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Hello! I was just so excited after the spur-of-the-moment chapter, that I had to write more. So, I hope you enjoy this chapter. :)

{Patton's POV}-I know, 2 character POV's in a row. I'm not great at these, so this is rare

     First it was breathlessness, the wind being knocked out of me. 

     Next came the fear. The pain. It felt like my brain was being split in two. 

     Waves of terror, panic, helplessness. 

     Too much, all going on at once. 

     I could hear voices somewhere around me, but my head felt like a boat, sloshing around heavily in an ocean. The sounds were garbled, but I could make out one that was closer to me. I felt my fingers twitch as they ached to move towards the familiar voice, though I couldn't tell who it belonged to. 

    I flinched at the closing of a door, before I could feel the person standing closer to me. I reached out, barely lifting my hand off of the softness underneath it. I heard the voice speak as if it was calling out to me, but I couldn't make sense of it. I finally felt a hand slip into mine, and I felt a burst of strength as my eyes fluttered open, looking up and making out Logan's face through the blurs. 

    "You are awake. I suspected as such when Roman closed the door and you appeared to have reacted. How do you feel, Patton?" he asked, gently taking a seat beside me on the bed. It was then that we were back in my room. Logan was in my room. 

     "Lo, long have you...?" I couldn't get a clear thought out, my head was so dizzy.

      "I am assuming you are asking how long I have been in your room, correct?" When I gave him a weak nod, he continued. "Well, I thought the best course of action was keeping you in your room, as it would improve your stability and quicken your recovery. By my calculations, I was correct in my judgement, seeing as you have only been unconscious for approximately 5 hours, 26 minutes, and 8 seconds. I would sit with you until I felt it was unsafe for me to do so any longer, and then Roman would rotate with me, so long as he swore to rotate back if he felt his emotions being too unstable, so as not to upset your recovery further. However, he did impress me with how well he managed to keep it in check." 

     One part of his sentence managed to get through the fuzz in my brain, and I turned to the clock on the wall. "Oh my goodness, 5 hours?? I slept through dinner!" I said, flopping back down onto the pillow in frustration. 

    "Patton, it is quite alright. Your health was and is always more important. Roman simply conjured some pizza. Though not the most nutritious meal, we are sustained and we will be just fine for one night. You have nothing to worry about." 

     My body and mind connected with my powers, as I instantly felt and absorbed the calm energy radiating off of Logan's cool figure. I took a deep breath, and snuggled into the pillow, my head already feeling much less stuffy than before. 

     "Patton, Roman explained to me in short what happened to you in the Forest. Do you mind talking about what you experienced? If you are comfortable, that is."  Logan placed a hand on mine. My body didn't hurt so much anymore, and everything felt much more relaxed and focused. 

    "It was...When we went into the forest, I could feel Roman's worry, but I brushed it off. It wasn't too bad. But as soon as we got to Virgil, and Roman took that door out, I...God, Virgil, Logan. It hit me so hard, all of the pain he was in, the fighting with himself, he was so torn. It was torture. And then everyone got so worried and I just..." I stopped, sentence ending on a single, quivering release of breath. Logan sat down on the bed beside me, one arm reaching over to wrap itself around my shoulders. I felt a lot better than before, but I couldn't help but worry about everything. 

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