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We were brought to this building, where we were separately taken one by one into a room and asked questions. Deanna filmed it while she asked questions, she said it was about being completely transparent. "How long have you been out there?" She asked. She had told me to act as if the camera wasn't there, so I did. "Well since the beginning," I said, raising an eyebrow and waiting for another question. "How did you all find each other? Did you know each other before?" I looked at her and leaned back in the grey and white chair she sat me in. "Well, actually. Carl found me a while in, but I was hiding and he didn't tell anyone. I asked him to leave me there," I paused, "and then he found me outside the prison. I had gotten stuck in a group of walkers, I couldn't fight them off. But he found me. And that's when I ended up with them." I said, smiling slightly and then raising my eyebrows, waiting to answer something else. "I was a congress person, for Ohio" she spoke to me, she had a soft and friendly voice, comforting almost. "You?" She asked as if it mattered. "Does it matter?" I asked before she cut me off quickly, "It does," she said nodding. "What is this?" I asked, looking around the room. She smiled, "You are a lot like the one man, Rick, I believe," she said nodding and then leaning forward, "This place is the start of sustainability. That's what the brochures we found say anyway." She paused "This was a planned community, with its own solar grid, cisterns, echo based sewage filtration," she said telling me what all they had. I looked out the window. "You put up the wall?" I asked, focusing back on her. "There was this huge mall being built and my husband Reg, is a professor of architecture," she paused and smiled, "And who he was mattered quite a bit," she said, hinting at me to answer her question. "After a few weeks people started arriving, and we had help, we had a community." she said smiling. I scrunched my eyebrows. "You've been here this entire time?" I asked, looking at her and not losing my confused look. "We need people who've lived out there. People who have struggled but pulled through." She said looking down at what was left of my arm. I wore a white rap over it all the time, it disgusted me and I wanted to cover it. It was noticeable, I wore tank tops and t-shirts all the time. "You and your group are the first we've even considered taking in for a long time." she said, still staring at me. I was happy she trusted us, I knew people needed to trust, and as scared as I was, I trusted her. "My name's Dezzy" I said standing up and walking to the window where she then angled the camera. "I went to school, and watched TV," I paused, "but now, I survive," I said, nodding and then staring at her again. "It's all about survival now," I said, shaking my head. I was scared to feel safe. I trusted her, but not this place. "You and Carl shouldn't have to bond over the rotters, instead over video games," she paused. "Judith can grow up safely," she said looking at me, where she was now standing next to me looking out the window. "I know you can help us survive, but let us help you survive as well." She said smiling. "It's not up to me anymore," I paused, "I'm sorry" I said, shrugging and then walking out of the room signaling Daryl to go in after me.

As we finished, we lined up and put all of our weapons on a black two level cart. Carl, Aaron, Rick, and I stood outside two large houses. "These are nice" I said, looking over to Aaron. "Both of them?" Rick asked, not looking away from the houses. "At your disposal" Aaron said, keeping the same friendly smile he's always had. "Wait, really?" I asked, smiling and then looking back at the houses when Aaron nodded. I looked at Carl and ran to the house on the right, it was small but cute. "This one's mine" I said laughing with Carl chasing behind me. Before I opened the door I stopped, thinking about all the houses Carl and I cleared out after the prison. Rick walked up behind us and opened the door slowly. I peeked in, seeing stacks of old picture frames that sat on a small ledge by the door. We walked further in to see a white couch and a grey and white rug. It looked like it had barely seen the world, and it's because it hadn't. It was barely touched, like no one ever left, the kitchen was grey with white marbles counters, with a small island in the middle. I turned on the water before looking at Rick and Carl, we hadn't had running water in what felt like forever. I smiled and then looked to the small hallway that led to the stairs. "Do you think..." I paused while walking to the stairs "The showers work?" I asked starting to walk up the stairs. All three of us reached the shower where I turned the knob and water came pouring out. I laughed with excitement. "I got the first one." I turned to them with a smile, "After all, ladies first." I said while pulling my hair down from its bun and flipping it dramatically. They both gave me a small chuckle before leaving. Once I was in, I closed my eyes, feeling all the droplets fall onto my shoulders, it felt like a massage. They had small bottles of shampoo and conditioner that they had probably found. I looked around almost forgetting that I wasn't at home with my mom, getting ready for school. I imagined playing music and how I couldn't wait for the new Taylor Swift album. What happened to her? Is that album sitting in a studio somewhere? It is stuck in a walkers backpack? I had no idea what happened to the people before, but sometimes it was easier to think about them then my family. I stepped out of the shower, ringing the water out of my long hair and then looked in the mirror I had just wiped down. I sighed and pulled my hair over my shoulder, I'd remember how my mom would brush it, but threaten to cut it, how she would tell me my hair was beautiful but a privilege. I looked down to see a pair of scissors that had been made for trimming beards. I got dressed in my jean shorts and a black tank top not even bothering to wrap my arm. I went downstairs and found a pair of kitchen scissors. "Carl!" I called for him in the kitchen but didn't hear an answer. I ran back upstairs and brought the scissors to my hair at about shoulder length and started cutting. Once I was done I shook my head trying to get rid of the extra hair and then looked in the mirror. I smiled and ran my hand through my now dry frizzy yet curly hair. I walked out to Carl who had been getting ready to knock on the door. "Oh, hey Dez," he said before looking at my hair. He looked shocked, he never really saw my hair down but when he did it was long and beautiful. "Your hair?" He asked, running his fingers through my hair. I smiled, "I needed a change, '' I said, not looking away from him. "You look great. '' I could see the red on his cheeks, he was blushing. "Carl..." I paused keeping a smile on my face "Are you blushing?"

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