Orange Eyes (pt. 2)

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Hello, lovelies! 

So, my annual "Emo/Rock Music March Madness" event begins today, and I managed to finish my next big update, as it'll finish up the Orange Eyes split-chapter, and kind of end at a pretty good spot in case I can't get an update out quickly. I'm going to try to update within a reasonable amount of time, but I have an outside life as well as updating and managing my tournament every single day for the next month, so the month of March gets pretty hectic. Also, my family is going through some things right now, so we're all kind of pulling it in together and I've got some things going on. That's not going to distract me from you guys because I do love and appreciate each and every one of you, and I love writing these stories, but just know, it's gonna be stretched thing this month. 

I admire you for your understanding, and thank you.

Also, I'd buckle in and grab some snacks, bc this is long but it is angsty :D

I hope you enjoy this chapter!

{Author's POV}

     After spending some time in his room after lunch, Roman decided to sink down and spend some time with Thomas. The host was sitting on his couch, his laptop on the coffee table in front of him, and the tv turned onto Netflix. He looked up as he heard the small whoosh sound of one of his sides appearing in the room.

     "Hey, Roman. What's up?" Thomas asked, turning to his computer as the Prince sat beside him.

     "Nothing really. I was merely bored and decided to pay a visit! What are you working on?" Roman asked.

     "Just looking over the notes and script Joan sent for a possible next Sanders Sides. I planned on bringing it up at the meeting tomorrow. You wanna watch a movie or something? Princess and the Frog is still on Netflix." Thomas suggested, handing Roman the remote as he turned off and shut his laptop. Roman flicked on Princess and the Frog and summoned a bowl of hot popcorn, setting the bowl on the table between himself and Thomas. The two ate the popcorn and watched the movie in silence, except the occasional commentary, usually made by Roman. They had a good time watching the movie. Just as they were getting towards the end of the movie, the feeling in the air seemed to dim, and Roman definitely felt a switch. He looked over at Thomas, who was staring at the floor in front of him, eyes glossy as in a daze.

     "Thomas? Are you ok?" Roman asked. He noted the slight tremble in his host's hands as they began twitching, moving to wrap themselves around his knees. He curled himself into a ball, tears forming in his eyes. Roman could hear his breath turning into quick gasps as he began shaking harder.

     "Ok. Ok, definitely not ok. Logan! Patton!" Roman called, looking up as the two other sides appeared. Thomas was rocking back and forth as he mumbled incoherently under his breath.

     "Roman? What is happening?" Patton asked.

     "Virgil...I have to go find Virgil. Something's wrong." Roman said.

     "Patton, go with him. This looks bad, you two can find him faster together. I can take care of Thomas myself. Hurry!" Logan ordered, moving to Thomas's side and getting to work.

     Roman and Patton sank down into the Mind Palace. Patton moved forward, but Roman didn't move.

     "Roman? What is it?" Patton wondered, as Roman's eyes slipped close. When they opened, he looked curious.

     "Someone's in the Imagination, and I'm getting a...strange sensation from it. I don't like this, we need to check it out." Roman said as he led the way to Virgil's room with Patton on his heels.

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