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The next day was a blur, with Ron trying to apologize every second — and Celeste ignoring him, and Celeste looking in the library with Harry and Hermione.

"You know he's sorry,right?" Hermione whispered, while looking through books on old famous wizards.

"I know, but I can't forgive him so soon. He's gonna start thinking that I'm soft."

They were now on the train back to king cross, sitting with Dean, Seamus, Neville, and Parvati. Seamus warmed up to her, and Neville was no longer scared of her.

"What did you get your friends?" Hermione asked, striking up a convo.

"I got Harry a bracelet that can help heal any thing that's not too bad. My mom gave me 3 from her job. It doesn't sound like his family is too nice, so it could help him. I got Melody some broom polish, Draco some paint, he likes to paint with dobby a lot. And then you guys have to wait to see."

"Who is Dobby?" Neville asks, taking his eyes from the plant he has in his hands.

"The Malfoy's house elf, Dracos pretty close with him, since Julian was always at Hogwarts or his friends house."

   "Are you guys excited to be going home?" Dean asks, looking out the window. "Mum says she got tickets to a Football (soccer) game. Quite excited for that."

  "What thé hell is football?" Celeste asks. "Is that a muggle sport?" He nodded.

  "We're probably doing none thing, as always. Grandma always wants to stay home for the holiday." Neville says, fiddling with his hands.

   "My father is probably going to favor Cedric and do whatever he wants to do, and I'll have to go along with it. Sometimes I wish I was a only child, but I'm glad to have Cedric." Celeste answered next.

"Hey, hey were here." Hermione said, shaking Celestes shoulder. Everyone was exiting the compartment now. Getting up, Hermione grabbed Celestes trunk and handed it to her. They exited the train together, both looking for their parents. Spotting her parents, Celeste quickly waved goodbye and headed over to them.

"Oh how I've missed you darling." Hugging Celeste tightly. "You've grown so much!" Celeste chuckled. She missed her mum a lot, being the only other girl in the family.

"I missed you too."

"Your other child is here too you know."

"Ah, I've missed you just as much. I hope you've been good at school. The Malfoys and Philips are coming over tomorrow, so get some rest when we get home."

"Shall we apparate now?" Her father asks, now looking at Celeste. "Ah, didn't see you there, hello my sweet."

  Celeste rolled her eyes. "Yeah, cause you didn't hear mum talking to me." Amos chuckled awkwardly and held out his hand. Cedric and Ms. Diggory were already together, ready to side-apparate. Celeste grabbed his hand and felt the nauseating feeling of apparating.

  "Home sweet home." Cedric grinned, setting down his trunk.

  "A home that needs a lot of cleaning. Especially your rooms." Their mum said, smiling. "But for now, let's head to sleep."

That night Celeste had a dream about a woman. It was a very beautiful woman, who looked very sweet. Celeste could remember her from somewhere, though she couldn't remember how or where. She was standing outside of Celestes home with an basket in her hand. After checking that no one was around, she kneeled down and say the bakery on the porch. With it, she put a golden necklace with a wing on it on top of it. Celeste could see that the woman had the other part of it on her chest. With one last kiss goodbye, she rang the doorbell and apparated out. Seconds later, Celestes parents opened the door and saw the basket. And a baby. No one else than Celeste. Mrs. Diggory brought the baby inside in the warmth of it's new home. The Diggorys thought their prayers were answered by the higher aboves, as they had been trying to have another child, so they where more than delighted. Though It was suspicious, but because of the war it wasn't uncommon for young babies and children to be orphaned. Is that my biological mother? She could see the slight similarities. The nose, the lips, though her hair was lighter it was close.

    Celeste woke up by a knock on her door. Groggily she sat up and muttered 'come in'.

   "Someone just woke up." The person snickered, presumably to the person beside them. Opening the door, the faces of Melody and Draco came into view.

   "You guys came early." Celeste said yawning.

   "It's 4 PM. I think you just slept late." Draco said,sitting on her bed.

   "Great. Cheers family for waking me up." Celeste muttered sarcastically. "I've gotta take a shower, be right back."  Grabbing clothes from the drawers, she went inside her bathroom.

   "And now we wait." Melody says, laying down.

   "Dinner is ready children." Celeste's mother yelled up the stairs. Standing from the wizarding chess, the three of them walked downstairs. "Looks great Mum."

   "Yeah, Mrs Diggory." Julian says from the left of Cedric.

   "I'm glad."

After a couple of minutes of eating in silence, well almost silence, with Cedric and Julian quietly laughing together, Mr. Philips spoke up.

"Isn't this fun, family dinners! Maybe not now, but soon—"

"James! Not here and not right now. We all agreed we'd tell them when they're older, and you're saying it when she's 12!" Melodys mother whispered now that everyone was looking up, abandoning their food.

"What?" Melody questioned.

Lucius hesitated, but spoke up. "When of age, you will marry Julian."

Thé Diggorys and Draco looked between Julian and Melody, who both looked like they were going to pass out any time now.

"I'm good, thanks though. I don't think I want to be a Malfoy."

"Yeah, and we both are in uh relationships with other people." Julian spoke up.

"You say that as if you have a choice, young lady." Mr Phillips growled.

"Not at the dinner table." Celeste whispered to Draco, who were both silently snickering.

Melody stood."You act as if you're my real father!" With that, she ran up stairs.

"Merlin, I guess we should go upstairs and see how she's doing." Draco grumbled standing up with Celeste.

"That was quite awkward." Celeste said, opening her bedroom door.

"Very. Out of all the pureblood wizards in britian, mother had to pick him."

Draco laughed. "You don't seem lucky in the father department, considering your birth father is in Azkaban."

"I wouldn't talk Draco."

After a couple hours of talking, Draco and Melody had to go home. Celeste and Cedric are currently studying together in her room.

"Do you think they would actually get married?" Cedric asked after putting down his potions essay.

"No, I think Melody would kill Mr Philips before marrying Julian," Celeste started. "and even if she did have a crush on him, she wouldn't do that to you, considering you guys are basically dating."

"We aren't dating!"

"So just snog buddies?"

"Well I wouldn't say that.."

"So you wouldn't be mad if he dated I don't know, Sydney Jones?"

   "Of course I would be mad. But not because I'm dating him, it's because she's a whore!"

   "So you are dating him."

   "You're so annoying."

   "Though i'm still your best friend."

   "Forever, sadly."

Can you guys see all the parts? Some have like 6 views then the next has like 20

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