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NEXT MONDAY MORNING, Celeste was still feeling down from her fight with Cho but went to the Gryffindor table to see Harry getting many letters. Ron, Hermione, and Fred were opening them while Harry seemed to be reading the Quibbler.

" 'Having read your side of the story, I am forced to the conclusion that the Daily Prophet has treated you very unfairly." Hermione was reading. "Little though I want to think that He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named has returned, I am forced to accept that you are telling the truth. ...' Oh, this is wonderful!"

"Another one who thinks you're barking," Ron said, throwing a crumpled letter over his shoulder.

Celeste picked up one and read it. "This one says you've got her converted, and she now thinks you're a real hero — she's put in a photograph too — wow —"

"What is going on here?" said a falsely sweet, girlish voice.

Celeste looked up to see Professor Umbridge standing behind Fred and Luna, her bulging toad's eyes scanning the mess of owls and letters on the table in front of Harry. Behind her, she saw many of the students watching them avidly.

"Why have you got all these letters, Mr. Potter?" she asked slowly.

"Is that a crime now?" Fred said loudly. "Getting mail?"

"Be careful, Mr. Weasley, or I shall have to put you in detention," Umbridge said. "Well, Mr. Potter?"

"People have written to me because I gave an interview," Harry said. "About what happened to me last June."

"An interview?" Umbridge repeated, her voice thinner and higher than ever. "What do you mean?"

"I mean a reporter asked me questions, and I answered them," Harry said. "Here —"And he threw the copy of The Quibbler at her. She caught it and stared down at the cover. Her pale, doughy face turned an ugly, patchy violet.

"When did you do this?" she asked, her voice trembling slightly.

"Last Hogsmeade weekend," said Harry.

She looked up at him, incandescent with rage, the magazine shaking in her stubby fingers. "There will be no more Hogsmeade trips for you, Mr. Potter," she whispered. "How you dare ... how you could ..." She took a deep breath. "I have tried again and again to teach you not to tell lies. The message, apparently, has still not sunk in. Fifty points from Gryffindor and another week's worth of detentions."

She stalked away, clutching The Quibbler to her chest, the eyes of many students following her.

By mid-morning enormous signs had been put up all over the school, not just on House notice boards but in the corridors and classrooms too.

Any student found in possession of the magazine The Quibbler will be expelled.

For some reason, whenever Hermione caught sight of one of these signs, she beamed with pleasure.

"What exactly are you so happy about?" Harry asked her.

"Oh, Harry, don't you see?" Hermione breathed. "If she could have done one thing to make absolutely sure that every single person in this school would read your interview, it was banning it!"And it seemed that Hermione was entirely right.

By the end of that day, though Celeste had not seen so much as a corner of The Quibbler anywhere in the school, the whole place seemed to be quoting the interview at each other; she heard them whispering about it as they queued up outside classes, discussing it over lunch and in the back of lessons.

Celeste had not known that Theos' father was at the graveyard when Voldemort had come back, and even though Theo had apologized to her many times (in private, he would never show that much softness in public), she did not have any ill feelings against him. He did not talk to his father, and as far as she knew, he did not share his father's thinking.

When Celeste went to sleep later that night, she had the same dream she had been having for the past weeks; despite Snapes' instructions to specifically not try to continue those dreams, she finally opened the door at the end of the long hallway.

It was a room full of orbs, and as Celeste looked through them one by one, she understood that they were someone else's memories. She picked one up and felt like she was getting sucked into it, like a Pensieve.

She was at Hogwarts, but it looked like the past, like the seventies or eighties. Celeste walked up to two girls who looked around her age sitting under a tree and realized she was looking at Lyra and Luci. They were younger, but Lyra looked very similar to what she looked like now.

Lyra was crying, while Luci was looking at her with a blank expression. Her sleeve was rolled up, the dark mark blaring against her pale skin. Lyras' sister had gotten the dark mark at fifteen.

Celeste saw Sirius walk up to Lyra with Remus and someone who could've only been James Potter. The memory ended at that.

Celeste went to another orb and picked it up. This time, it was a wedding. Lyra and Sirius were cutting a cake. Luci Riddle was there with a man who looked like a younger yet more mature version of Sirius. As Celeste had seen them, Lyra walked over to them, hugging her sister.

"You came," Lyra said. "and you brought Regulus." Regulus, Celeste realized. Sirius' younger brother. His dead younger brother.

"I'm afraid we can't stay very long; I only needed to tell you something," Luci said. She looked at Sirius coming over, then grabbed her sister's arm and whispered so quietly that Celeste barely had caught it: "I'm pregnant. You need to take the baby. We don't want her."

"We can't take care of a baby," Lyra said hurriedly. "we're in a middle of a war."

Luci shot her a horrible look. "Until this is over. If you do, we'll ensure you're safe when they kill your side. Make the right choice for once."

The memory faded out.

Celeste picked up another orb. She needed to know what had happened to the baby. She needed to know whose memories these were.

This one was just of Lyra with a baby in her arms. The baby looked to be a year old. Celeste recognized the door they were at. Hers. Lyra put the baby down, knocked on the door, then turned away.

Celeste shook herself awake, feeling like her throat was going to close up. She felt sick, betrayed. Her biological mother was Luci Black.

omg plot twist guys... also it'll probably make more sense in the future I literally forgot about most of the plot points so I'll reread but like I think I remember some necklace so I'll make it all make sense trust...

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