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The next day, most of, if not all of Alexandria stood in our living room. "My team," Heath spoke, "We saw it early on, back when we were on one of those first scouts, finding out what was around here. There was a camp at the bottom. The people there must've blocked the exits with one of those trucks back when everything started to go bad. They didn't make it, they were all roamers. Maybe a dozen of them." He quit speaking and was looking around the room. People just asked if anyone went back. He said that all the towns worth going to are the opposite direction. "I never really felt like having a picnic next to the camp that ate itself.". Michonne cut him off, "So, all the while the walkers have been drawn by the sound and then making more sound and they're drawing more." Michonne said, crossing her arms and looking at Rick. "And here we are." Rick paused before speaking again "Now what I'm proposing, I know it sounds risky, but walkers are already slipping through the exits. One of the trucks keeping the walkers in could go off the edge any day now. Maybe after one more hard rain. That exit, sends them to eat. All of them right at us." he paused again looking at everyone. "This isn't about if it gives, but when. It's gonna happen. That's why we have to do this soon." I stood up and nodded, "We have no other option." I heard a man named Carter speak behind me, "Maybe there is,'' he said looking at me confused. "Couldn't we just build up the weak spots? I could draw up plans. I worked on the wall with Reg, the construction crew, we can try and make it safe." Rick cut him off quickly, "Even if we could, the sound of those walkers is drawing more and more every day, Building up the exits won't change that." The man looked upset, he looked scared. I think we all were but the difference is, some of us have seen what these things can do, others have been sheltered. Deanna spoke from behind Rick. "We are going to do what Rick says. The plan he's laid out," she spoke but not moving from looking out the window. Her husband, Reg, his death was noticeably hard on her. 'I told you all, we're gonna have Daryl leading them away." he spoke, pointing to Daryl. "Me too." Sasha spoke quickly. "I'll take a car, ride next to him. Can't just be him. I'll keep em from coming, Daryl keeps me from getting sloppy." she added. "I'll go with her." Abraham added, "It's a long way to white-knuckle it solo." he added to himself quickly. "Alright, we have two teams. One on each side of the forest helping manage this thing. We're gonna have a few people on watch from now on. Rosita, Spencer and Holly volunteered,so they're out." he paused and looked around. "So, who's in?" he asked. I looked around. "Me." I said nodding. Michonne spoke from next to me, "Me too." she said, looking at me then back at Rick. Carter spoke again, "There's got to be another way, we can't control that many." Rick cut him off again, "I said it before, walkers herd up. They'll follow a path if something draws them, that's how we can get 'em all at once." Carter spoke quickly, "So what? We're supposed to just take your word for it? We're all supposed to just fall in line behind you, after...." He paused looking around before Rick spoke. "After what?" He asked sternly. "After you wave a gun around, screaming, pointing it at people. After you shoot a man in the face, After you-" Carter was cut off when Dianna turned around. "Enough!" she said loudly. Everyone sat silently looking at each other before Heath spoke up, "I'll do it." and with that followed everyone else agreeing to Rick's plan.

We talked over the plan. I was going to go with Rick and Michonne. I wanted to be out there and I knew I was skilled enough to be out there. That night I sat on the porch again. It was calming. My toes would get cold even through my combat boots. I pulled my short hair up into a small bun. I looked around and closed my eyes before taking a deep breath. I heard the door open and chuckled, "I'm not talking to you about him again." I said before turning around. I was fully expecting Glenn, he left so quickly and he would usually come talk to me more about it but maybe he just didn't want to hear it. But to my surprise it was Carl. I blushed and turned away quickly. He sat down and laughed, "Who are you gonna talk about what?" he asked before nudging me, fully knowing it was him. "I dont wanna talk about it Carl," I said, shaking my head and standing up, but before I could reach the door he was standing in front of me. "Dezzy, listen" he said shaking his head, he had his hat off so his hair swayed with his movement. "Enid isn't anything more than a friend." he said shaking his head. "We get each other and it has been nice for both of us to talk to someone about it." he said nodding but not leaving my eyes. "Carl, I understand, but why can't you talk to me?" I asked, feeling tears come to my eyes but shaking my head quickly to stop them from falling. "Because Dezzy," his voice got higher, but not out of anger, out of sadness, "Because everything I've gone through that I talk to her about, you were with me for every step of the way." he said shaking his head. "I talked to her about it, but I lived it with you Dezzy, and that is far more important to me.'' He pulled me into a hug and squeezed. I pulled away before putting my head on his chest. "I'm sorry Carl" I said without moving my head, "I should've talked to you about it." I looked up at him, he stared at me for a second then shook his head. 'Let's go to bed." he said smiling and then opening the door for me to go inside with him following quietly behind me.

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