Ever-growing Darkness

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Hey! Finally got the new chapter done! Hope you like it. :)

For reference so it's easier to read this chapter, 

Bold and Italicized is Paranoia

Italicized and Underlined is Virgil's anxious thoughts. 

Regular italics is Virgil's own, normal thoughts. 

{Author's POV}

     A week had gone by, but in Virgil's own twisted mind it felt like years. He knew the others were keeping a close eye on him. He could feel their prying eyes, looking for any little changes in his normal behavior. However, he hid it well.

     Do you really?

     I'm sure they know every little thing you're hiding from them. They just don't say anything because they don't care what happens to you.

     What if they just wish you were back with the others?

     What if they sent you back to the others??

     You can't hide things from anyone. You're so blatantly obvious, but these guys still haven't said anything.

     They're gonna send you back! It's only a matter of time.

     "Yeah, Selfishness cares so much about other people. Rage is so calm and Laziness is so attentive to others.Ignorance is so knowledgeable and Deceit is so truthful. And my brother! Don't even-"

     "Virgil? Who are you talking to?" Virgil jumped up as Roman appeared in the kitchen doorway, a concerned expression on his face at the one-sided conversation.

     "Huh? Nobody. I was just...thinking out loud. Sorry." Virgil lied. He flinched as the voice in his continued rambling in his head. He pushed the words down and focused in on Roman's voice.

     "Ok. Patton said you were down here grabbing a snack. Do we have any more of that?" Roman said, gesturing to the bowl of Cookie Dough Ice Cream Virgil was slowly working his way through. When Virgil nodded, Roman made his way to the fridge and helped himself. He took his bowl and pulled a chair next to Virgil, setting a gentle kiss on the top of his head before digging into his ice cream.

     The two ate in silence, until Roman finally cleared his throat to speak again. "So do you...think out loud about the others often?" he wondered.

     Virgil had to hold back the flinch at the sudden thunderous laugh echoing inside his head. "Uh, I don't know. I didn't even realize I was talking out loud, really, until you came in. I don't really know what I was even talking about. I'm sure it wasn't anything important, I barely even remember what I-"

     "Virgil!" Roman snapped. When Virgil stopped talking, he chuckled, giving him a soft smile. "You're rambling, my dear. It's ok, I was only asking. Just forget I asked. I believe you that it's nothing to worry about." Roman said.

     Oh, he knows it's something to worry about. He just doesn't feel like dealing with your pathetic problems anymore. You're just a burden to all of them.

     Enough of a burden to get sent back, and that's exactly what they're gonna do to you!

     Virgil wanted to scream, every nerve in his body lighting on fire as the voices of his other half and his own anxiety battled it own within his mind. He could sense something rising and beginning to bubble over within him.

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