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Céleste packed up her clothes -- or what was left of it and left her room. She was at her house alone for the first time in years. Usually, Cedric or her mother would be there when her father left on trips, but of course, she was alone, and she would be alone for a long time.

She would be staying with the Weasleys for the summer, something she was very glad for. She had been owling Harry, Ron, and Hermione all summer, trying to make Harry feel better while Ron and Hermione tried to make her feel better.

Her father was in America right now because of his job, and she really hoped it wouldn't be for too long. She didn't want to burden the Weasleys by adding another person onto their plate, and though she loved her Slytherin friends, she definitely didn't want to stay with them when half of their parents are Death Eaters. She looked around for the floor powder and finally called, "Weasley home!"

she could hear a mixture of voices as soon as she arrived,

"Oh, she's here! She's here!"

"Get out of the way Ron -- ouch!"

"Give the girl some space will you!"

Celeste smiled warmly as she was greeted by Ginny, Hermione, and Ron. "I didn't know you'd be here Hermione!"

"My parents let me come at the last minute because I told them you'd be here!" Hermione grinned, giving her a big hug. "How are you!"

"I'm good," she lied. Her brother just died and her father left soon after for work, why would she be good? Hermione must've caught the lie as she sighed and led her to the sitting room.

"You know, we read a lot about how you can help a grieving friend, maybe we can talk about it --"

"I've lost someone before guys, I'll be fine," she hated when people fussed over her. "tell me about what you've done so far this summer."

"Well... Melody did come to my house two weeks ago... I taught her a lot about Muggle things, its interesting how little Purebloods know about common muggle things..." Hermione talked on and on about her and Melody, not noticing when Ginny and Ron left to play Wizard Chess. "... oh! and she tried my favorite foods! It's like she only eats rich people's food outside of Hogwarts! Did you know she's never tried vegan turkey! It's basically turkey but you know, vegan! Oh gosh, I'm rambling, look, Ginny and Ron left!"

"Yeah, most of my friends don't really eat stuff like that I guess... maybe except for Daphne, she was vegetarian for a few years before Hogwarts,"

"Yes, the girl who broke up with you at the Yule ball..." Hermione rolled her eyes. "speaking of the Yule Ball, didn't --" she lowered her voice a little. "-- you and Ron confess your feelings for each other? What happened to that!"

"That was before Cedric got murdered," Celeste said sourly. "times are different now, I don't have time for dating, I don't want to date anyone right now anyway."

"I have time for dating! Ron really --"

"Well neither of your lives were uprooted from your brother getting murdered now was it?" Celeste snapped. "Your lives might be peachy and grand right now but mine sure isn't."

"Celeste --"

"I'm going to go put my bags in Ginnys' room."

* * *

A few hours later she heard someone open the door and poke their head in before leaving thinking she was sleeping. She wanted to talk to Harry badly. He would understand. She wanted to talk to her father, but no owl could travel that far and she didn't trust muggle mailing systems. She wanted to talk to Cedric, curse him forever thinking of trying out for the Triwizard championship. She wished that her mom had never gotten sick, maybe she would've taken some sense into Cedric. For the first time since second year, she wished she had a mother like Daphne's or Blaise. A motherly figure she could have as her own. She wished she had her old family back, the old her.

Celeste must've fallen asleep at some point because when she woke up Ginny was snoring and basically taking up both hers and Hermione's mattress.

"Where are you going?" Hermione mumbled, pushing Ginny off of her mattress.

"Getting water," Celeste said quietly, walking to the door. "I'm sorry for snapping at you early, it was really uncalled for."

"I'm sorry for pushing it, you're right, things have changed --"

"Shuddup!" Ginny groaned, throwing a pillow at Hermione.

Bad place to end but omfg I've been making this chapter for weeks I'm so tired of it atp I'm just going to skip to when Harry comes so the story starts !!

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