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The storm had blown itself out by the following morning, though the ceiling in the Great Hall was still gloomy; heavy clouds of pewter grey swirled overhead as Celeste, Melody, and Draco examined their new course schedules at breakfast.

"History of Magic first with Ravenclaws," Draco said, running his finger down the Monday column of his schedule. "We still have Care of Magical Creatures with Gryffindors, I should've dropped it."

"I hope that cute Ravenclaw ginger is in our class," Theo said, leaning across the table. "She'll make that class ten times better."

"You have a girlfriend Theo," Celeste said, scrunching her nose in disgust. "One that is also one of my best friends."

"Bug off, she's not even here yet," Theo said, grinning.

"You're such a manwhore," Melody fumed. "you've been dating Daphne for three years!"

"I never said I wanted to date the Ravenclaw girl, only snog and maybe shag," Theo said.

"That's still bad!" Celeste said. "If Daphne heard you--"

"What shouldn't I hear?" Daphne said, sitting beside Theo and kissing him on the cheek.

"Theo wants to cheat on you with a Ravenclaw," Blaise said nonchalantly. "First day of school too."

"Oh my," Draco said, pulling in Celeste and Melody. "this is gonna get interesting."

"You were planning on cheating on me? And just talked about it like it was a game? Like our relationship is a game!" Daphne exploded making the whole Great Hall silence.

"Babe, it's not that serious! I didn't cheat!" Theo reasoned.

"You were going to!" Daphne said, standing up. "You were going to cheat on me with a Ravenclaw!"

"He was going to," Blaise said, egging Daphne on.

"Will you shut up Blaise!" Theo swore.

"Go on and fuck that Ravenclaw! I don't care anymore!" Daphne stood up. "We're leaving, Celeste -- Melody."

Daphne grabbed their arms are pulled them up, but not before Celeste and Melody both grabbed pitchers of pumpkin juice and poured it over Theo.

"I can't believe he'd do that! On the first day of the term too!" Daphne cried once they got to the girl's bathroom. "What does she have that I don't? Is she prettier than me?"

"Definitely not, Celeste said. "She looks like someone put makeup and a wig on a pig."

Daphne laughed, looking like her usual self again.

"I suppose I shouldn't be crying over a boy. We're fourteen, relationships come and go."

"You're right," Celeste said. "we can skip History of Magic today and stay in here."

"No, I'm going to class," Daphne said, brushing herself off. "I just need to fix my makeup."


History of Magic was very uncomfortable for everyone at Daphne's and Theo's table. Theo still smelt of pumpkin juice and was trying to apologize to Daphne every second he wasn't winking at the Ravenclaw girl.

Now that Daphne couldn't walk with Theo she dragged Celeste and Melody away from the boys and walked.

"Is Daphne okay?" Hermione asked when Celeste walked over to them.

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