from her parents, a matching bracelet with Melody and Draco , a necklace from Cedric, a Muggle book from Hermione, chocolate frogs from Harry, Dean, and Seamus, and a aloe Vera plant from Neville. During break they also went skating, which they saw the Malfoys' there too, —surprisingly—, and to the muggle theaters.

   Now on the train back to Hogwarts, Celeste was excited to see Harry and Ron. Feeling bad about not technically getting Ron a present, she took her brother's wizarding card, the one Ron was missing, and wrapped it up to give it to him. Nearing Hogwarts, Melody and Celeste go out to change into their robes.

   "Oh! I didn't see you at Kings cross Celeste, thought you would sit with us. And hello Melody, you look pretty today." Hermione said after the 3 of them changed into robes.

   Melody turned pink, "Thank you 'Mione. You look good as well, I hope you had a great winter break."

  "I'll leave you two be then. See you at school."
Celeste said, grinning.
   Getting back to the compartment just in time, she grabbed her and Melodys small bags and got off.

  It was now about dinnertime when they got back. Separating to different tables, they said goodbye to Hermione and started to eat.

   "That was a nice winter break. Had fun seeing you guys, we don't hang out as much as usual. With you, Crabbe and Goyle, me with the Gryffindors, and Melody with Pansy and Daphne."

  "Yeah. It was fun. Other that thing with Me and Julian. They didn't even pick Draco, it's like they want to make us unhappy." Melody said in-between bites.

  "I assume you've told Hermione?" Celeste asks, pouring a cup of pumpkin juice.

"Why would I? I don't really plan for our 'relationship' to go far. I mean we're 12. Plus I would never marry him."

"Hm. I think you should tell her incase you do get married. I mean, who would want to have kids with someone who's arranged to get married to another?" Draco says.

"Who's gonna tell him that we wouldn't be able to have kids together unless we adopt?"

"Oh shut up. I knew that."

   After a fulfilling dinner, Celeste split with her friends and headed to the Gryffindor trio.

  "Ron? I wanted to give this to you. I felt bad about giving your old gifts to Harry and Hermione over something stupid, but it wasn't even a great gift. So here." Handing the wrapped gift to him, she started to walk away.

  "Hey, uh I got a gift for you too. I didn't know what to get you, so I got you this."

  "A jumper?"

  "Yeah, it says Pretty Girl Diggory becuase you and your brothers' nicknames are Pretty boy Diggory and Pretty girl Diggory. Or at least that's what Fred and George said."

   Smiling, she took the jumper from him. "Thank you. Though it's quite big, you didn't think I was that large?" Seeing Rons face turning red, she laughed. "Only joking. I've gotta go before the prefect bites my head off. Goodnight guys."

  Getting back with the other Slytherins just in time, she headed into her dorms.

  "Pretty Girl Diggory? Is that what they're calling you?" Pansy asks, siting on her bed.

   "I hope not. Quite an embarrassing nickname."

   "Oh Merlin, who gave that to you?" Melody asks, eying the jumper.

"It doesn't matter. I like it, it was quite sweet of him."

   "Is it that Weasley boy who's friends with Potter?" Daphne butted in. "If he wasn't a Gryffindor he'd be really dreamy."

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