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"Here's the deal, let em go, you can have your guy back and live." I said looking at Rick then at the ground. "Two for one?" she paused, "Now Dezzy, you know that's not a trade." the woman talked quickly. "You don't have another choice." I paused, "Or you would have done something about it already." We didn't hear anything. I just looked around at everyone who was now staring at me in confusion. "I'll get back to you about our little deal Dez. Be ready, because a mama bear can be real big when she needs to be." I listened to her stern voice and couldn't help but tear up. "Good luck mom." I said to her then handed the walkie to Rick once more. "Lets go." I said looking around, "We're gonna get them back if it's the last thing I do." I said angrily as I walked away from the group we had all been standing in. We found a trail Carol had left and followed it. As we stood outside of the building we were led to, I felt a hand on my back. "Let's do this kid." Glenn said nodding to me then aiming his gun to the large metal door we were pulling open. Maggie greeted us. Everyone lowered their weapons and flooded inside, "We got your trail." I said looking at Carol. "You start the fire?" Daryl asked while pulling her into a hug. "Yeah." Carol said looking at all of us then Daryl. "Where is she?" I asked, looking around. "Where is my mom?" I asked again angrily, before I felt tears running down my face. "She got out Dezzy, everyone else is dead." Maggie spoke from behind me. I fell to the ground and cried. I was angry. I couldn't believe she would have just left me alone. "She just left me." I said not moving my eyes from the ground. "I woke up to sirens, I was terrified." I was crying and I could feel the tension between us all. I tuned to face everyone while still sitting on the ground. "My dad died a while before everything happened. He had cancer. Before that, we were happy, a nice and loving family. But after he died, something in my mom changed. She was never home and didn't do anything with me or for me. And even with that, I never expected her to become this person." I said, shaking my head and looking at everyone who was now sitting down with me or leaning against the wall. "I don't tell anyone about my life because I was scared of what it turned into, but now I'm scared of what it's becoming. I will find my mother, she will realize that the daughter she raised will be nothing like her." I said standing up and pulling my Katana from the ground and walking up to the man we had brought as a trade. "No ones coming for you, and I can promise you, she will never come help you." I said looking at him. "Now," I paused. "Was Negan there or was he here?" I asked looking at him with anger. "Both." the man said. "I'm Negan, shithead. There's a whole world of fun that we can talk about, so let's have a chat." The man spoke while looking at me. I kicked him to the ground and held my foot on his chest. "I'm sorry it had to come to this." I said shoving my katana through his skull. Before I walked away I had flashes of Ron. This was the exact same thing I did to him and this time it wasn't because of anger, it was because of revenge. Carl looked at me with confusion. "Dezzy, wai--" but before he could finish I walked out and started towards the cars.

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