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TW: Mention of Suic!de

Cedric and Celeste didn't come back to school until the last day of school, to say goodbye to their friends and collect their things. They had been gone for over a month, so when they were rumored to come back, it was the talk of the school. Some kids knew that their mother had passed, since their parents worked at St mungos or the ministry.

Having just flooed into Dumbledores office, they were late to dinner. They didn't want to go, but they had to put on a brave face for each other. Entering the Great Hall with Dumbledore, all the noise ceased.

"I heard she had a baby.." "no idiot! She'd had to have been pregnant for 9 months. And did she look like she was pregnant!"

"I heard they went on a trip to america, and just didn't care for school."

She tried to ignore all the murmurs of all the rumors. She probably looked like she was going to cry any second.

"Carry on with your dinner." Dumbledore boomed.

"Hey, I can sit with you tonight." Cedric whispered, leaning down to her ear.

"I'd like you to." She replied, squeezing his hand. They walked over to the Slytherin table, ignoring the looks they got. Sitting down, she didn't bother putting food on her plate, noticing that Cedric wasn't either. They had lost a lot of weight in the past month, looking very unhealthy.

   Dumbledore started his speech, but Celeste wasn't listening, only looking at her plate.

  "Hey — move first year! God dammit." Celeste looked up to see that Julian was squeezing into the seat next to Cedric. "Hey, how are you guys?" He whispered, not caring that he was talking during the speech. Celeste could only nod in response. Celeste turned back to her plate, now that Cedric and Julian were whispering.

     "Hey, we were all worried about you." Melody whispered.

   "The Gryffindors clearly didn't as much, showing that they went on some big adventure." Draco commented, which made Melody scowl at him.

  "I don't care what they did, they look happy right now, seems as though they won the house cup. I'm just glad that they're happy. I bet me and Cedric could use some." Celeste muttered. "And no, I don't want to talk about it." Celeste added, when she saw Melody opening her mouth.

  "I'm going to go pack my things. I don't feel like watching them cheer." Celeste whispered to Cedric and her friends, getting up. Now everyone was definitely watching her as she walked out.

  Walking to the portrait to the Slytherin common room, it occurred to her that she didn't even know the new password. "Dammit. Can you just let me in? I haven't been in school for a long time, and I don't know the new password."

  "You've been skipping school, eh? Maybe if you'd be more responsible, you'd know." The portrait said, rolling his eyes.

  "Actually, I didn't choose for my mother to die, but I'd much rather had been at school than watching her warmth leave her eyes." Celeste muttered coldy.

"Oh, uh sorry about that love." The portrait said awkwardly while opening up. She stepped inside and went straight to her dorm, where she grabbed the clothes she didn't have transported to her house, and all her belongings. Sitting on her bed once she was done, she sat quietly. She had so much emotions bottled in since the funeral, and she had to let it all out. She sobbed and sobbed, sinking down onto the floor and just balling her heart out. She didn't hear the the portrait shifting and people coming in, or the dorm door opening.

  "Oh my Merlin!" Daphne exclaimed, sitting down on the floor next to her. Daphne knew that silence was better than anything, so she leaned Celestes head onto her shoulder, and let her cry on her. Soon the other girls came in, saying none thing, they sat on the ground embracing Celeste. There she thought, the Slytherins are great friends. Most Gryffindors would've pressured her to talk to them, Hufflepuffs probably wouldn't have known what to do, and Ravenclaws  would've told her to go to therapy with them. But Slytherins, they gave you a shoulder to cry on, and the silence you desperately needed.


   Waking up earlier than her other roommates she rubbed her eyes and went to the bathroom. She looked like a shell of her old self, her eyes still puffy from last night. Washing her face and brushing her teeth, she got dressed and headed to the great hall.

  She saw that most of the Gryffindors were already at the table, she headed over there.
"Bye Neville, Seamus, Dean." Celeste said, bringing the attention over to her.

  "Oh! Sit down, sit down." Hermione said, pointing to the seat across from her. They all looked nervous to start speaking around her, as if she would cry at any moment.

  "You guys can continue your conversations, you know. I'm not going to kill myself in the middle of the great hall." Celeste said rolling her eyes. Everyone's jaw dropped at her last words, looking at each other in unease.

  "You know, you can talk to us. We understand what you're going through." Hermione said, reaching her hand to take hers.

  "No you don't." Celeste said, ripping her hand out of Hermiones grasp. "You three still have your parents." Celeste said, pointing to Ron, Neville, and Hermione. "And Harry, don't pull the Orphan card, because you can't even remember your parents! You can't remember her touch, you can't remember her soothing voice, you can't remember when she would hold you when you hurt yourself," Celeste was now crying, their shocked faces a blur. "You can't remember when she would help you with nightmares and held you till you fell asleep! And I just miss her so much, because she will never get to braid my hair again, or bake cakes with Cedric and me while dad laughs, and how could the world be so selfish to take her away, how could she be so selfish to leave us."

  They were watching her with pity in her eyes, no anger from what she said, because they knew she would never say it in her right mind, just pity. This was the second time she had cried in less than 24 hours, and she felt so weak.

  People were now crowding to see what was happening, why they would care over an 12 year old crying, she wouldn't know.

  "Hey, hey let's all mind our businesses!" Fred Weasley called out, now at the table.

  "Yeah, none thing to see here." George said.

   "Uh, we should go, uh get on the train. It's almost 11. Are you going to sit with us, Celeste?" Ron said, shuffling in his seat.

  "Y-yeah, I think Cedric could use some time with his friends." Celeste answered, looking over at Cedric with Cho Chang and Julian at the Hufflepuff table. He also looked like he was crying, and to Celestes luck, he didn't see her crying outburst.

Celeste did end up sitting with Hermione, Ron, and Harry. Surprisingly, Melody had joined too. The train ride had lifted her spirits a little, though she mostly slept through it. Unfortunately and very embarrassingly, she had a nightmare of her mother dying repeatedly, and woke up screaming. After that, she tried to ignore their stares, and looked out the window.

  Once they got to Kings Cross Station, they all said to their goodbyes, and separated. Celeste knew this was going to be her worst summer ever, but she promised that she would try to have a good summer.Oh, how the wrong her promises had been.

Book 1 done 😁😁😁 also I completely forgot about their birthdays LMAOO but such a sad ending ouch 😪

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