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As I walked my way over the tracks, I thought about the dream I had. I thought about why I had it and then thought about the people I had killed at the prison. I looked up to see a back walking away from me, it was walking too fast to be dead. "HEY" I yelled running up to the person "Hey Wait" I yelled again before I stood right behind him. He turned and I saw a pasty face with a large red beard. "Hey kid, you out here alone?" he said looking around. I assume trying to see if I had been with anyone. He kept walking, towards a large tunnel. I looked at him and then at the tunnel again before stopping in my tracks. "I got separated from my people.What's your name?" I asked while not moving my eyes off him, "Abraham," he said, smiling slightly and then pointing at 2 other people that had been standing at the front of the tunnel staring at us. "That's Eugene and Rosita," he said before walking up to them. He was a huge man, probably stood well over 6'0. I ran to catch up and then stood with the three at the beginning of the tunnel. "Should we go around?" I heard a man with a thick texan accent speak. The man I knew as Abraham shook his head "it will take us far longer then if we just go through Eugene" he said looking into the rich black abyss. While we were all talking about the tunnel and an easier way to go, we heard a loud echoed gunshot come from inside. We paused for a moment and then I heard a very familiar voice "TARA RUN!". My eyes widened as tears started to fill them "GLENN!?" I yelled excitedly. I looked at the three people I had been with before running into the tunnel, hearing three sets of feet running in behind me. Once we got to a large wall of cars, trash and walkers spread through it, Eugene shone the flashlight to the top of one of the large walls, and there was Glenn, in full black swat gear. "Dezzy?" he asked surprised before almost looking scared. "You gotta get out of here!" he said looking on the other side of the wall we had been standing at. I shook my head and laughed "I'm not leaving without you" I said smiling and then looking at the wall trying to find a gun that had maybe been stashed in the rubble. Abraham threw a small pistol at me "You'll need this kid" he said with a wink before running to squeeze himself through a small space to get to the other side that held the herd of walkers we could hear from outside the tunnel. I started climbing up the wall so I could get the upper angle and started shooting. I was a good shot, and I knew it. After most of them were down around us Glenn and I came down and started shooting and fighting from ground level. "Glenn, wrap around that way" I said yelling and pointing to my left. "Eugene and Rosita pushed that way" I yelled pointing to my right. "And that leaves me and the jolly green giant" I said laughing and hitting Abraham in the stomach "More like that leaves me with a thumbelina" he said pushing my shoulder slightly before we ran into the middle. I had my katana that Michonne gave me strapped to my back, I reached back and pulled it out of the saya, slicing through the walker's head. While doing so, having flashbacks of when Michonne taught me how to use it, how to fight back in the fields at the prison. Soon enough we were done, covered in sweat and blood, but I felt like it was over way too fast. I looked up quickly thinking we had missed one, but saw it was just a girl, but she looked familiar, I couldn't tell from where though. "Hi, I'm Tara".


"Hey kid" the gruff voice said from the darkness. I looked up from where I was sitting with my back pressed against the wooden wall. I could see his shaggy black hair and dirty face from between the cracks in the wall. "Hey Daryl," I said before looking down again and rubbing my hand through my hair. They had my hat, the leaders Mary and Gareth took it, along with my dad's gun, Michonne's Katana, and Daryl's crossbow. "Do you think they made it?" I asked , looking at the scruffy man who was sitting next to me, "Dezzy and Glenn?" I asked quickly before he could ask 'who'. Daryl hung his head and huffed a bit "I don't know kid" he said almost emotionless, but I knew he cared. Daryl was hard on the outside but he cared, we all did. We all started talking, Maggie, Rick, Michonne, Sasha, Daryl, and I about how to get out, what we needed to do. All I heard my dad say was "They're gonna feel pretty stupid when they find out" I looked at him and stood up, "Find out what?" I asked, looking at him with an eyebrow raised. We all looked at each other before focusing on my dad again. His deep, yet raspy voice said "They're screwing with the wrong people". We all backed up quickly when we heard the storage container door unlocking and sliding open. I waited for someone to come in and take one of us, or kill one of us but it was nothing, for minutes. We looked at each other, almost debating on running until we heard him. Gareth, "First the scientist, then the army girl, and now the macho man." I knew it was his voice, yet it sounded so far away. I knew what he was doing as he had just done it with us. "And now the swat man." After a few seconds I saw a man with a mullet haircut walk in, he was a chunky guy that was almost scared of his own shadow. Next a thin girl, almost hourglass figure with her black hair tied into a ponytail. And then a big man, a huge man with red hair and a red beard. And then, "Glenn?" I heard Maggie say while the average height asian boy stepped in. He ran to her and wrapped his arms around her. I waited for a moment, waiting for the door to close. "Dezzy is out there still," the big redhead man said to Glenn. I ran to him and stood between Glenn and him. "Dezzy?!" I was surprised. He nodded and I ran to the door where I was pushed back in by a guard at the doors. "Oh look what we have here" I could hear Gareth say, he was closer this time. With an arm holding onto what was left of dezzys left arm. "Let her go!" I could hear the anger spitting from my mouth. Dezzy looked at me and shook her head no. I looked almost confused before stepping back and watching my dad walk in front of me. "Take me" his voice was calm, yet almost as if he had planned this. Dezzy was thrown into the train car we had been in and then looked around at all of us before the door slammed shut, getting rid of most of the light we had before. "What happened to you Dez?" I asked, helping her up and then pulling her into a hug. She looked at me with her brown eyes, she was so beautiful and I realized it more than ever in this moment. "I don't know what happened," she said with her smooth and feminine voice. I shook my head "You just disappeared and we couldn't find you" I paused "I thought you died." I felt the knot in my stomach I'd had since that day release. She was alive! "Where's Beth?" she asked, looking at me and then around the small room for the girl. "She was taken" Daryl's voice spoke from the pitch black corner he had been standing in. After a while we decided we needed to fight, we used chains, belt buckles, wood we pried from the walls and sharpened. "Are you ready?" My dad's voice spoke quietly to all of us while we gave each other nods. But before we could even do anything a small container dropped into the room filling the whole train car with white smoke. 

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