Doubt's Sadness

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Hello! I'm excited for this chapter, I've been planning the idea for a while. I hope you enjoy it, even if its a bit of an interjection to the stuff previously going on. We'll get back to that very soon!

{Logan's POV}

     Roman and Janus had returned to explain what happened in the Dark Mindscape, quickly before moving on to meet Remy and once again leaving Brennan and myself to take care of Thomas. Upon asking the location of the rest of the rescue team, Janus explained Patton's exhaustion after the events of the operation, and that they had taken a detour to return the two to the Light Mindscape. I quickly asked Brennan to guard Thomas briefly while I assured Patton's well-being and, upon him promising he would take care of everything, sank down and rose up into the Living Room of the Mind Palace. In all my years, I could not remember a time I had run up the stairs at all, let alone moved faster that in that moment. 

    I paused at finding Tristan outside of Patton's room, leaning against the door. "Oh, Logan! I was about to come and get you myself. He's ok, he's just been asking for you," he explained with an assuring smile. I felt a rush of breath escape my throat, clutching at my chest as if it caught me off guard with the action. It was certainly a strange sensation, the pique in interest at the idea of Patton requesting my presence in his time of recovery. 

     "I'm going to go make some food, I'm sure he'll want something in a little bit. Go ahead, talk to him," he encouraged with a gentle smile. I nodded and we crossed paths as he made way towards the stairs and the kitchen, when my hand jumped out, catching the sleeve of his shirt. 

     "Soup...Patton prefers chicken soup when he is feeling under the weather. He doesn't like salt in his the way Virgil or Roman do, but he does prefer a small sprinkle of pepper. It only needs to cook for 10 minutes, he doesn't like it burning hot, and-"

     "Logan," Tristan chuckled, settling a soothing hand on my shoulder. "Go see him." 

     Without another word, I turned to face the door, steadying a shaking hand before creaking it open. I found Patton lying in bed, fiddling with a purple and blue stress ball Virgil had had Roman conjure for him a few years ago. At the sound of the door, he peered up, and smiled when his eyes landed on me. "Heya, Logan! Sit down," he offered, gesturing to an armchair beside the bed. I gently closed the door and subconsciously eased my own nerves so as not to upset him. 

     "Tristan said you wished to see me. Is everything alright?" I asked, fiddling with my tie. 

     "Can't I ask for you without something being wrong, silly? I just wanted to see you, kiddo."

     "I-" Usually, I would complain about the nickname, being too "goofy" for my taste, but stopped myself. "I are correct, Patton. So, you are feeling better?" 

     He nodded, settling back into the fluffy pillows behind him. "I am. Have you heard anything?" 

     "Well, Janus and Roman explained to us what happened down there, and said they'd be back after meeting Remy to subdue Virgil and his brother. I believe they will let us know when they return. Remus stayed behind to rest, I believe he's in the guest room we established right now. Brennan agreed to watch over Thomas while the others-"

     The door creaked open and Tristan stepped into the room with a frantic expression, eyes searching until they landed on me. I turned to Patton with a gentle smile, excusing myself so whatever news did not upset him further, but as I turned his hand shot out and grabbed hold of my wrist. "I want to know what's going on. Tristan?" 

     "It's nothing dangerously bad. Janus called and said that when he and Roman arrived in the Subconscious, Remy and Picani were there with Paranoia, who was unconscious. Remy thinks it's the shock of all the sudden switching mixed with their influences being dimmed so suddenly. Janus said not to worry, he believes he knows what to do to fix it, and they will be back shortly. Meanwhile, Remy's confirmed that Fear is locked away in the Catacombs. We don't have to worry about him any longer."

     "Well that is certainly a relief, isn't it Patton?" I asked in an attempt to, figuratively speaking, boost his spirits. 

     "Well, of course it is. I should get dinner started for when everybody gets back, I'm sure they'll be hungry!" he made to push aside the covers, but my hand on his shoulder stopped him. 

     "Are you sure about that? I'm sure you can rest for a little while longer."

     "Logan, I've been resting pretty much alone for a few hours now. I'm fine, I promise. I'm going to get dinner started," he assured gently, taking my hand and pushing the blanket aside to get up. Tristan stepped aside to let him through and turned to follow, but stopped as he noticed me take a seat on the bed. He watched Patton get down the stairs alright, then turned back, closing the door and seating himself beside me. 

     "You care for him. More than any one of us." 

     "I feel...different, when I'm around him. We're so unalike and yet, spending time with him is something I find...pleasant. He is something special, but I don't quite understand it."

     "Yes, you do, Logan. You know and understand what Love is, you just don't believe your capable of romantic love. Besides, Romantic love doesn't always have to be Roman's kind, full of big gestures and fairy-tale magic. You don't have to be his Prince Charming any more than he needs one. Just, tell him the truth, and figure out the complicated stuff when it comes around. Love's a complicated thing, Lo', and I'm sure there will be bumps in the road, but isn't it more worth it to tell him and figure those bumps out together, than keep it to yourself forever?" 

     I remained silent until his hand fell on my shoulder. "Think it over. You don't have to tell him right this second, but you're right about one thing. He is special, and..." he paused, eyes moving towards the door, "...he's a special that's worth figuring out the complications. It doesn't always work out the way we want it to, but I think'll be the right fit for each other. Now, I should go check on Remus. Let me know if you ever want to talk."

{Author's POV}-(briefly bc it didn't make sense to me otherwise)

     Tristan got up without another word and stepped out, closing the door behind him. On his way down the hall, he passed by Remus's room, and kept going until he came to the bathroom door. Locking it behind him, he sank to the floor, letting out a rush of air in one breath, and wiped the oncoming tears from his eyes. A sob caught in his throat, and he put a hand to his mouth, turning on the faucet until his cries silenced. 

I thought of that little twist last minute ;)

Anywho, I finally got the new chapter out! As always, your patience with me is always admired, as I have so much to do with school and work and everything else on my plate, but I will never leave these stories hanging for long! Next chapter, we return to Roman and Janus, so look out for that! 

If you liked this chapter, any comments/votes are never required but always appreciated. Until next time, Rose Petals, see ya! <3

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