Facing Fear

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Hey! Are you ready for the action? Because the action has arrived!

**Once again Disclaimer:

Italicized is Virgil speaking to Paranoia

Italicized and Underlined is Paranoia speaking to Virgil

If either of these is in BOLD then its their deeper, "Dark Side" voice taking over

Since these characters communicate in their mind, I can't really have it all just be in italics. If its like normal thoughts, which will be rare since they can hear each other, I'll have it in normal italics, but indicate who is thinking. Again, this will be EXTREMELY rare.


{Virgil/Paranoia's POV}

How much...How much longer until they...

Virgil, just hold on, ok?? They'll be here soon, I promise, just please listen to my voice and hold on. Just a little bit longer, ok? Think of the others, think good, calming, happy thoughts.

I...I can't. 'Noia...

"You have got to stop this! You're killing him!" Paranoia shouted, feeling the constant shifts in his own energy as opposed to Virgil's. He could feel him slipping away, fading...

"That thing should have never been created! He is not one of us! You and I are the same, and he is nothing but an annoying leech! He is in my way, and it's only a matter of time until that little problem is solved for good!

'Noia, whatever you do...Don't let him take you too. You can live on with me gone, just...don't let him win, please!

Virgil, don't you dare talk like that, you hear me? Just hold on a little bit longer, just breathe and focus on your own energy, don't feed into mine. Keep them separate, Virge, you got that?? The others will be here soon, I promise,

Don't make promises...you can't...

Silence clouded his mind, bringing a sense of panic to his being that probably was not helping the present situation. 

"Ah, it's working. I can feel it! His energy is practically gone! Just a little further, and it'll be goodbye Anxiety!" his brother cheered, watching as Paranoia helplessly began fighting the restraints holding him to the chair. 

"You are a monster. No wonder they all pushed you away. They saw how insane you are, and needed to keep everyone safe from you."

"They didn't care about any of us! They didn't love you or me! Quit defending them!" Fear cried, lashing out and bringing his hand down across his brother's face. Paranoia hissed as he brought his head back around to face his brother, eyes full of fury. His brother stormed out of the room, slamming the door shut behind him. 

Virgil, if you can hear me in there, I need you to hold on...for me. I can't lose you. Thomas can't lose you. Please, Virgil.

{Author's POV}- Dark Mindscape entrance

The mixed group of Light and Dark Sides raced through the entrance into the Forest of the Dark Mindscape, Remus not hesitating to pull out the map and take the lead. He and Janus took through the group expertly through the Forest, until the finally reached the edge of the Mind Palace.

Roman, knowing his brother had constructed the Mind Palace, and admired his handiwork as they made their way towards the tunnel entrance. Four towers made of black stone on each corner reached towards the gray storm clouds, and banners covered the front gates by the main door, cut into 3 sections and each depicting 3 big symbols-Remus's Sword, Janus's Snake, and an unfamiliar Gray cloud with a white skull.

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