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"Celeste!" Cedric Diggory yelled up the stairs. It was September 1st, 11 year old Celeste's first day at Hogwarts. "It's 10:30, we're gonna be late if you don't wake up."

"I'm up Ced." In fact, Celeste had been up for hours as she could not wait to go to Hogwarts. Her brother always said it was amazing, but she was also nervous. What if she got in Slytherin? Her best friends Draco, Julian, and Melody have wanted to be in Slytherin Since they could talk, but did she really want to be in it? She knew her father would be mildly disappointed if she didn't get into Hufflepuff like her brother, but what would she do if she wasn't in the same house as her friends? What if she was in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor?

By the time she had finished getting ready it was 10:45. She grabbed her trunk and went downstairs.

"Ah morning darling." Her mother said, kissing her on her forehead. She sat down by her brother and grabbed a piece of toast and eggs.
"Are you excited to be sorted?" Her father asked.

"Kinda. I don't want you guys to be disappointed if i don't get Hufflepuff." She sighed, she knew her father favorited her brother, so if she got anything other than Hufflepuff she believed he would like him even more than her.

"Of course you'll get Hufflepuff! Whole family is, surely you will." Mr. Diggory beamed.
She turned pale at that. Her father definitely wouldn't like if she got any other house. Her mother noticed and reassured her.

"We'll also be happy if you got any other house too, Love." Mrs. Diggory shot her husband a glare, as if telling him so shut up about the topic.

Mr. Diggory cleared his throat and stood up. "Well we must be on our way." He leaned down to kiss his wife on the cheek. Celeste and Cedric hugged their mother, and went to their dad. They would be apparating, and Celeste hated doing it. She always felt as if she would be sick all over the place.

"Ready?" She grabbed onto her fathers right arm, as Cedric grabbed his right. It felt as if she was getting sucked through a tube, but as soon as it came it ended. "Alright then. The train will be leaving soon. You two have a great year, and send me a letter as many times as you want!" Mr. Diggory hugged his kids and watched them get on. She gave her trunk and her owl, ( Which was not really hers, but Cedrics) to the train workers.

"Do you want to sit with me and my friends or go find yours?" Cedric looked at his sister warmly. They had a great relationship, as he was her best friend, as she was to him. They could tell each other anything.

"I'm gonna find my friends. Thanks though." He nodded and walked off. She went to find her friends, but every compartment she checked they weren't in there. The train started to move as she neared the end and decided that she would just sit with some random first years. She walked to a compartment with a raven haired boy and a ginger headed boy.

"May I sit here?" She asked, standing awkwardly in the doorway.

"Sure." The raven haired boy said.

"I'm Celeste Diggory. What are your names?"

"My name is Ron Weasley."

"Oh you're a Weasley! My brother says your brothers are some of the funniest people at the school." Ron grinned at that.

"My name is Harry Potter." The raven haired boy said, making her face him.

"Woah, you're the one who defeated Voldermort as a baby!" Ron flinched at his name but she didn't care. Fear only made him more powerful, and who's scared of a dead guy?

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