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We all looked around the big warehouse they brought us into and grabbed knives they had been using to cut the human skin. Once we had knives and baseball bats we walked into a room that had bars covering the entrance. The door was left open but when we walked in, we were brought to a stop. Two human torsos were hung upside down from the ceiling, with human flesh spread on the tables. "If you see any of them. Kill them" Rick paused and looked at us "do not hesitate". We all huddled around a door with a small window, "if we run we can get by them. They're distracted '' Rick said, talking about the walkers that had been outside and pushing themself to a storage container. Glenn looked at Rick and then outside "We gotta get those people out" he said, not moving his eyes from the closed storage container. Rick didn't say anything, he just looked at Glenn. "That's still who we are. It's gotta be!" Glenn said to rick. Rick looked confused but he gave an understanding nod. "So one by one go out" I paused "one goes that way, the other goes that way and then the other two go and kill the walkers that don't get distracted" I said looking out the window, then to the group who seemed surprised, they looked at me confused but nodded "Yeah, okay" Daryl paused. "Let's do it, kid," Glenn said, smiling before Rick opened the door, sending Daryl and Glenn out to distract the walkers, while Rick and I went and unlocked the storage container after killing off at least 6 walkers. After they were all dead around us, Glenn and Daryl came back over and opened the storage doors completely. A big man ran out with a long beard and long hair, he was yelling "We're the same! We're Them!" he sounded crazy, he was crazy. He grabbed onto Rick saying the same thing over and over again before Rick threw him off. The man was standing there laughing, the eeriest laugh I think I've ever heard, before he got tackled by a walker who started ripping the flesh off his bones. Glenn went up and hit the walker in the head twice before Rick grabbed his shirt and pulled him behind the container hiding him from the hoard of walkers stumbling in. We were all watching as the place filled with zombies. I looked at them and back at the walkers, "We gotta go" I said , shaking my head. Rick walked up behind me and nodded "We're gonna have to double back, we don't know where we are." Rick said quickly "We don't really have a choice do we?" Daryl said while looking at the hoard with the rest of us. "Wait here," Rick said before moving quickly past us. "Rick, Rick!" I said , slipping out of Glenns grip and following him. "If you died under my watch, Carl wouldn't forgive me," I said, winking while crouching down next to him. He was mad, I could see it, but I wanted to help, and he would just have to deal with it. We were behind a car when he pointed to a small side mirror that had fallen off the car that showed a reflection of the terminus people pushing past the walkers and killing all of them in their path. I looked at Rick and waited for him to tell me what to do. A walker came up behind us, I turned and stabbed it through the head of a kitchen knife I had found inside. It scared the hell out of me but I turned to Rick like nothing happened, letting a deep sigh of relief out that I didn't die. As Gareth and his people walked past the car we had stayed hiding behind, we watched. Then I watched Rick run out and pull a gun off of a man he'd just killed. I ran out quickly to the people he'd just shot and grabbed one of their guns and started helping. The screams coming from the people who were now being eaten alive was like ringing in my ears, it hurt, but I knew it was me or them. We had made our way to the train car our family had been stored in. Glenn, Daryl and I all fought off walkers as they got too close, and Rick opened the door letting Carl, Sasha, Michonne, Abraham, Rosita, Eugine, Maggie, and Tara out. "We fight to the fence" Rick yelled to all of us as everyone started fighting their way out. Rick gave Carl a gun and then started running. I looked at everyone before running behind them. I grabbed the large gun I had been carrying with my only hand and pointed it to the walkers following us from behind. Maggie and Abraham were helping Carl and Daryl clear a path for us to run through, to get to the fence. I ran out of bullets and didn't have my Katana. I found a metal pipe that had been on the side of the road and beat a walker's head into the wall. I was running next to Eugene, a walker grabbed at his shoulder and he ran away. I looked at him confused before stabbing the rusty metal pipe through the top of its head. After we all got over the fence we walked into the woods. "Right here" Daryl said pointing to a small patch of pine needles. "What the hell are we still around here for?" Abraham asked, walking up to Rick, who was now digging at the ground. I knew then that he was getting that bag Gareth was talking about. "Guns, supplies" he paused "Go along the fences. Use the rifles. Take out the rest of em." Rick said, not moving his focus from the spot he's been digging at. "What?" Daryl questioned while looking at him and then the rest of us. Rick looked up to Daryl "They don't get to live" he said, licking his lips and then going back to digging. I looked over to Carl and Glenn who both had the look of utter confusion, something I think we all had. We didn't ever think Rick could be that way. "Rick, we got out," Glenn paused. "It's over." he said, looking at Rick and then the bag Rick had dug up. "It's not over till they're dead." Rick said, not moving his eyes from Glenn. We all knew it was a bad idea "They'll run." I said stepping forward. "Yeah," Maggie paused, "the fences are down." she said, not moving her gaze off Rick. "Dad, we can't go back in there," Carl said before putting his hand over Rick's gun. "Let's just go." he said before focusing his gaze where we all ended up looking. Daryl ran up and hugged the short haired woman who had been holding all of our weapons. We all smiled and walked up slowly to her "Carol?" I asked, peeking out from behind Rick. I hadn't seen her since she was kicked from the prison because of Karen and David. "Did you do that?" Rick questioned while looking at her with tears in his eyes. She just nodded and laughed a little before hugging Rick. We followed her back to a small wooden shed in the woods. Tyrese walked out holding little Judith, someone we thought had died. Rick and Carl along with Sasha all started running to them. Rick took Jude and Sashes hugged Tyrese. And as I was looking around the group of people I had survived yet another day with, I stopped on Tara. I finally figured out where I saw her. She was there, she was on the side with the Governor.

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